[36560] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Tue May 6 12:42:30 PDT 2008
Revision: 36560
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-06 12:42:28 -0700 (Tue, 06 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4704
Ports successfully parsed: 4704
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-06 18:28:48 UTC (rev 36559)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-06 19:42:28 UTC (rev 36560)
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
gerbv 533
variants universal portdir cad/gerbv description {Gerber Viewer (gerbv) is a viewer for Gerber files} homepage http://gerbv.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gerbv depends_lib {lib:libgtk2:gtk2 lib:libpng:libpng} maintainers darwinports at zonque.org long_description {Gerber Viewer (gerbv) is a viewer for Gerber files. Gerber files are generated from PCB CAD system and sent to PCB manufacturers as basis for the manufacturing process. The standard supported by gerbv is RS-274X.} version 1.0.1 categories cad revision 0
gtkwave 476
-variants universal portdir cad/gtkwave description {A viewer for common electronic CAD waveform files.} homepage http://home.nc.rr.com/gtkwave epoch 0 platforms darwin name gtkwave depends_lib port:gtk2 maintainers gwright at macports.org long_description {GTKWave is a fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix and Win32 which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files and allows their viewing.} version 3.1.8 categories cad revision 0
+variants universal portdir cad/gtkwave description {A viewer for common electronic CAD waveform files.} homepage http://home.nc.rr.com/gtkwave epoch 0 platforms darwin name gtkwave depends_lib port:gtk2 maintainers gwright at macports.org long_description {GTKWave is a fully featured GTK+ based wave viewer for Unix and Win32 which reads LXT, LXT2, VZT, and GHW files as well as standard Verilog VCD/EVCD files and allows their viewing.} version 3.1.9 categories cad revision 0
dgpsip 1614
variants universal description {Differential GPS over IP communication device} portdir comms/dgpsip homepage http://www.wsrcc.com/wolfgang/gps/dgps-ip.html epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name dgpsip long_description {On a stationary GPS without a differential correction signal, you should see a 20 m average radius {drunken walk} pattern. On the same receiver with DGPS corrections and a good view of the sky, the error the same receiver with DGPS corrections and a good view of the sky, the error should be reduced to approximately 2 m average radius. If you've always wanted to know exactly where your house is located without that annoying GPS wander, but didn't want to spend the money for a DGPS radio, here is your big chance! I'd like to announce a fun DGPS hack. I've written a small Un*x server and client for redistributing DGPS correction signals over the Net. Basically the server grabs the serial byte stream from my DGPS radio and sends it off over a TCP connection. The
client does the same thing but in reverse. The result is that you can receive the local DGPS corrections from absolutely anywhere by using the Internet as the world's largest extension cord. You'll still need to be within 1000 miles or so of San Francisco, California, USA for best results. However chances are better error will still be reduced if you are 2000 to 3000 miles away. Several respondents from 2000 miles away have noted that the remote differential signals have diminished the SA-induced position and velocity errors by approximately 3 times.} maintainers nomaintainer categories comms version 1.32 revision 0
gnokii 650
@@ -3646,8 +3646,8 @@
variants {universal darwin darwin_7 darwin_9 tk mactk thread_hooks} portdir lang/ruby description {Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language} homepage http://www.ruby-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ruby depends_lib {port:libiconv port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:ncurses} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable.} version 1.8.6-p114 categories {lang ruby} revision 0
sbcl 583
variants {universal powerpc i386 test threads} description {The Steel Bank Common Lisp system} portdir lang/sbcl homepage http://www.sbcl.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name sbcl long_description {Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a Open Source development system for ANSI Common Lisp. It provides an interactive environment including an integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger. (And it, and its generated code, can also play nicely with Unix when running noninteractively.)} maintainers {gwright at macports.org waqar at macports.org} categories lang version 1.0.16 revision 0
-scala 547
-variants universal description {The Scala Programming Language} portdir lang/scala homepage http://www.scala-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name scala long_description {Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages. It runs inside a Java Virtual Machine and is fully interoperable with Java.} maintainers blair categories {lang java} version revision 0
+scala 537
+variants universal description {The Scala Programming Language} portdir lang/scala homepage http://www.scala-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name scala long_description {Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages. It runs inside a Java Virtual Machine and is fully interoperable with Java.} maintainers blair categories {lang java} version 2.7.1 revision 0
scheme48 468
variants universal description {Scheme byte-code interpreter} portdir lang/scheme48 homepage http://s48.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name scheme48 long_description {Scheme 48 is an implementation of Scheme written by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. It is based on a byte-code interpreter and is designed to be used as a testbed for experiments in implementation techniques and as an expository tool.} maintainers mww categories {lang scheme} version 1.8 revision 0
scsh 582
@@ -4941,7 +4941,7 @@
p5-carp-clan 665
variants universal portdir perl/p5-carp-clan description {Report errors from perspective of caller of a clan of modules} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Carp-Clan/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-carp-clan depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers sal at email.arc.nasa.gov long_description {This module reports errors from the perspective of the caller of a clan of modules, similar to Carp.pm itself. But instead of giving it a number of levels to skip on the calling stack, you give it a pattern to characterize the package names of the clan of modules which shall never be blamed for any error. :-)} version 5.3 categories perl revision 0
