[38455] trunk/dports/math

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Mon Jul 21 07:30:09 PDT 2008

Revision: 38455
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2008-07-21 07:30:08 -0700 (Mon, 21 Jul 2008)
Log Message:
New port: atlas (#15614)

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/math/atlas/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/atlas/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/math/atlas/Portfile	2008-07-21 14:30:08 UTC (rev 38455)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem         1.0
+categories         math
+name               atlas
+version            3.8.2
+# additional versions
+set lapackversion  3.1.1
+set lapackname     lapack
+set atlasdist      ${name}${version}.tar.bz2
+set lapackdist     ${lapackname}-${lapackversion}.tgz
+maintainers        cornell.edu:ajb78
+platforms          darwin
+description        Portable optimal linear algebra software
+long_description   The current version provides a complete BLAS and LAPACK API.\
+                   For many operations, ATLAS achieves performance on par with\
+                   machine-specific tuned libraries.
+homepage           http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/
+master_sites       sourceforge:math-atlas/${name}${version}.tar.bz2:atlas\
+                   http://www.netlib.org/lapack:lapack
+distfiles          ${atlasdist}:atlas \
+                   ${lapackdist}:lapack
+checksums          ${atlasdist} \
+                   md5 dd888f5d066c1fafeaaf2ae6b37e0b85 \
+                   sha1 2d1f2f789f57c9e7e8957f275b67c33176a36e0c \
+                   rmd160 8160ccb3af7cd7365ba87c77d636fb68b24c62ae \
+                   ${lapackdist} \
+                   md5 00b21551a899bcfbaa7b8443e1faeef9 \
+                   sha1 be1a3d53d761935703a7be88c3dd1164daa79554 \
+                   rmd160 ba864e7a2b759ba1337ea9a452e12a7ab5494cdc
+extract {
+    # extract atlas and move to a consistent working directory name
+    system "cd ${workpath} && bunzip2 -dc ${distpath}/${atlasdist} | \
+         gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -"
+    system "mv ${workpath}/ATLAS ${workpath}/${name}-${version}"
+    # extract lapack
+    system "cd ${workpath} && gunzip -dc ${distpath}/${lapackdist} | \
+         gnutar --no-same-owner -xf -"
+# Set fortran compiler flags
+set myf77     ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.3
+set myfflags  "-fomit-frame-pointer -O3"
+pre-configure {
+    # compile lapack
+    system "cd ${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion} && \
+            cp INSTALL/make.inc.gfortran make.inc"
+    reinplace "s|gfortran|${myf77}|" \
+           ${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion}/make.inc
+    reinplace "s|OPTS     = -O2|OPTS = ${myfflags}|" \
+           ${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion}/make.inc
+    reinplace "s|PLAT = _LINUX|PLAT = _darwin|" \
+           ${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion}/make.inc
+    system "cd ${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion} && make lib"
+    # create a build directory for atlas
+    file mkdir ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/build
+# we are configuring from the build directory
+configure.dir   ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/build
+configure.cmd   ../configure
+# change the default compilers to those of gcc43 and make into shared library
+configure.args  --with-netlib-lapack=${workpath}/${lapackname}-${lapackversion}/lapack_darwin.a \
+                -C xc ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C gc ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C if ${myf77}\
+                -F if '${myfflags}'\
+                -C ic ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C dm ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C sm ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C dk ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3 \
+                -C sk ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.3
+post-configure {
+    # recursively remove directories
+    reinplace "s|rm -f|rm -rf|g" ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/build/Makefile
+use_parallel_build  no
+build.target build
+build.dir    ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/build
+destroot.dir ${build.dir}
+destroot.destdir DESTDIR=${destroot}${prefix}
+depends_lib  port:gcc43

Property changes on: trunk/dports/math/atlas/Portfile
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native
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