[38291] branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app
digx at macports.org
digx at macports.org
Mon Jul 14 21:43:15 PDT 2008
Revision: 38291
Author: digx at macports.org
Date: 2008-07-14 21:43:14 -0700 (Mon, 14 Jul 2008)
Log Message:
Rename PortPkg to Package
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Copied: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/packages_controller.rb (from rev 38264, branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/port_pkg_controller.rb)
--- branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/packages_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/packages_controller.rb 2008-07-15 04:43:14 UTC (rev 38291)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+class PackagesController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ Package.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10
+ end
+ def show
+ @port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ end
+ def new
+ @port_pkg = Package.new
+ end
+ def create
+ @port_pkg = Package.new(params[:port_pkg])
+ if @port_pkg.save
+ flash[:notice] = 'Package was successfully created.'
+ redirect_to :action => 'list'
+ else
+ render :action => 'new'
+ end
+ end
+ def edit
+ @port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ end
+ def update
+ @port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ if @port_pkg.update_attributes(params[:port_pkg])
+ flash[:notice] = 'Package was successfully updated.'
+ redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @port_pkg
+ else
+ render :action => 'edit'
+ end
+ end
+ def destroy
+ Package.find(params[:id]).destroy
+ redirect_to :action => 'list'
+ end
+ def submit
+ portpkg = params[:portpkg]
+ begin
+ # Validate parameters (we're probably making this too hard)
+ raise "bad package" if portpkg.nil?
+ # Create a package from the file
+ @port_pkg = Package.create_from_file(portpkg)
+ download_url = portpkg_url(:id => @port_pkg)
+ human_url = url_for(:controller => "port_pkg", :action => "show", :id => @port_pkg)
+ render :text => "STATUS: 0\n" +
+ "MESSAGE: Package submitted successfully\n" +
+ "DOWNLOAD_URL: #{download_url}\n" +
+ "HUMAN_URL: #{human_url}\n"
+ rescue FileInfoException => ex
+ render :text => "STATUS: 1\n" +
+ "MESSAGE: Error during submit: #{ex}\n", :status => 400
+ end
+ end
+ def download
+ port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ redirect_to :controller => 'file_ref', :action => 'emit',
+ :id => port_pkg.portpkg_file_ref()
+ end
+ def download_path
+ port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ redirect_to :controller => 'file_ref', :action => 'emit',
+ :id => port_pkg.file_ref_by_path(params[:path].join, '/')
+ end
+ def tag
+ port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ params[:tags].split(/,?[ ]+/).each do |t|
+ if t =~ /\-(.*)/
+ port_pkg.remove_tag($1) if $1
+ elsif t =~ /\+?(.+)/
+ port_pkg.add_tag($1)
+ end
+ end
+ redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => port_pkg
+ end
+ def add_comment
+ port_pkg = Package.find(params[:id])
+ text = params[:text]
+ if text
+ # TODO: Figure out the real maintainer
+ port_pkg.comments << Comment.create(:commenter => port_pkg.submitter, :comment => text)
+ end
+ redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => port_pkg
+ end
+ private :add_comment
+ private :create, :edit, :update, :destroy
Deleted: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/port_pkg_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/port_pkg_controller.rb 2008-07-15 04:15:13 UTC (rev 38290)
+++ branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/controllers/port_pkg_controller.rb 2008-07-15 04:43:14 UTC (rev 38291)
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-require 'port_pkg'
-class PortPkgController < ApplicationController
- def index
- list
- render :action => 'list'
- end
- # GETs should be safe (see http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html)
- verify :method => :post, :only => [ :destroy, :create, :update ],
- :redirect_to => { :action => :list }
- def list
- @port_pkg_pages, @port_pkgs = paginate :port_pkgs, :per_page => 10
- end
- def show
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- end
- def new
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.new
- end
- def create
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.new(params[:port_pkg])
- if @port_pkg.save
- flash[:notice] = 'PortPkg was successfully created.'
