[MacPorts] Notification: pmq added

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Jul 12 07:02:39 PDT 2008

Added page "pmq" by pmq at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/pmq>
Comment: Add Trac queries

= Pierre Queinnec =
''[wiki:MacPortsDevelopers Go back to the MacPorts developers page]''

== Tickets ==
=== [query:reporter=pmq at macports.org&owner!=pmq at macports.org Reported Tickets] ===
[[TicketQuery(reporter=pmq at macports.org&owner!=pmq at macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened)]]
=== [query:owner=pmq at macports.org Assigned Tickets] ===
[[TicketQuery(owner=pmq at macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened)]]

=== [query:cc~=pmq at macports.org Subscribed Tickets] ===
[[TicketQuery(reporter!=pmq at macports.org&owner!=pmq at macports.org&cc~=pmq at macports.org&status=new|assigned|reopened)]]

* The IP shown here might not mean anything if the user is behind a proxy.

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