[36659] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Fri May 9 12:43:12 PDT 2008
Revision: 36659
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-09 12:43:10 -0700 (Fri, 09 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4707
Ports successfully parsed: 4707
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-09 19:37:31 UTC (rev 36658)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-09 19:43:10 UTC (rev 36659)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
camlimages 642
variants {universal lablgtk lablgl lablgtk2} portdir devel/camlimages description {Objective Caml interface to image manipulation functions.} homepage http://pauillac.inria.fr/camlimages/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name camlimages depends_lib {bin:camlp4:ocaml lib:libjpeg.62:jpeg lib:libtiff.3:tiff lib:libgif:libungif lib:libpng:libpng bin:gs:ghostscript} maintainers reilles at loria.fr long_description {Camlimages provides basic functions for image processing and loading/saving various image file formats, an interface to display images, and a Freetype interface to render Truetype fonts.} version 2.2 categories {devel graphics} revision 2
ccache 498
-variants universal description {object-file caching compiler wrapper} portdir devel/ccache homepage http://ccache.samba.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name ccache long_description {ccache is a compiler cache. It acts as a caching pre-processor to C/C++ compilers, using the -E compiler switch and a hash to detect when a compilation can be satisfied from cache. This often results in a 5 to 10 times speedup in common compilations.} maintainers nox categories devel version 2.4 revision 1
+variants universal description {object-file caching compiler wrapper} portdir devel/ccache homepage http://ccache.samba.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name ccache long_description {ccache is a compiler cache. It acts as a caching pre-processor to C/C++ compilers, using the -E compiler switch and a hash to detect when a compilation can be satisfied from cache. This often results in a 5 to 10 times speedup in common compilations.} maintainers nox categories devel version 2.4 revision 2
cfitsio 801
variants universal depends_build port:gcc42 portdir devel/cfitsio description {C/Fortran access to FITS data files} homepage http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cfitsio maintainers nomaintainer long_description {CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. CFITSIO simplifies the task of writing software that deals with FITS files by providing an easy to use set of high-level routines that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS file format. At the same time, CFITSIO provides many advanced features that have made it the most widely used FITS file programming interface in the astronomical community.} version 3.060 categories devel revision 0
cflow 534
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@
mcpp 816
variants {universal mcpplib} description {Alternative C/C++ preprocessor} portdir devel/mcpp homepage http://mcpp.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name mcpp long_description {C/C++ preprocessor expands macros and processes '#if', '#include' and some other directives. MCPP is an alternative C/C++ preprocessor with the highest conformance, implementated by Kiyoshi Matsui. It supports multiple standards: K&R, ISO C90, ISO C99, and ISO C++98. MCPP is especially useful for debugging the source program which use complicated macros and also useful for checking portability of the source. Though mcpp could be built as a replacement of GCC's resident proprocessor, this port installs only a program which behaves independent from GCC.} maintainers t3.rim.or.jp:kmatsui categories devel version 2.7 revision 0
mercurial 995
-variants universal description {A fast, lightweight, distributed SCM system written in Python.} portdir devel/mercurial homepage http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/ epoch 0 name mercurial depends_lib {port:python25 port:py25-zlib port:py25-hashlib port:py25-bz2} long_description {Mercurial is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. A distributed SCM tool is designed to support a model in which each Repository is loosely coupled to many others. Each Repository contains a complete set of metadata describing one or more projects. These repositories may be located almost anywhere. Individual developers only need access to their own repositories, not to a central one, in order to commit changes. Changes can be share via the builtin webserver, CGI, SSH or a stream of patch emails. Mercurial supports Apples' FileMerge for merges.} maintainers deric at macports.org version 1.0 categories {devel python} revis
ion 0