- redirect_to :action => 'list'
- else
- render :action => 'new'
- end
- end
- def edit
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- end
- def update
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- if @port_pkg.update_attributes(params[:port_pkg])
- flash[:notice] = 'PortPkg was successfully updated.'
- redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @port_pkg
- else
- render :action => 'edit'
- end
- end
- def destroy
- PortPkg.find(params[:id]).destroy
- redirect_to :action => 'list'
- end
- def submit
- portpkg = params[:portpkg]
- begin
- # Validate parameters (we're probably making this too hard)
- raise "bad package" if portpkg.nil?
- # Create a package from the file
- @port_pkg = PortPkg.create_from_file(portpkg)
- download_url = portpkg_url(:id => @port_pkg)
- human_url = url_for(:controller => "port_pkg", :action => "show", :id => @port_pkg)
- render :text => "STATUS: 0\n" +
- "MESSAGE: PortPkg submitted successfully\n" +
- "DOWNLOAD_URL: #{download_url}\n" +
- "HUMAN_URL: #{human_url}\n"
- rescue FileInfoException => ex
- render :text => "STATUS: 1\n" +
- "MESSAGE: Error during submit: #{ex}\n", :status => 400
- end
- end
- def emit_portpkg
- port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- redirect_to :controller => 'file_ref', :action => 'emit',
- :id => port_pkg.portpkg_file_ref()
- end
- def emit_portpkg_path
- port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- redirect_to :controller => 'file_ref', :action => 'emit',
- :id => port_pkg.file_ref_by_path(params[:path].join, '/')
- end
- def tag
- port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- params[:tags].split(/,?[ ]+/).each do |t|
- if t =~ /\-(.*)/
- port_pkg.remove_tag($1) if $1
- elsif t =~ /\+?(.+)/
- port_pkg.add_tag($1)
- end
- end
- redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => port_pkg
- end
- def add_comment
- port_pkg = PortPkg.find(params[:id])
- text = params[:text]
- if text
- # TODO: Figure out the real maintainer
- port_pkg.comments << Comment.create(:commenter => port_pkg.submitter, :comment => text)
- end
- redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => port_pkg
- end
- private :add_comment
- private :create, :edit, :update, :destroy
Copied: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/package.rb (from rev 38290, branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/port_pkg.rb)
--- branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/package.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/package.rb 2008-07-15 04:43:14 UTC (rev 38291)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+require 'time'
+require 'temp_directories'
+require 'rexml/document'
+require 'mpwa-conf'
+require 'file_ref'
+require 'file_info'
+require 'person'
+require 'port'
+require 'variant'
+require 'tag'
+PortPkgMeta = Struct.new("PortPkgMeta",
+ :submitter_email, :submitter_name, :submitter_notes,
+ :name, :epoch, :version, :revision,
+ :short_desc, :long_desc, :home_page,
+ :maintainers, :variants, :categories)
+VariantMeta = Struct.new("VariantMeta",
+ :name, :description)
+class PortPkgException < RuntimeError
+class Package < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :port
+ belongs_to :submitter, :class_name => 'Person', :foreign_key => 'submitter_id'
+ has_many :file_refs, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_many :file_infos, :through => :file_refs
+ has_many :variants, :dependent => :destroy
+ has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
+ has_and_belongs_to_many :comments
+ def self.create_from_file(file)
+ portpkg = Package.new
+ portpkg.import_from_file(file)
+ end
+ def self.extract_pkg_meta_from_file(f)
