[36810] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Thu May 15 00:44:16 PDT 2008
Revision: 36810
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-15 00:44:14 -0700 (Thu, 15 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4707
Ports successfully parsed: 4707
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-15 07:31:59 UTC (rev 36809)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-15 07:44:14 UTC (rev 36810)
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
sqlite2 629
variants universal portdir databases/sqlite2 description {an embedded SQL database engine} homepage http://www.sqlite.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name sqlite2 depends_lib port:readline maintainers nomaintainer long_description {SQLite is an SQL database engine in a C library. Programs that link the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library.} version 2.8.17 categories databases revision 0
sqlite3 661
-variants universal depends_build {port:gawk port:gmake} portdir databases/sqlite3 description {an embedded SQL database engine} homepage http://www.sqlite.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:readline name sqlite3 maintainers mww long_description {SQLite3 is an SQL database engine in a C library. Programs that link the SQLite3 library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite3) that can be used to administer an SQLite3 database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite3 library.} version 3.5.8 categories databases revision 0
+variants universal depends_build {port:gawk port:gmake} portdir databases/sqlite3 description {an embedded SQL database engine} homepage http://www.sqlite.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:readline name sqlite3 maintainers mww long_description {SQLite3 is an SQL database engine in a C library. Programs that link the SQLite3 library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with a standalone command-line access program (sqlite3) that can be used to administer an SQLite3 database and which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite3 library.} version 3.5.9 categories databases revision 0
sqliteman 487
variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir databases/sqliteman description {GUI tool for Sqlite3} homepage http://www.sqliteman.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:sqlite3 port:qt4-mac} name sqliteman long_description {The best developer's and/or admin's GUI tool for Sqlite3 in the world. No joking here (or just a bit only) - it contains the most complete feature set of all tools available.} maintainers nomaintainer version 1.0.1 categories databases revision 0
tinycdb 391
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@
git-core 758
variants {universal doc gitweb svn bash_completion} variant_desc {doc {Install HTML and plaintext documentation} gitweb {Install gitweb.cgi} svn {Bi-directional subversion repository support} bash_completion {Bash completion support}} portdir devel/git-core description {The stupid content tracker.} homepage http://git.or.cz/ epoch 0 depends_run {port:openssh port:rsync port:perl5.8 port:p5-error} platforms darwin depends_lib {port:curl port:zlib port:openssl port:expat port:libiconv} name git-core long_description {A stupid (but extremely fast) directory content manager. It doesn't do a whole lot, but what it _does_ do is track directory contents efficiently.} maintainers {bryan at larsen.st openmaintainer} categories devel version revision 0
glade3 640
-variants {universal disable_gnome} variant_desc {disable_gnome {Disable support for GNOME UI widgets}} portdir devel/glade3 description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME.} homepage http://glade.gnome.org/ depends_run port:hicolor-icon-theme epoch 0 platforms darwin name glade3 depends_lib {port:gettext port:gtk-doc port:gtk2 port:libiconv port:libgnomeui port:libxml2 port:pkgconfig port:rarian} long_description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).} maintainers gmail.com:dbevans categories {devel gnome} version 3.4.3 revision 1
+variants {universal disable_gnome} variant_desc {disable_gnome {Disable support for GNOME UI widgets}} portdir devel/glade3 description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME.} homepage http://glade.gnome.org/ depends_run port:hicolor-icon-theme epoch 0 platforms darwin name glade3 depends_lib {port:gettext port:gtk-doc port:gtk2 port:libiconv port:libgnomeui port:libxml2 port:pkgconfig port:rarian} long_description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).} maintainers gmail.com:dbevans categories {devel gnome} version 3.4.5 revision 0
glib1 487
variants {universal darwin_6} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir devel/glib1 description {Library with data structure functions and other constructs} homepage http://www.gtk.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name glib1 depends_lib port:gettext maintainers nomaintainer long_description {General-purpose library from the GTK+ team, includes support routines for C such as lists, trees, hashes, memory allocation, and many other things.} version 1.2.10 categories devel revision 5
glib2 500
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@
gnome-bindings-suite 651
variants universal description {The GNOME bindings} portdir devel/gnome-bindings-suite homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 depends_lib {port:gnome-bindings-cxx port:gnome-bindings-perl5 port:gnome-bindings-python} name gnome-bindings-suite long_description {The GNOME bindings is the set of libraries that allow developers to develop fully GNOME compliant applications in C#, C++, Java, Perl, and Python. The platform is one of the suites of software packages that form the complete GNOME project offerings. NOTE: the GNOME Java bindings have yet to be ported to Mac OS X.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {devel gnome} version 2.12 revision 0