+variants universal description {A fast, lightweight, distributed SCM system written in Python.} portdir devel/mercurial homepage http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/ epoch 0 name mercurial depends_lib {port:python25 port:py25-zlib port:py25-hashlib port:py25-bz2} long_description {Mercurial is a fast, lightweight Source Control Management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. A distributed SCM tool is designed to support a model in which each Repository is loosely coupled to many others. Each Repository contains a complete set of metadata describing one or more projects. These repositories may be located almost anywhere. Individual developers only need access to their own repositories, not to a central one, in order to commit changes. Changes can be share via the builtin webserver, CGI, SSH or a stream of patch emails. Mercurial supports Apples' FileMerge for merges.} maintainers deric at macports.org version 1.0 categories {devel python} revis
ion 1
mhash 372
variants universal description {provides easy access strong hashes} portdir devel/mhash homepage http://mhash.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name mhash long_description {Libmhash is a library which implements some hash algorithms like crc32, md5 and sha-1.} maintainers {ryandesign openmaintainer} categories {devel security} version 0.9.9 revision 0
mico 433
@@ -2066,6 +2066,8 @@
variants {universal gtk2} portdir games/xqf description {GTK+ Front-end to Qstat} homepage http://www.linuxgames.com/xqf/ depends_run port:qstat epoch 0 platforms darwin name xqf depends_lib {lib:libgtk.1:gtk1 lib:libgdk-pixbuf:gdk-pixbuf port:p5-xml-parser lib:libreadline:readline} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {XQF is a game server browser and launcher for Unix/X11 for many popular games such as the Quake series, Unreal Tournament series, Half-Life etc.} version 1.0.5 categories games revision 0
xscorch 605
variants universal portdir games/xscorch description {multiplayer tank shoot-em-up game} homepage http://chaos2.org/xscorch/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name xscorch depends_lib {lib:libmikmod.2:libmikmod lib:libgtk.1:gtk1} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {XScorch is a clone of the olden-days DOS game Scorch. It is an extremely addictive war game where any mixture of human and computer AIs control separate tanks (teams are possible) and attempt to blow up or arrange to blow up the other tanks on the field. The last tank on the field is the winner.} version 0.1.15 categories games revision 0
+xskat 289
+variants universal portdir games/xskat description {X graphical skat card game} homepage http://www.xskat.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name xskat depends_lib lib:libX11.6:XFree86 maintainers mww long_description {{X graphical skat card game}} version 4.0 categories {games x11} revision 0
xtet42 470
variants universal description {one or two player version of Tetris} portdir games/xtet42 homepage http://www.gufi.org/~gmarco/files/distfiles/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name xtet42 long_description {Xtet42 is a one or two player version of Tetris. The game was written by Hugo Eide Gunnarsen in 1991. The game is very fun and very addictive. It is also astonishingly pretty to be an old X11-game.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {games x11} version 2.21 revision 0
geneweb 525
@@ -3545,9 +3547,9 @@
llvm-gcc42 412
variants {universal darwin powerpc x86} portdir lang/llvm-gcc42 description {llvm is a next generation compiler infrastructure} homepage http://llvm.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name llvm-gcc42 depends_lib port:llvm maintainers {erickt at macports.org openmaintainer} long_description {llvm brings tools to work on the llvm intermediate language incl. a C and C++ frontend.} version 2.2 categories lang revision 0
logtalk 631
-portdir lang/logtalk platforms {darwin freebsd linux} description {Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language} name logtalk version 2.31.4 categories lang homepage http://logtalk.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers pmoura at logtalk.org long_description {Logtalk is an open source object-oriented logic programming language that can use most Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, Logtalk includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols, component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven programming, and multi-threading programming.}
+portdir lang/logtalk platforms {darwin freebsd linux} description {Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language} name logtalk version 2.31.5 categories lang homepage http://logtalk.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers pmoura at logtalk.org long_description {Logtalk is an open source object-oriented logic programming language that can use most Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, Logtalk includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols, component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven programming, and multi-threading programming.}
lua 446
-variants {universal darwin_7} portdir lang/lua description {powerful, lightweight programming language} homepage http://www.lua.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name lua depends_lib port:readline maintainers {pmq openmaintainer} long_description {Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, standalone language.} version 5.1.3 categories lang revision 1