p5-catalyst-action-renderview 604
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-action-renderview description {Sensible default end action.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Action-RenderView/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-action-renderview depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-data-visitor port:p5-module-install} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view, unless status is set to 3xx, or there is a response body.} version 0.07 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-action-renderview description {Sensible default end action.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Action-RenderView/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-action-renderview depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-data-visitor port:p5-module-install} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view, unless status is set to 3xx, or there is a response body.} version 0.08 categories perl revision 0
p5-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class 674
variants universal portdir perl/p5-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class description {A storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-catalyst-plugin-authentication port:p5-catalyst-runtime port:p5-dbix-class} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class provides access to authentication information stored in a database via DBIx::Class.} version 0.104 categories perl revision 0
p5-catalyst-devel 759
@@ -5069,9 +5069,9 @@
p5-compress-raw-bzip2 572
variants universal portdir perl/p5-compress-raw-bzip2 description {Perl low-level interface to bzip2 compression library} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-compress-raw-bzip2 depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers vincent-opdarw at vinc17.org long_description {Compress::Raw::Bzip2 provides an interface to the in-memory compression/uncompression functions from the bzip2 compression library for the modules IO::Compress::Bzip2 and IO::Compress::Bunzip2.} version 2.008 categories perl revision 0
p5-compress-raw-zlib 500
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-compress-raw-zlib description {The Compress::Raw::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Compress-Raw-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-compress-raw-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{The Compress::Raw::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library}} version 2.009 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-compress-raw-zlib description {The Compress::Raw::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Compress-Raw-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-compress-raw-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{The Compress::Raw::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library}} version 2.010 categories perl revision 0
p5-compress-zlib 462
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-compress-zlib description {Interface to zlib compression library} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Compress-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-compress-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-raw-zlib port:p5-io-compress-base port:p5-io-compress-zlib} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Interface to zlib compression library}} version 2.009 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-compress-zlib description {Interface to zlib compression library} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Compress-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-compress-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-raw-zlib port:p5-io-compress-base port:p5-io-compress-zlib} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Interface to zlib compression library}} version 2.010 categories perl revision 0
p5-config-any 518
variants universal portdir perl/p5-config-any description {Load configuration from different file formats, transparently} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Config-Any/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-config-any depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-module-pluggable} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Config::Any provides a facility for Perl applications and libraries to load configuration data from multiple different file formats.} version 0.12 categories perl revision 0
p5-config-general 344
@@ -5169,7 +5169,7 @@
p5-dbd-mysql 601
variants {universal mysql3 mysql4 mysql5} variant_desc {mysql3 {build with mysql3 port} mysql4 {build with mysql4 port} mysql5 {build with mysql5 port (default)}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-mysql description {Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-mysql/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-mysql depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-dbi port:zlib {path:\${prefix}/bin/mysql_config5:mysql5}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database}} version 4.006 categories perl revision 0
p5-dbd-pg 744
-variants {universal postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82} variant_desc {postgresql7 {build with postgresql7 port} postgresql80 {build with postgresql80 port} postgresql81 {build with postgresql81 port} postgresql82 {build with postgresql82 port}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-pg description {Perl DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-Pg/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-pg depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:postgresql83 port:p5-dbi port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {DBD::Pg is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} version 2.6.3 categories {perl databases} revision 0
+variants {universal postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82} variant_desc {postgresql7 {build with postgresql7 port} postgresql80 {build with postgresql80 port} postgresql81 {build with postgresql81 port} postgresql82 {build with postgresql82 port}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-pg description {Perl DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-Pg/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-pg depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:postgresql83 port:p5-dbi port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {DBD::Pg is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} version 2.6.4 categories {perl databases} revision 0