gnutls 566
-variants {universal darwin_8} portdir devel/gnutls description {GNU Transport Layer Security Library} homepage http://www.gnutls.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnutls depends_lib {port:libgcrypt port:libtasn1 port:opencdk port:lzo port:zlib port:readline} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {GnuTLS is a portable ANSI C based library which implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. The library does not include any patented algorithms and is available under the GNU Lesser GPL license.} version 2.2.2 categories {devel security} revision 0
+variants {universal darwin_8} portdir devel/gnutls description {GNU Transport Layer Security Library} homepage http://www.gnutls.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnutls depends_lib {port:libgcrypt port:libtasn1 port:opencdk port:lzo port:zlib port:readline} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {GnuTLS is a portable ANSI C based library which implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. The library does not include any patented algorithms and is available under the GNU Lesser GPL license.} version 2.2.3 categories {devel security} revision 0
gob1 373
variants universal portdir devel/gob1 description {preprocessor for making GTK+ 1 objects with inline C} homepage http://www.5z.com/jirka/gob.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name gob1 depends_lib port:glib1 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Old 1.0 version of gob for making GTK+ 1 (with some support for GTK+ 2) objects.} version 1.0.12 categories devel revision 0
gob2 564
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@
libffi 826
variants universal description {libffi provides a high level api to various calling conventions} portdir devel/libffi homepage http://sources.redhat.com/libffi/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libffi long_description {libffi library provides a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions. This allows a programmer to call any function specified by a call interface description at run-time. Some programs may not know at the time of compilation what arguments are to be passed to a function. For instance, an interpreter may be told at run-time about the number and types of arguments used to call a given function. Libffi can be used in such programs to provide a bridge from the interpreter program to compiled code.} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net categories devel version 2.1 revision 20080124
libgcrypt 708
-variants {universal darwin_6} portdir devel/libgcrypt description {Crypto library} homepage http://www.gnupg.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libgcrypt depends_lib port:libgpg-error maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {This is a general purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG. It provides functions for all cryptograhic building blocks: symmetric ciphers (AES, DES, Blowfish, CAST5, Twofish, Arcfour), hash algorithms (MD4, MD5, RIPE-MD160, SHA-1, TIGER-192), MACs (HMAC for all hash algorithms), public key algorithms (RSA, ElGamal, DSA), large integer functions, random numbers and a lot of supporting functions.} version 1.4.0 categories {devel security} revision 1
+variants {universal darwin_6} portdir devel/libgcrypt description {Crypto library} homepage http://www.gnupg.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libgcrypt depends_lib port:libgpg-error maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} long_description {This is a general purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG. It provides functions for all cryptograhic building blocks: symmetric ciphers (AES, DES, Blowfish, CAST5, Twofish, Arcfour), hash algorithms (MD4, MD5, RIPE-MD160, SHA-1, TIGER-192), MACs (HMAC for all hash algorithms), public key algorithms (RSA, ElGamal, DSA), large integer functions, random numbers and a lot of supporting functions.} version 1.4.1 categories {devel security} revision 0
libgdiplus 751
variants {universal pango} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {pango {Enable Pango font rendering support (experimental)}} portdir devel/libgdiplus description {An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API} homepage http://www.mono-project.com/Libgdiplus epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:jpeg port:tiff port:libungif port:libpng port:pkgconfig port:render port:xrender port:zlib port:fontconfig port:freetype port:libiconv port:libexif port:glib2 lib:libX11.6:XFree86} name libgdiplus maintainers stechert at macports.org long_description {An implementation of the GDI+ API for Mono, an effort to create an open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework including a C# compiler.} categories devel version 1.2.6 revision 1
libgeoip 298
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
libtar 374
variants universal description {library for manipulating POSIX tar files} portdir devel/libtar homepage http://www.feep.net/libtar/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libtar long_description {libtar is a C library for manipulating POSIX tar files. It handles adding and extracting files to/from a tar archive.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 1.2.11 revision 1
libtasn1 354
-variants universal description {ASN.1 structure parser library} portdir devel/libtasn1 homepage http://www.gnutls.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libtasn1 long_description {The libtasn1 library was developed for ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notifcation One) structures management.} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} categories devel version 1.3 revision 0
