[36916] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Sun May 18 12:44:58 PDT 2008
Revision: 36916
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-18 12:44:56 -0700 (Sun, 18 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4777
Ports successfully parsed: 4777
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-18 18:47:10 UTC (rev 36915)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-18 19:44:56 UTC (rev 36916)
@@ -2084,8 +2084,8 @@
variants universal portdir gnome/acme description {Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name acme depends_lib lib:libgnome-window-settings:gnome-control-center long_description {This is ACME, a small tool for your laptops. It makes the small multimedia buttons on these things actually do something. It currently only fully supports Apple laptops (iBooks and Powerbooks), and should work on other systems as well.} maintainers nomaintainer version 2.4.1 categories gnome revision 0
anjuta 365
variants universal portdir gnome/anjuta description {A gnome ide.} homepage http://anjuta.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name anjuta depends_lib {lib:libzvt-2:libzvt lib:libvte:vte lib:libpcreposix:pcre lib:libgnomeprintui-2.2:libgnomeprintui} long_description {{A gnome ide.}} maintainers nomaintainer version 1.2.4a categories {gnome devel} revision 0
-at-spi 584
-variants {universal x11 quartz} depends_build {port:p5-xml-parser port:pkgconfig} portdir gnome/at-spi description {Gnome Accesibility Technology Service} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:atk port:gtk2 port:libbonobo port:gail} name at-spi long_description {'at-spi' is a part of the Gnome Accessibility Project. It provides a Service Provider Interface for the Assistive Technologies available on the GNOME platform, and a library against which applications can be linked.} maintainers nomaintainer version 1.22.1 categories gnome revision 0
+at-spi 598
+variants {universal x11 quartz} depends_build {port:p5-xml-parser port:pkgconfig} portdir gnome/at-spi description {Gnome Accesibility Technology Service} homepage http://www.gnome.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:atk port:gtk2 port:libbonobo port:gail port:python25} name at-spi long_description {'at-spi' is a part of the Gnome Accessibility Project. It provides a Service Provider Interface for the Assistive Technologies available on the GNOME platform, and a library against which applications can be linked.} maintainers nomaintainer version 1.22.1 categories gnome revision 0
bakery 453
variants universal portdir gnome/bakery description {Bakery is a C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm.} homepage http://bakery.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name bakery depends_lib {port:gnome-vfsmm port:libxmlxx2 port:libglademm port:libiconv} long_description {{Bakery is a C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm.}} maintainers {landonf at macports.org openmaintainer} version 2.3.18 categories gnome revision 0
balsa 454
@@ -2774,6 +2774,8 @@
variants {universal quicktime} portdir graphics/simage description {library for loading and saving images, sound and video} homepage http://www.coin3d.org/lib/simage/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name simage depends_lib {lib:libjpeg:jpeg lib:libpng:libpng lib:libsndfile:libsndfile lib:libungif:libungif lib:libtiff:tiff lib:libz:zlib} long_description {simage is a library capable of loading, manipulating and saving images, creating and saving movies (AVI and mpeg), and loading audio. The simage library relies heavily on 3rd party libraries to perform these tasks.} maintainers css at macports.org version 1.6.1 categories {graphics devel} revision 1
squish 475
variants universal description {DXT Compression Library} portdir graphics/squish homepage http://www.sjbrown.co.uk/?code=squish epoch 0 platforms darwin name squish long_description {DXT compression is a very well-designed compression scheme for colour textures with an optional alpha channel. The squish library is a cross-platform open source implementation of DXT compression (and decompression).} maintainers julian9 at gmail.com categories graphics version 1.10 revision 1
+swftools 388
+variants universal portdir graphics/swftools description {SWF manipulation and generation tools} homepage http://www.swftools.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name swftools depends_lib {port:jpeg port:openjpeg port:freetype port:lame port:libungif port:python25} long_description {{SWF manipulation and generation tools}} maintainers nomaintainer version 0.8.1 categories graphics revision 0
t1utils 691
variants universal description {Command line tools for dealing with Type 1 fonts} portdir graphics/t1utils homepage http://www.lcdf.org/~eddietwo/type/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name t1utils long_description {t1utils is a collection of simple type-1 font manipulation programs. Together, they allow you to convert between PFA (ASCII) and PFB (binary) formats, disassemble PFA or PFB files into human-readable form, reassemble them into PFA or PFB format. Additionally you can extract font resources from a Macintosh font file (ATM/Laserwriter), or create a Macintosh Type 1 font file from a PFA or PFB font.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {graphics print fonts} version 1.32 revision 0
tgif 241
@@ -4044,8 +4046,130 @@