+variants {universal darwin_7} portdir lang/lua description {powerful, lightweight programming language} homepage http://www.lua.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name lua depends_lib port:readline maintainers {pmq openmaintainer} long_description {Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, standalone language.} version 5.1.3 categories lang revision 2
mdk 1241
variants {universal gui} depends_build port:automake portdir lang/mdk description {A set of utilities for developing programs using MIX and MIXAL} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/mdk/mdk.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:pkgconfig port:guile port:glib2 port:gmp port:bison port:gettext port:libiconv port:readline port:ncurses port:libtool port:intltool} name mdk maintainers aconchillo at gmail.com long_description {MDK stands for MIX Development Kit, and provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. The MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer, described in the first volume of The Art of Computer Programming, which is programmed using MIXAL, the MIX assembly language. MDK includes a MIXAL assembler (mixasm) and a MIX virtual machine (mixvm) with a command line interface. In addition, a GTK+ GUI to mixvm, called gmixvm, and a Guile interpreter with an embedded MIX virtual machine called mixguile, are provided. Using these
interfaces, you can debug your MIXAL programs at source code level, and read/modify the contents of all the components of the MIX computer (including block devices, which are simulated using the file system).} version 1.2.3 categories lang revision 0
mercury 806
@@ -3920,8 +3922,8 @@
variants universal description {A computer algebra program for Lie group calculations} portdir math/LiE homepage http://young.sp2mi.univ-poitiers.fr/~marc/LiE/ epoch 0 depends_lib port:readline name LiE long_description {LiE is a computer algebra system that is specialised in computations involving (reductive) Lie groups and their representations.} maintainers gwright at macports.org categories math version 2.2.2 revision 2
ProofGeneral 642
variants universal depends_build port:texinfo portdir math/ProofGeneral description {A xemacs mode for interactive prooving} homepage http://proofgeneral.inf.ed.ac.uk/ epoch 0 name ProofGeneral depends_lib {port:xemacs port:isabelle} maintainers mww long_description {The aim of Proof General is to provide powerful and configurable interfaces which help user-interaction with proof assistants. Proof General targets power users rather than novices, but is designed to be useful to both. Proof General leads to an environment for serious proof engineering of interactively-constructed proofs.} version 3.7pre071112 categories math revision 0
-R 667
-variants universal portdir math/R description {R is GNU S - an interpreted language for statistical computing} homepage http://www.r-project.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name R depends_lib {port:gcc42 port:readline port:gettext port:tcl port:tk lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libpng:libpng} maintainers konis at stats.ox.ac.uk long_description {R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.} version 2.6.2 categories {math science} revision 0
+R 900
+variants {universal gcc42 gcc43} variant_desc {gcc42 {Build with gcc42 (default)} gcc43 {Build with gcc43}} portdir math/R description {R is GNU S - an interpreted language for statistical computing} homepage http://www.r-project.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name R depends_lib {port:cairo port:expat port:fontconfig port:freetype port:gettext port:glib2 port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpixman port:libpng port:pango port:readline port:tcl port:tk port:tiff port:xrender port:zlib lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:gcc42} maintainers konis at stats.ox.ac.uk long_description {R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.} version 2.7.0 categories {math science} revision 0
SuiteSparse 396
variants universal depends_build port:metis portdir math/SuiteSparse description {Sparse matrix routines} homepage http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/SuiteSparse/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name SuiteSparse maintainers stechert at macports.org long_description {SuiteSparse is a single archive that contains all packages authored by Tim Davis.} version 2.4.0 categories {math science} revision 0
aamath 482
@@ -4694,8 +4696,8 @@
variants universal portdir net/sclj description {A livejournal client} homepage http://sclj.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_run port:perl5.8 platforms darwin name sclj maintainers kayos at genetikayos.com long_description {JLJ is a command-line interface for posting to livejournal. Posts are edited in your default editor.} version 3.2 categories net revision 0
scotty 559
variants {universal darwin_8} portdir net/scotty description {Network management extensions to Tcl that enables TCP/UDP connections, DNS queries, and SNMP. The graphical network mapper tkined is also included.} homepage http://wiki.tcl.tk/220 epoch 0 platforms darwin name scotty depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:tcl port:tk} maintainers markd long_description {{Network management extensions to Tcl that enables TCP/UDP connections, DNS queries, and SNMP. The graphical network mapper tkined is also included.}} version 3.0.0 categories net revision 4