+variants universal description {ASN.1 structure parser library} portdir devel/libtasn1 homepage http://www.gnutls.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libtasn1 long_description {The libtasn1 library was developed for ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notifcation One) structures management.} maintainers {sfiera openmaintainer} categories devel version 1.4 revision 0
libtemplate 459
variants universal description {HTML templating engine in C} portdir devel/libtemplate homepage http://www.lazarusid.com/libtemplate.shtml epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name libtemplate long_description {Separate your business logic from your interface with libtemplate. Designed to be both fast and easy to use in your application. Stop embedding HTML and speed your development.} maintainers afb at macports.org categories sysutils version 1.5 revision 0
libtool 447
@@ -2158,8 +2158,8 @@
variants universal portdir gnome/ghex description {GHex - a binary editor.} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ghex depends_lib lib:libgnomeprintui-2-2:libgnomeprintui long_description {GHex allows the user to load data from any file, view and edit it in either hex or ascii. A must for anyone playing games that use non-ascii format for saving.} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.6.0 categories gnome revision 0
glabels 429
variants universal portdir gnome/glabels description {print labels and business cards} homepage http://glabels.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name glabels depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libgnomeui port:libxml2 port:libglade2} maintainers gmail.com:craig.cottingham long_description {gLabels is a program for creating labels and business cards for the GNOME desktop environment.} version 2.2.2 categories gnome revision 0
-glade 1120
-variants {universal gnomedb} portdir gnome/glade description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME.} homepage http://glade.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name glade depends_lib {bin:automake-1.7:automake bin:autoconf:autoconf lib:libiconv.2:libiconv lib:libgail-gnome:libgail-gnome lib:libXft.2.1.2:Xft2 port:freetype lib:libaudiofile:audiofile lib:libesd:esound port:fontconfig port:gnome-keyring lib:libpng:libpng lib:libatk-1.0:atk bin:gconftool-2:gconf lib:libgettextlib:gettext lib:libglib-2.0:glib2 lib:libgnomevfs-2:gnome-vfs lib:libgtk-x11-2.0:gtk2 lib:libgnomecanvas-2:libgnomecanvas lib:libart_lgpl_2:libart_lgpl lib:libbonobo-2:libbonobo lib:libbonoboui-2:libbonoboui lib:libgnome-2:libgnome lib:libgnomeui-2:libgnomeui bin:orbit-idl-2:orbit2 port:libxml2 bin:perl:perl5.8 port:tiff lib:libpangoft2-1.0:pango bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig port:rarian port:xrender port:zlib} long_description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. It is
released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.12.1 categories {gnome devel} revision 1
+glade 1169
+variants {universal gnomedb} variant_desc {gnomedb {Enable GNOME DB support}} portdir gnome/glade description {Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME.} homepage http://glade.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name glade depends_lib {bin:automake-1.7:automake bin:autoconf:autoconf lib:libiconv.2:libiconv lib:libgail-gnome:libgail-gnome lib:libXft.2.1.2:Xft2 port:freetype lib:libaudiofile:audiofile lib:libesd:esound port:fontconfig port:gnome-keyring lib:libpng:libpng lib:libatk-1.0:atk bin:gconftool-2:gconf lib:libgettextlib:gettext lib:libglib-2.0:glib2 lib:libgnomevfs-2:gnome-vfs lib:libgtk-x11-2.0:gtk2 lib:libgnomecanvas-2:libgnomecanvas lib:libart_lgpl_2:libart_lgpl lib:libbonobo-2:libbonobo lib:libbonoboui-2:libbonoboui lib:libgnome-2:libgnome lib:libgnomeui-2:libgnomeui bin:orbit-idl-2:orbit2 port:libxml2 bin:perl:perl5.8 port:tiff lib:libpangoft2-1.0:pango bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig port:rarian port:xrender port:zlib} long_description {Glade is a free
user interface builder for GTK+ and GNOME. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.12.2 categories {gnome devel} revision 0
glademm 324
variants universal description {C++ wrapper for glade2.} portdir gnome/glademm homepage http://home.wtal.de/petig/Gtk/ epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libgtkmm-2:gtkmm lib:libgnomemm-2:libgnomemm} name glademm long_description {{C++ wrapper for glade2.}} maintainers toralf at procaptura.com categories gnome version 2.6.0 revision 0
glom 559
@@ -5003,7 +5003,7 @@
p5-cgi-session 379
variants universal portdir perl/p5-cgi-session description {Persistent session data in CGI applications} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-Session/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-cgi-session depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Persistent session data in CGI applications}} version 4.20 categories perl revision 0
p5-cgi-simple 435
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-cgi-simple description {A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-cgi-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant}} version 1.103 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-cgi-simple description {A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-Simple/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-cgi-simple depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant}} version 1.104 categories perl revision 0
p5-cgi-speedycgi 600
