[35633] trunk/dports/science

raimue at macports.org raimue at macports.org
Mon Mar 31 19:33:57 PDT 2008

Revision: 35633
Author:   raimue at macports.org
Date:     2008-03-31 19:33:56 -0700 (Mon, 31 Mar 2008)

Log Message:
New port, closes #14754

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/science/wview/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/wview/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/science/wview/Portfile	2008-04-01 02:33:56 UTC (rev 35633)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem      1.0
+name            wview
+version         3.7.3
+categories      science
+maintainers     mac.com:mbrooksclark
+homepage        http://wviewweather.com/
+description     Daemons that download and archive data from supported weather stations
+long_description \
+  wview is a unix application for weather stations. It archives weather \
+  data from the station. Generates full html web sites with graphics. \
+  ftp/ssh export capability. MySQL/PostgreSQL archiving. International. \
+  Weather alarms. Data feed. RSS feed. Stations currently supported include: \
+  Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2, Vaisala WXT-510, La Crosse WS-2300, and a \
+  weather station simulator.
+platforms        darwin
+master_sites     sourceforge:wview
+depends_lib      port:gd2 port:radlib
+checksums        md5 d534d8fd77df3b3dceaed53591e415cf \
+                 sha1 90f94b86447e78e152108b153b5f66c8c88a8aed \
+                 rmd160 483edc0f089ddf28a3d86cd8806231f1ccbcf3f2
+configure.args   --exec-prefix=${prefix}
+variant env      description { Install config files and templates (first time install) } {
+  destroot.target-append install-env
+variant mysql5 	description { Includes mySQL5 database support } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-mysql
+  configure.ldflags-append  -L${prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql
+  depends_lib-append port:mysql5
+variant pgresql   description { Includes Postgresql database support } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-pgresql
+  depends_lib-append port:postgresql83
+variant vpro      description { Support for Davis Vantage Pro WX Station } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-station-vp2
+variant wxt510    description { Support for Vaisala WXT-510 WX Station } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-station-wxt510
+variant ws2300    description { Support for the La Crosse WS-2300 series stations } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-station-ws2300
+variant sim       description { Support for the Simulated WX Station } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-station-sim
+variant http      description { Enable support for uploading data to Weather Underground } {
+  configure.args-append --enable-http
+  depends_lib-append port:curl
+post-destroot {
+  xinstall -d -o root -g wheel -m 755 \
+    ${worksrcpath}/examples/MacOSX/wview /Library/StartupItems/wview
+  xinstall -o root -g wheel -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/examples/MacOSX/wview/wview \
+    /Library/StartupItems/wview/wview
+  xinstall -o root -g wheel -m 644 \
+    ${worksrcpath}/examples/MacOSX/wview/StartupParameters.plist \
+    /Library/StartupItems/wview/StartupParameters.plist
+  file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+  file copy ${worksrcpath}/wview-Quick-Start-MacOSX.html \
+    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/wview-Quick-Start-MacOSX.html
+  file copy ${worksrcpath}/wview-Quick-Start.html \
+    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/wview-Quick-Start.html
+  file copy ${worksrcpath}/wview-User-Manual.html \
+    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/wview-User-Manual.html
+  file copy ${worksrcpath}/COPYING \
+    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/COPYING
+  file copy ${worksrcpath}/UPGRADE \
+    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/UPGRADE
+post-install {
+  ui_msg "\n#####################################"
+  ui_msg "Run\n"
+  ui_msg "\tsudo ${prefix}/bin/wviewconfig and\n"
+  ui_msg "\tsudo ${prefix}/bin/wviewhtmlconfig\n"
+  ui_msg "before launching wview\n"
+  ui_msg "\n#####################################"
+  ui_msg "html templates and config files are stored in ${prefix}/etc/wview/\n"
+  ui_msg "archive files are stored in ${prefix}/var/wview/\n"
+  ui_msg "\n#####################################"
+  ui_msg "Start the daemons with the command:\n"
+  ui_msg "\tsudo /sbin/SystemStarter start wview\n"
+  ui_msg "\n#####################################"

Property changes on: trunk/dports/science/wview/Portfile
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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