-sendfile 628
-variants universal description {A saft suite for asynchronous transfers} portdir net/sendfile homepage http://www.BelWue.DE/projekte/saft/index-us.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name sendfile long_description {Sendfile is a SAFT implementation for UNIX and serves as a tool for asynchronous sending of files in the internet, conserving their file attributes. It consists of the following parts: sendfiled - the server daemon sendfile - a client for sending files sendmsg - a client for sending one-line text messages receive - a client for receiving spooled files} maintainers nomaintainer categories net version 2.1a revision 3
+sendfile 630
+variants universal description {A saft suite for asynchronous transfers} portdir net/sendfile homepage http://fex.rus.uni-stuttgart.de/saft/sendfile.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name sendfile long_description {Sendfile is a SAFT implementation for UNIX and serves as a tool for asynchronous sending of files in the internet, conserving their file attributes. It consists of the following parts: sendfiled - the server daemon sendfile - a client for sending files sendmsg - a client for sending one-line text messages receive - a client for receiving spooled files} maintainers nomaintainer categories net version 2.1b revision 0
sendpage 501
variants {universal server} portdir net/sendpage description {Sendpage sends alphanumeric pages via a modem, receives via SNPP} homepage http://www.sendpage.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name sendpage depends_lib {port:p5-net-snpp port:p5-device-serialport port:p5-mailtools port:p5-dbi} maintainers markd long_description {An SNPP client, SNPP server, a queuing engine, a modem control engine, a TAP communication system, and an email notification system.} version 1.000002 categories net revision 0
shelldap 674
@@ -7234,8 +7236,8 @@
variants universal portdir ruby/rb-google description {Ruby interface to Google's SOAP-driven Web API} homepage http://www.caliban.org/ruby/ruby-google.shtml epoch 0 platforms darwin name rb-google depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/ruby:ruby} port:rb-uconv port:rb-http-access2} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Ruby/Google offers a higher-level abstraction of Google's SOAP-driven Web API. It allows the user to programmatically query the Google serach-engine from the convert of his or her favorite programming language.} version 0.5.1 categories {ruby www} revision 0
rb-gpgme 398
variants universal portdir ruby/rb-gpgme description {Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)} homepage http://deisui.org/~ueno/ruby/ruby-gpgme/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name rb-gpgme depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/ruby:ruby} port:gpgme} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Ruby-GPGME is a ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME).} version 1.0.0 categories {ruby security} revision 0
-rb-gsl 418
-variants {universal narray} variant_desc {narray {Build with NArray}} portdir ruby/rb-gsl description {Ruby interface to the GSL} homepage http://rb-gsl.rubyforge.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name rb-gsl depends_lib port:gsl maintainers nomaintainer long_description {RubyGSL is a ruby interface to the GSL (GNU Scientific Library), for numerical computing with Ruby.} version 1.6.3 categories {ruby math} revision 0
+rb-gsl 461
+variants {universal narray} variant_desc {narray {Build with NArray}} portdir ruby/rb-gsl description {Ruby interface to the GSL} homepage http://rubyforge.org/projects/rb-gsl epoch 0 platforms darwin name rb-gsl depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/ruby:ruby} port:gsl} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {RubyGSL is a ruby interface to the GSL (GNU Scientific Library), for numerical computing with Ruby.} version 1.10.3 categories {ruby math} revision 0
rb-hmac 637
variants universal portdir ruby/rb-hmac description {Provides a common interface to HMAC functionality.} homepage http://deisui.org/~ueno/ruby/hmac.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name rb-hmac depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/ruby:ruby}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm whose standard is documented in RFC2104. Namely, a MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key.} version 0.3 categories {ruby security} revision 0
rb-hoe 534
@@ -7634,8 +7636,8 @@
variants {universal darwin darwin_7 no_pinentry} variant_desc {no_pinentry {Do not use pinentry to handle user input}} portdir security/gpg-agent description {GPG key agent} homepage http://www.gnupg.org epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd sunos} name gpg-agent depends_lib {port:libiconv port:gettext port:zlib port:bzip2 port:bison port:libassuan port:libksba port:libgcrypt port:libgpg-error port:pth port:pinentry} maintainers {boeyms openmaintainer} long_description {gpg-agent is a key management agent similar in function to ssh-agent.} version 2.0.7 categories {security mail} revision 0