variants {universal apple_apache} portdir perl/p5-cgi-speedycgi description {Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/CGI-SpeedyCGI/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-cgi-speedycgi depends_lib port:apache2 maintainers markd at macports.org long_description {SpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which can make them run much more quickly. A script can be made to to run persistently by changing the interpreter line at the top of a script from: '#!/_prefix_/bin/perl' to '#!/_prefix_/bin/speedy'} version 2.22 categories perl revision 2
p5-chart 355
@@ -5173,7 +5173,7 @@
p5-dbd-mysql 601
variants {universal mysql3 mysql4 mysql5} variant_desc {mysql3 {build with mysql3 port} mysql4 {build with mysql4 port} mysql5 {build with mysql5 port (default)}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-mysql description {Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-mysql/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-mysql depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-dbi port:zlib {path:\${prefix}/bin/mysql_config5:mysql5}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database}} version 4.007 categories perl revision 0
p5-dbd-pg 744
-variants {universal postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82} variant_desc {postgresql7 {build with postgresql7 port} postgresql80 {build with postgresql80 port} postgresql81 {build with postgresql81 port} postgresql82 {build with postgresql82 port}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-pg description {Perl DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-Pg/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-pg depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:postgresql83 port:p5-dbi port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {DBD::Pg is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} version 2.7.1 categories {perl databases} revision 0
+variants {universal postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82} variant_desc {postgresql7 {build with postgresql7 port} postgresql80 {build with postgresql80 port} postgresql81 {build with postgresql81 port} postgresql82 {build with postgresql82 port}} portdir perl/p5-dbd-pg description {Perl DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-Pg/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-pg depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:postgresql83 port:p5-dbi port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {DBD::Pg is a Perl module which works with the DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases} version 2.7.2 categories {perl databases} revision 0
p5-dbd-sqlite 370
variants universal portdir perl/p5-dbd-sqlite description {perl dbd interface to SQLite} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-SQLite/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-dbd-sqlite depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-dbi} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{perl dbd interface to SQLite}} version 1.14 categories perl revision 0
p5-dbd-sqlite2 397
@@ -5575,13 +5575,13 @@
p5-module-find 409
variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-find description {Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Find/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-find depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Module::Find lets you find and use modules in categories.} version 0.06 categories perl revision 0
p5-module-install 792
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-install description {Standalone, extensible Perl module installer} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Install/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-install depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-archive-tar port:p5-extutils-parsexs port:p5-module-build port:p5-module-corelist port:p5-module-scandeps port:p5-par-dist port:p5-yaml-tiny} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Module::Install is a package for writing installers for CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions that are clean, simple, minimalist, act in a strictly correct manner with both the ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build build systems, and will run on any Perl installation version 5.004 or newer.} version 0.72 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-install description {Standalone, extensible Perl module installer} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Install/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-install depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-archive-tar port:p5-extutils-parsexs port:p5-module-build port:p5-module-corelist port:p5-module-scandeps port:p5-par-dist port:p5-yaml-tiny} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {Module::Install is a package for writing installers for CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions that are clean, simple, minimalist, act in a strictly correct manner with both the ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build build systems, and will run on any Perl installation version 5.004 or newer.} version 0.73 categories perl revision 0
p5-module-pluggable 435
variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-pluggable description {automatically give your module the ability to have plugins} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Pluggable/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-pluggable depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{automatically give your module the ability to have plugins}} version 3.8 categories perl revision 0
p5-module-refresh 380
variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-refresh description {Refresh %INC files when updated on disk} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Refresh/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-refresh depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Refresh %INC files when updated on disk}} version 0.09 categories perl revision 0