p5-dbd-sqlite 370
variants universal portdir perl/p5-dbd-sqlite description {perl dbd interface to SQLite} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-SQLite/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-sqlite depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-dbi} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{perl dbd interface to SQLite}} version 1.14 categories perl revision 0
p5-dbd-sqlite2 397
@@ -5411,11 +5411,11 @@
p5-io-captureoutput 420
variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-captureoutput description {Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-CaptureOutput/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-captureoutput depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules}} version 1.03 categories perl revision 0
p5-io-compress-base 391
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-compress-base description {Base Class for IO::Compress modules} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Compress-Base/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-compress-base depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Base Class for IO::Compress modules}} version 2.009 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-compress-base description {Base Class for IO::Compress modules} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Compress-Base/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-compress-base depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Base Class for IO::Compress modules}} version 2.010 categories perl revision 0
p5-io-compress-bzip2 590
variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-compress-bzip2 description {Perl interface to read/write bzip2 files/buffers} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Compress-Bzip2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-compress-bzip2 depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-raw-bzip2} maintainers vincent-opdarw at vinc17.org long_description {These modules IO::Compress::Bzip2 and IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 provide a Perl interface that allows the writing of bzip2 compressed data to files/buffers and the reading of bzip2 files/buffers.} version 2.008 categories perl revision 0
p5-io-compress-zlib 622
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-compress-zlib description {This module provides a Perl interface to allow reading and writing of RFC 1950, 1951, 1952 (i.e. gzip) and zip files/buffers.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Compress-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-compress-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-raw-zlib port:p5-io-compress-base} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{This module provides a Perl interface to allow reading and writing of RFC 1950, 1951, 1952 (i.e. gzip) and zip files/buffers.}} version 2.009 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-compress-zlib description {This module provides a Perl interface to allow reading and writing of RFC 1950, 1951, 1952 (i.e. gzip) and zip files/buffers.} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Compress-Zlib/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-compress-zlib depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-compress-raw-zlib port:p5-io-compress-base} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{This module provides a Perl interface to allow reading and writing of RFC 1950, 1951, 1952 (i.e. gzip) and zip files/buffers.}} version 2.010 categories perl revision 0
p5-io-digest 496
variants universal portdir perl/p5-io-digest description {This is a Perl extension for calculating digests while reading or writing (used by svk).} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/IO-Digest/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-io-digest depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-perlio-via-dynamic} maintainers dluke at geeklair.net long_description {{This is a Perl extension for calculating digests while reading or writing (used by svk).}} version 0.10 categories perl revision 0
p5-io-kqueue 366
@@ -5663,7 +5663,7 @@
p5-params-util 441
variants universal portdir perl/p5-params-util description {Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Params-Util/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-params-util depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Provides a basic set of importable functions that makes checking parameters a hell of a lot easier} version 0.25 categories perl revision 0
p5-params-validate 828
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-params-validate description {Validate method/function parameters} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Params-Validate/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-params-validate depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {The Params::Validate module allows you to validate method or function call parameters to an arbitrary level of specificity. At the simplest level, it is capable of validating the required parameters were given and that no unspecified additional parameters were passed in. It is also capable of determining that a parameter is of a specific type, that it is an object of a certain class hierarchy, that it possesses certain methods, or applying validation callbacks to arguments.} version 0.90 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-params-validate description {Validate method/function parameters} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Params-Validate/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-params-validate depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {The Params::Validate module allows you to validate method or function call parameters to an arbitrary level of specificity. At the simplest level, it is capable of validating the required parameters were given and that no unspecified additional parameters were passed in. It is also capable of determining that a parameter is of a specific type, that it is an object of a certain class hierarchy, that it possesses certain methods, or applying validation callbacks to arguments.} version 0.91 categories perl revision 0
p5-parent 417
variants universal portdir perl/p5-parent description {Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/parent/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-parent depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time}} version 0.221 categories perl revision 0
p5-parse-recdescent 1195
@@ -5983,7 +5983,7 @@
p5-yaml-syck 376
variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-syck description {A fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Syck/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-syck depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers ged at FaerieMUD.org long_description {{A fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper}} version 0.99 categories perl revision 0
p5-yaml-tiny 436
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-tiny description {Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Tiny/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-tiny depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-yaml port:p5-yaml-syck} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible}} version 1.29 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-tiny description {Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Tiny/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-tiny depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-yaml port:p5-yaml-syck} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible}} version 1.30 categories perl revision 0
a2ps 462
variants {universal darwin} depends_build bin:psnup:psutils portdir print/a2ps description {an Any to PostScript filter.} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/a2ps/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:libtool name a2ps maintainers mike at pentangle.net long_description {a2ps is a utilty that allows the user to do PostScript manipulations. It is able to pass on processing to other filters, such as gzip and dvips.} version 4.13b categories print revision 3
a2ps-j 487
@@ -7484,8 +7484,8 @@
variants {universal darwin_9} portdir science/gwyddion description {Software for SPM Analysis} homepage http://gwyddion.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name gwyddion depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libxml2 port:fftw-3 port:gtkglext} maintainers {yeti at gwyddion.net rowue at digitalis.org} long_description {Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data visualization and analysis. It uses gtk2 for the user interface.} version 2.9 categories {science x11} revision 1
hdf4 439
variants {universal szip} variant_desc {szip {installs szip}} portdir science/hdf4 description {file format for storing scientific data and utilities} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf4 depends_lib {port:g95 port:zlib port:jpeg} maintainers takeshi at macports.org long_description {{file format for storing scientific data and utilities}} version 4.2r3 categories science revision 0
-hdf5 742
-variants {universal fortran szip threadsafe gcc42 gcc43 g95 optimized} variant_desc {fortran {Include the Fortran interface} szip {Enable szip compression support} threadsafe {Enable threadsafety} gcc42 {Compile using GCC 4.2} gcc43 {Compile using GCC 4.3} g95 {Use g95 Fortran compiler} optimized {Higher compiler optimization for host machine (esp. for gcc43)}} portdir science/hdf5 description {HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf5 depends_lib port:zlib maintainers {openmaintainer jochen} long_description {{HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data}} version 1.6.7 categories science revision 5
+hdf5 775
+variants {universal fortran szip threadsafe gcc42 gcc43 g95 optimized} variant_desc {fortran {Include the Fortran interface} szip {Enable szip compression support} threadsafe {Enable threadsafety (experimental, fails unit-tests)} gcc42 {Compile using GCC 4.2} gcc43 {Compile using GCC 4.3} g95 {Use g95 Fortran compiler} optimized {Higher compiler optimization for host machine (esp. for gcc43)}} portdir science/hdf5 description {HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf5 depends_lib port:zlib maintainers {openmaintainer jochen} long_description {{HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data}} version 1.6.7 categories science revision 5
irsim 309
variants universal portdir science/irsim description IRSIM homepage http://opencircuitdesign.com/irsim/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name irsim depends_lib {port:tcl port:tk} maintainers nomantainer long_description {IRSIM switch-level simulator for digital circuits} version 9.7.65 categories science revision 0
iverilog 653
@@ -8289,7 +8289,7 @@
enca 414
variants universal portdir textproc/enca description {character set analyser} homepage http://trific.ath.cx/software/enca/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name enca depends_lib port:libiconv maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser. It detects character set and encoding of text files and can also convert them to other encodings.} version 1.4 categories textproc revision 0
enchant 676
-variants universal depends_build {bin:glibtoolize:libtool port:pkgconfig} portdir textproc/enchant description {Spellchecker wrapping library} homepage http://www.abisource.com/enchant/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name enchant depends_lib port:glib2 maintainers anant at kix.in long_description {On the surface, Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library. You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled, get corrections for a misspelled word, etc. but all it really does is to provide a uniform wrapper over several popular spell checking libraries including aspell, ispell and AppleSpell.} version 1.3.0 categories {textproc devel} revision 0
+variants universal depends_build {bin:glibtoolize:libtool port:pkgconfig} portdir textproc/enchant description {Spellchecker wrapping library} homepage http://www.abisource.com/enchant/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name enchant depends_lib port:glib2 maintainers anant at kix.in long_description {On the surface, Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library. You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled, get corrections for a misspelled word, etc. but all it really does is to provide a uniform wrapper over several popular spell checking libraries including aspell, ispell and AppleSpell.} version 1.4.2 categories {textproc devel} revision 0
expat 561
variants {universal no_static examples} variant_desc {no_static {Do not build static libraries} examples {Install examples}} portdir textproc/expat description {XML 1.0 parser written in C} homepage http://expat.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name expat maintainers ryandesign long_description {Expat is an XML parser library written in C. It is a stream-oriented parser in which an application registers handlers for things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags).} version 2.0.1 categories {textproc devel} revision 0
figlet 267
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