gss 564
variants {universal nls} variant_desc {nls {Add NLS support}} portdir security/gss description {GNU Generic Security Service Library} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/gss/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gss depends_lib lib:libiconv:libiconv maintainers nomaintainer long_description {GSS is an implementation of the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API). GSS-API is used by network servers to provide security services, e.g., to authenticate SMTP/IMAP clients against SMTP/IMAP servers.} version 0.0.22 categories security revision 0
-hydra 518
-variants {universal darwin_8} portdir security/hydra description {A very fast network logon cracker which support many services} homepage http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra epoch 0 platforms darwin name hydra depends_lib {port:openssl port:libssh} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Hydra is a parallelized logon cracker utility. Hydra can brute force attack on FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, NNTP, VNC, ICQ, Socks5, PCNFS and more services within SSL support.} version 5.4 categories {security net} revision 1
+hydra 504
+variants {universal darwin_8} portdir security/hydra description {A very fast network logon cracker which support many services} homepage http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra epoch 0 platforms darwin name hydra depends_lib port:openssl maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Hydra is a parallelized logon cracker utility. Hydra can brute force attack on FTP, POP3, IMAP, Telnet, HTTP Auth, NNTP, VNC, ICQ, Socks5, PCNFS and more services within SSL support.} version 5.4 categories {security net} revision 1
ike-scan 411
variants universal portdir security/ike-scan description {ike-scan can discover and identify IPsec VPN systems running IKE.} homepage http://www.nta-monitor.com/ike-scan/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ike-scan depends_lib {port:gettext port:openssl} long_description {{ike-scan can discover and identify IPsec VPN systems running IKE.}} maintainers nomaintainer version 1.9 categories {security net} revision 0
jailkit 584
@@ -8569,7 +8571,7 @@
txt2tags 539
variants universal portdir textproc/txt2tags description {A document generator: ONE source, MULTI targets} homepage http://txt2tags.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name txt2tags depends_lib bin:python:python24 maintainers {milosh openmaintainer} long_description {Txt2tags is a document generator. It reads a text file with minimal markup as **bold** and //italic// and converts it to the following formats: HTML, XHTML, SGML, LaTeX, Lout, Man page, MoinMoin, MagicPoint, PageMaker...} version 2.4 categories textproc revision 0
uni2ascii 810
-variants universal portdir textproc/uni2ascii description {converts between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents} homepage http://billposer.org/Software/uni2ascii.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name uni2ascii depends_lib port:gettext maintainers mww long_description {uni2ascii and ascii2uni convert between UTF-8 Unicode and more than a dozen 7-bit ASCII equivalents including: hexadecimal and decimal HTML numeric character references, u-escapes, standard hexadecimal, raw hexadecimal, and RFC2396 URI format. Such ASCII equivalents are encountered in a variety of circumstances, such as when Unicode text is included in program source, when entering text into Web programs that can handle the Unicode character set but are not 8-bit safe, and when debugging.} version 4.7 categories textproc revision 0
+variants universal portdir textproc/uni2ascii description {converts between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents} homepage http://billposer.org/Software/uni2ascii.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name uni2ascii depends_lib port:gettext maintainers mww long_description {uni2ascii and ascii2uni convert between UTF-8 Unicode and more than a dozen 7-bit ASCII equivalents including: hexadecimal and decimal HTML numeric character references, u-escapes, standard hexadecimal, raw hexadecimal, and RFC2396 URI format. Such ASCII equivalents are encountered in a variety of circumstances, such as when Unicode text is included in program source, when entering text into Web programs that can handle the Unicode character set but are not 8-bit safe, and when debugging.} version 4.9 categories textproc revision 0
uni2html 579
variants universal portdir textproc/uni2html description {converts UTF-8 to corresponding HTML hexadecimal entities} homepage http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~wjposer/uni2html.html epoch 0 depends_run bin:python:python24 platforms darwin name uni2html maintainers nomaintainer long_description {uni2html is a program that reads UTF-8 Unicode from standard input and displays the result of a conversion in which every Unicode character above the 7-bit ASCII range is converted into the corresponding HTML hexadecimal numeric character entity.} version 1.1 categories textproc revision 0
unix2dos 252
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