p5-module-scandeps 609
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-scandeps description {Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-ScanDeps/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-scandeps depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-module-build port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This module scans potential modules used by perl programs, and returns a hash {reference;} its keys are the module names as appears in %INC (e.g. {Test/More.pm);} the values are hash references with this structure:} version 0.83 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-scandeps description {Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-ScanDeps/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-scandeps depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-module-build port:p5-version} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {This module scans potential modules used by perl programs, and returns a hash {reference;} its keys are the module names as appears in %INC (e.g. {Test/More.pm);} the values are hash references with this structure:} version 0.84 categories perl revision 0
p5-module-versions-report 406
variants universal portdir perl/p5-module-versions-report description {Report versions of all modules in memory} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Versions-Report/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-module-versions-report depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Report versions of all modules in memory}} version 1.02 categories perl revision 0
p5-mogilefs-client 653
@@ -5799,7 +5799,7 @@
p5-test-classapi 653
variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-classapi description {Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-ClassAPI/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-classapi depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-class-inspector port:p5-config-tiny} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {For many APIs with large numbers of classes, it can be very useful to be able to do a quick once-over to make sure that classes, methods, and inheritance is correct, before doing more comprehensive testing. This module aims to provide such a capability.} version 1.02 categories perl revision 0
p5-test-deep 458
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-deep description {Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Deep/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-deep depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-tester port:p5-test-nowarnings} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures}} version 0.100 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-deep description {Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Deep/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-deep depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-test-tester port:p5-test-nowarnings} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures}} version 0.101 categories perl revision 0
p5-test-differences 574
variants universal portdir perl/p5-test-differences description {Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-Differences/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-test-differences depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-text-diff} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {When the code you're testing returns multiple lines, records or data structures and they're just plain wrong, an equivalent to the Unix diff utility may be just what's needed.} version 0.47 categories perl revision 0
p5-test-exception 597
@@ -5987,7 +5987,7 @@
p5-yaml-syck 376
variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-syck description {A fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Syck/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-syck depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8}} maintainers ged at FaerieMUD.org long_description {{A fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper}} version 0.99 categories perl revision 0
p5-yaml-tiny 436
-variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-tiny description {Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Tiny/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-tiny depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-yaml port:p5-yaml-syck} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible}} version 1.31 categories perl revision 0
+variants universal portdir perl/p5-yaml-tiny description {Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible} homepage http://search.cpan.org/dist/YAML-Tiny/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name p5-yaml-tiny depends_lib {{path:\${prefix}/bin/perl:perl5.8} port:p5-yaml port:p5-yaml-syck} maintainers {narf_tm openmaintainer} long_description {{Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible}} version 1.32 categories perl revision 0
a2ps 462
variants {universal darwin} depends_build bin:psnup:psutils portdir print/a2ps description {an Any to PostScript filter.} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/a2ps/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:libtool name a2ps maintainers mike at pentangle.net long_description {a2ps is a utilty that allows the user to do PostScript manipulations. It is able to pass on processing to other filters, such as gzip and dvips.} version 4.13b categories print revision 3
a2ps-j 487
@@ -8222,8 +8222,8 @@