+ # This function parses the xml metadata file from a portpkg,
+ # and creates a canonical internal form for our exclusive use
+ meta = PortPkgMeta.new()
+ doc = REXML::Document.new(f)
+ root_el = doc.root
+ submitter_el = root_el.elements["submitter"]
+ package_el = root_el.elements["package"]
+ meta[:submitter_email] = submitter_el.elements["email"].text
+ meta[:submitter_name] = submitter_el.elements["name"].text
+ meta[:submitter_notes] = submitter_el.elements["notes"].text
+ meta[:name] = package_el.elements["name"].text
+ meta[:epoch] = package_el.elements["epoch"].text
+ meta[:version] = package_el.elements["version"].text
+ meta[:revision] = package_el.elements["revision"].text
+ meta[:short_desc] = package_el.elements["description"].text;
+ meta[:long_desc] = package_el.elements["long_description"].text;
+ meta[:home_page] = package_el.elements["homepage"].text;
+ meta[:maintainers] = []
+ package_el.elements.each("maintainers/maintainer") { |m| meta.maintainers << m.text }
+ meta[:variants] = []
+ package_el.elements.each("variants/variant") do |v|
+ variant = VariantMeta.new()
+ variant[:name] = v.elements["name"].text
+ variant[:description] = v.elements["description"].text if v.elements["description"]
+ meta.variants << variant
+ end
+ meta[:categories] = []
+ package_el.elements.each("categories/category") { |c| meta.categories << c.text }
+ return meta
+ end
+ def import_from_file(file)
+ raise PortPkgException, "nil file_path" if file.nil?
+ # Make a temporary directory
+ tempDirPath = TempDirectories.makeTempDir
+ # Write the portpkg file to the temporary directory
+ pkgPath = tempDirPath + "portpkg.portpkg"
+ metaName = "portpkg_meta.xml"
+ metaPath = tempDirPath + metaName
+ expandedPkgPath = tempDirPath + "portpkg"
+ File.open(pkgPath, "w") { |f| f.write(file.read) }
+ # Note: a bug in xar presently prevents us from limiting the extraction to the portpkg directory,
+ # => which we'd like to do for the sake of cleanliness. Hopefully this will become fixed soon.
+ raise PortPkgException, "xar tool not executable" if !File.executable?(MPWA::XARTOOL)
+ system("cd #{tempDirPath}; #{MPWA::XARTOOL} -xf #{pkgPath} -s #{metaPath} -n #{metaName}")
+ raise PortPkgException, "error extracting portpkg from xar archive" if $? != 0
+ raise PortPkgException, "no meta information file" if !metaPath.file?
+ # Parse the meta information
+ meta = nil
+ File.open(metaPath, "r") { |f| meta = Package.extract_pkg_meta_from_file(f) }
+ # Fill-in portpkg information from metadata
+ raise PortPkgException, "no submitter email" if meta.submitter_email.nil? || meta.submitter_email.empty?
+ self.submitted_at = Time.now
+ self.submitter = Person.ensure_person_with_email(meta.submitter_email, meta.submitter_name)
+ self.submitter_notes = meta.submitter_notes
+ self.name = meta.name
+ self.short_desc = meta.short_desc
+ self.long_desc = meta.long_desc
+ self.home_page = meta.home_page
+ self.epoch = meta.epoch
+ self.version = meta.version
+ self.revision = meta.revision
+ # Map to, and/or create, a port
+ self.port = Port.ensure_port(meta.name, meta)
+ # Save before we add variants and tags
+ self.save
+ # Add the variants
+ meta.variants.each do |v|
+ self.variants << Variant.new(:name => v.name, :description => v.description)
+ end
+ # Tag with categories
+ meta.categories.each { |c| self.add_tag(c) }
+ # Save unpacked data into a file
+ portpkg_ref = FileRef.create_from_path(pkgPath, tempDirPath,
+ :mimetype => 'application/vnd.macports.portpkg')
+ portpkg_ref.is_port_pkg = true
+ self.file_refs << portpkg_ref
+ # Save files from the expanded package
+ expandedPkgPath.find do |p|
+ self.file_refs << FileRef.create_from_path(p, tempDirPath) if p.file?
