[38218] trunk/dports/devel

blair at macports.org blair at macports.org
Sat Jul 12 20:49:40 PDT 2008

Revision: 38218
Author:   blair at macports.org
Date:     2008-07-12 20:49:40 -0700 (Sat, 12 Jul 2008)
Log Message:
New port for Google Protocol Buffers.

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/devel/protobuf-cpp/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/protobuf-cpp/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/protobuf-cpp/Portfile	2008-07-13 03:49:40 UTC (rev 38218)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name		protobuf-cpp
+categories	devel
+maintainers	blair
+description	Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.
+long_description \
+		Google Protocol Buffers are a flexible, efficient, \
+		automated mechanism for serializing structured data -- \
+		think XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler.  You \
+		define how you want your data to be structured once, \
+		then you can use special generated source code to \
+		easily write and read your structured data to and from \
+		a variety of data streams and using a variety of \
+		languages.  You can even update your data structure \
+		without breaking deployed programs that are compiled \
+		against the "old" format.  You specify how you want \
+		the information you're serializing to be structured by \
+		defining protocol buffer message types in .proto \
+		files.  Each protocol buffer message is a small \
+		logical record of information, containing a series of \
+		name-value pairs.
+homepage	http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+master_sites	googlecode:protobuf
+distname	protobuf-2.0.0beta
+use_bzip2	yes
+checksums	md5 79a8072490f863139f32488c3ff84d39 \
+		sha1 eaf63f778aad90c00cbd9ec982e7502659b58d3c \
+		rmd160 533d977dd2cb35f56d0ee1d593fb670c393e9d23
+platforms	darwin
+post-destroot {
+	set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+	xinstall -d -m 755 ${docdir}
+	foreach f {CHANGES.txt CONTRIBUTORS.txt COPYING.txt INSTALL.txt README.txt examples} {
+		file copy ${worksrcpath}/${f} ${docdir}
+	}
+test.run	yes
+test.target	check

Property changes on: trunk/dports/devel/protobuf-cpp/Portfile
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native
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