variants universal depends_build bin:aspell:aspell portdir textproc/aspell-dict-sv description {Swedish dictionary for aspell} homepage http://aspell.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name aspell-dict-sv maintainers jakob at rfc.se long_description {Aspell with Swedish dictionary.} version 0.51 categories textproc revision 0
barcode 609
variants universal description {convert text strings to printed barcodes} portdir textproc/barcode homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/barcode/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name barcode long_description {Main features of GNU Barcode: - Available as both a library and an executable program - Supports UPC, EAN, ISBN, CODE39 and other encoding standards - Postscript and Encapsulated Postscript output - Accepts sizes and positions as inches, centimeters, millimeters - Can create tables of barcodes (to print labels on sticker pages)} maintainers nomaintainer categories {textproc print} version 0.98 revision 0
-bibledit 651
-variants universal description {A USFM text editor for Bible translators using Linux and Mac OS X.} portdir textproc/bibledit homepage http://bibledit.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libgtkhtml312 port:sqlite3} name bibledit long_description {Bibledit is a USFM text editor that works in Linux or Mac OS X for Bible translators to create Bible text. It is unique in that it is organized in two distinct hierarchies. One, it has sections and paragraphs, like any other text. Second, it is made up of books that contain chapters that contain verses.} maintainers mac_support_jaars at sil.org categories textproc version 2.8 revision 0
+bibledit 692
+variants universal portdir textproc/bibledit description {A USFM text editor for Bible translators using Linux and Mac OS X.} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/bibledit/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name bibledit depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:sqlite3 port:git-core port:enchant port:nspr port:firefox-x11} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Bibledit is a USFM text editor that works in Linux or Mac OS X for Bible translators to create Bible text. It is unique in that it is organized in two distinct hierarchies. One, it has sections and paragraphs, like any other text. Second, it is made up of books that contain chapters that contain verses.} version 3.2.10 categories textproc revision 0
bibtex2html 450
variants universal depends_build bin:ocamlc:ocaml description {Bibtex to HTML translator} portdir textproc/bibtex2html depends_run bin:bibtex:teTeX epoch 0 name bibtex2html long_description {bibtex2html is a collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML. They allow to produce, from a set of bibliography files in BibTeX format, a bibliography in HTML format.} maintainers reilles at loria.fr categories {textproc www} version 1.91 revision 0
boxes 422
@@ -8332,6 +8332,8 @@
variants {universal darwin_7} description {Utility to convert HTML documents into plain text.} portdir textproc/html2text homepage http://www.mbayer.de/html2text/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name html2text long_description {html2text is a command line utility, written in C++, that converts HTML documents into plain text. Each HTML document is loaded from a location indicated by a URI or read from standard input, and formatted into a stream of plain text characters that is written to standard output or into an output-file. The input-URI may specify a remote site, from that the documents are loaded via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).} maintainers nomaintainer categories textproc version 1.3.2a revision 3
htmldoc 528
variants {universal ssl gnutls cdsassl} portdir textproc/htmldoc description {Converts HTML files to PDF or PostScript} homepage http://www.htmldoc.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name htmldoc depends_lib {port:jpeg port:libpng port:zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {htmldoc can convert HTML files to PDF or PostScript, generate a table-of-contents for books, and generate indexed HTML files. It also generates files on-the-fly for web applications or for batch jobs.} version 1.8.27 categories textproc revision 0
+hunspell 674
+variants universal depends_build {port:autoconf port:automake} portdir textproc/hunspell description {Spell checker and morphological analyzer} homepage http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gettext port:ncurses port:readline} name hunspell maintainers {openmaintainer jochen} long_description {Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. Hunspell interfaces: Ispell-like terminal interface using Curses library, Ispell pipe interface, OpenOffice.org UNO module.} version 1.2.2 categories textproc revision 0
hyperestraier 964
variants {universal macosx mecab no-zlib lzo bzip2} depends_build bin:pkg-config:pkgconfig portdir textproc/hyperestraier description {Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system.} homepage http://hyperestraier.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:qdbm port:libiconv port:zlib} name hyperestraier maintainers {rsky0711 at gmail.com pelopor at nifty.com} long_description {Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system. It has the following characteristics. (1) High performance of search (2) High scalability of target documents (3) Perfect recall ratio by N-gram method (4) High precision by hybrid mechanism of N-gram and morphological analyzer (5) Phrase search, regular expressions, attribute search, and similarity search (6) Multilingualism with Unicode (7) Independent of file format and repository (8) Intelligent web crawler (9) Simple and powerful API (10) Supporting P2P architecture.} version 1.4.12 categories {textproc net} revision 0
idnits 446
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