+ end
+ # Final save
+ self.save
+ # Cleanup the temp directory
+ tempDirPath.rmtree
+ # Return the port_pkg
+ return self
+ end
+ def file_ref_by_path(file_path)
+ candidates = self.file_refs.select { |r| r.file_info.file_path == file_path }
+ return candidates ? candidates.first : nil
+ end
+ def portpkg_file_ref()
+ candidates = self.file_refs.select { |r| r.is_port_pkg }
+ return candidates ? candidates.first : nil
+ end
+ def data_file_refs()
+ refs = self.file_refs.select { |r| !r.is_port_pkg }
+ return refs
+ end
+ def add_tag(name)
+ tag = Tag.find_or_create_by_name(name)
+ self.tags << tag unless self.tags.include?(tag)
+ end
+ def remove_tag(name)
+ self.tags.select { |t| t.name == name }.each { |t| self.tags.delete(t) }
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.id <=> other.id
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/port_pkg.rb
--- branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/port_pkg.rb 2008-07-15 04:15:13 UTC (rev 38290)
+++ branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/models/port_pkg.rb 2008-07-15 04:43:14 UTC (rev 38291)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-require 'time'
-require 'temp_directories'
-require 'rexml/document'
-require 'mpwa-conf'
-require 'file_ref'
-require 'file_info'
-require 'person'
-require 'port'
-require 'variant'
-require 'tag'
-PortPkgMeta = Struct.new("PortPkgMeta",
- :submitter_email, :submitter_name, :submitter_notes,
- :name, :epoch, :version, :revision,
- :short_desc, :long_desc, :home_page,
- :maintainers, :variants, :categories)
-VariantMeta = Struct.new("VariantMeta",
- :name, :description)
-class PortPkgException < RuntimeError
-class PortPkg < ActiveRecord::Base
- belongs_to :port
- belongs_to :submitter, :class_name => 'Person', :foreign_key => 'submitter_id'
- has_many :file_refs, :dependent => :destroy
- has_many :file_infos, :through => :file_refs
- has_many :variants, :dependent => :destroy
- has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
- has_and_belongs_to_many :comments
- def PortPkg.create_from_file(file)
- portpkg = PortPkg.new
- portpkg.import_from_file(file)
- end
- def PortPkg.extract_pkg_meta_from_file(f)
- # This function parses the xml metadata file from a portpkg,
- # and creates a canonical internal form for our exclusive use
- meta = PortPkgMeta.new()
- doc = REXML::Document.new(f)
- root_el = doc.root
- submitter_el = root_el.elements["submitter"]
- package_el = root_el.elements["package"]
- meta[:submitter_email] = submitter_el.elements["email"].text
- meta[:submitter_name] = submitter_el.elements["name"].text
- meta[:submitter_notes] = submitter_el.elements["notes"].text
- meta[:name] = package_el.elements["name"].text
- meta[:epoch] = package_el.elements["epoch"].text
- meta[:version] = package_el.elements["version"].text
- meta[:revision] = package_el.elements["revision"].text
- meta[:short_desc] = package_el.elements["description"].text;
- meta[:long_desc] = package_el.elements["long_description"].text;
- meta[:home_page] = package_el.elements["homepage"].text;
- meta[:maintainers] = []
- package_el.elements.each("maintainers/maintainer") { |m| meta.maintainers << m.text }
- meta[:variants] = []
- package_el.elements.each("variants/variant") do |v|
- variant = VariantMeta.new()
- variant[:name] = v.elements["name"].text
- variant[:description] = v.elements["description"].text if v.elements["description"]
- meta.variants << variant
- end
- meta[:categories] = []
- package_el.elements.each("categories/category") { |c| meta.categories << c.text }
- return meta
- end
- def import_from_file(file)
- raise PortPkgException, "nil file_path" if file.nil?
- # Make a temporary directory
- tempDirPath = TempDirectories.makeTempDir
- # Write the portpkg file to the temporary directory
- pkgPath = tempDirPath + "portpkg.portpkg"
- metaName = "portpkg_meta.xml"
- metaPath = tempDirPath + metaName
- expandedPkgPath = tempDirPath + "portpkg"
- File.open(pkgPath, "w") { |f| f.write(file.read) }
- # Note: a bug in xar presently prevents us from limiting the extraction to the portpkg directory,
- # => which we'd like to do for the sake of cleanliness. Hopefully this will become fixed soon.
- raise PortPkgException, "xar tool not executable" if !File.executable?(MPWA::XARTOOL)
- system("cd #{tempDirPath}; #{MPWA::XARTOOL} -xf #{pkgPath} -s #{metaPath} -n #{metaName}")
- raise PortPkgException, "error extracting portpkg from xar archive" if $? != 0
- raise PortPkgException, "no meta information file" if !metaPath.file?
- # Parse the meta information
- meta = nil
- File.open(metaPath, "r") { |f| meta = PortPkg.extract_pkg_meta_from_file(f) }
- # Fill-in portpkg information from metadata
- raise PortPkgException, "no submitter email" if meta.submitter_email.nil? || meta.submitter_email.empty?
- self.submitted_at = Time.now
- self.submitter = Person.ensure_person_with_email(meta.submitter_email, meta.submitter_name)
- self.submitter_notes = meta.submitter_notes
- self.name = meta.name
- self.short_desc = meta.short_desc
- self.long_desc = meta.long_desc
- self.home_page = meta.home_page
- self.epoch = meta.epoch
- self.version = meta.version
- self.revision = meta.revision
- # Map to, and/or create, a port
- self.port = Port.ensure_port(meta.name, meta)
- # Save before we add variants and tags
- self.save
- # Add the variants
- meta.variants.each do |v|
- self.variants << Variant.new(:name => v.name, :description => v.description)
- end
- # Tag with categories
- meta.categories.each { |c| self.add_tag(c) }
- # Save unpacked data into a file
- portpkg_ref = FileRef.create_from_path(pkgPath, tempDirPath,
- :mimetype => 'application/vnd.macports.portpkg')
- portpkg_ref.is_port_pkg = true
- self.file_refs << portpkg_ref
- # Save files from the expanded package
- expandedPkgPath.find do |p|
- self.file_refs << FileRef.create_from_path(p, tempDirPath) if p.file?
- end
- # Final save
- self.save
- # Cleanup the temp directory
- tempDirPath.rmtree
- # Return the port_pkg
- return self
- end
- def file_ref_by_path(file_path)
- candidates = self.file_refs.select { |r| r.file_info.file_path == file_path }
- return candidates ? candidates.first : nil
- end
- def portpkg_file_ref()
- candidates = self.file_refs.select { |r| r.is_port_pkg }
- return candidates ? candidates.first : nil
- end
- def data_file_refs()
- refs = self.file_refs.select { |r| !r.is_port_pkg }
- return refs
- end
- def add_tag(name)
- tag = Tag.find_or_create_by_name(name)
- self.tags << tag unless self.tags.include?(tag)
- end
- def remove_tag(name)
- self.tags.select { |t| t.name == name }.each { |t| self.tags.delete(t) }
- end
- def <=>(other)
- self.id <=> other.id
- end
Copied: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/views/packages (from rev 38264, branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/views/port_pkg)
Modified: branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/views/packages/show.rhtml
--- branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/views/port_pkg/show.rhtml 2008-07-14 06:25:57 UTC (rev 38264)
+++ branches/gsoc08-mpwa/app/views/packages/show.rhtml 2008-07-15 04:43:14 UTC (rev 38291)
@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@
- <%= link_to email_obfuscate(@port_pkg.submitter.user_name),
- :controller => 'person', :action => 'show',
- :id => @port_pkg.submitter %>
+ <%= link_to @port_pkg.submitter.user_name, @port_pkg.submitter %>
-------------- next part --------------
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