variants {universal gmp} depends_build bin:perl:perl5.8 description {NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory} portdir math/ntl homepage http://shoup.net/ntl/ epoch 0 name ntl long_description {NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for arbitrary length {integers;} for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite {fields;} and for arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic.} maintainers ralf at fimaluka.org categories math version 5.4 revision 0
octave 952
variants {universal gcc43} depends_build {bin:texinfo:texinfo bin:tex:teTeX bin:tex:texlive bin:tex:pTeX port:ghostscript port:gawk port:gsed port:perl5.8 port:texinfo} variant_desc {gcc43 {builds with gfortran-mp-4.3}} portdir math/octave description {a Matlab-like environment for numerical analysis} homepage http://www.octave.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:readline port:curl port:hdf5 port:fftw-3 port:metis port:SuiteSparse port:pcre port:glpk port:gnuplot port:ncurses port:qhull port:g95} name octave maintainers {stechert at macports.org alakazam at melix.net} long_description {Octave provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It is easily extensible and customizable via user-defined functions or using dynamically loaded modules written in e.g. C++, C or Fortran.} categories {math science} version 3.0.1 revision 0
+octave-ad 329
+variants universal portdir math/octave-ad description {Automatic Forward Differentiation} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-ad depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Automatic Forward Differentiation}} version 1.0.2 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-ann 655
+variants universal portdir math/octave-ann description {The Octave-forge ANN package wraps the ANN library, which provides data structures and functions for computing exact and approximate nearest neighbors on an arbitrarily high dimensional point set.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-ann depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{The Octave-forge ANN package wraps the ANN library, which provides data structures and functions for computing exact and approximate nearest neighbors on an arbitrarily high dimensional point set.}} version 1.0 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-audio 361
+variants universal portdir math/octave-audio description {Audio recording, processing and playing tools.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-audio depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Audio recording, processing and playing tools.}} version 1.1.1 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-bim 661
+variants universal portdir math/octave-bim description {Package for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equaltions based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM)} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-bim depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-fpl port:octave-msh} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Package for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equaltions based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM)}} version 0.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-bioinfo 327
+variants universal portdir math/octave-bioinfo description {Bioinformatics manipulation} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-bioinfo depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Bioinformatics manipulation}} version 0.1.0 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-civil-engineering 401
+variants universal portdir math/octave-civil-engineering description {Functions to solution some ODE's in Civil Engineering.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-civil-engineering depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Functions to solution some ODE's in Civil Engineering.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-combinatorics 379
+variants universal portdir math/octave-combinatorics description {Combinatorics functions, incuding partitioning.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-combinatorics depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Combinatorics functions, incuding partitioning.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-control 335
+variants universal portdir math/octave-control description {Additional Octave Control tools} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-control depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional Octave Control tools}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-data-smoothing 357
+variants universal portdir math/octave-data-smoothing description {Algorithms for smoothing noisy data} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-data-smoothing depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Algorithms for smoothing noisy data}} version 1.0.0 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-econometrics 407
+variants universal portdir math/octave-econometrics description {Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-econometrics depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-engine 351
+variants universal portdir math/octave-engine description {An external interface library for Octave} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-engine depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{An external interface library for Octave}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-financial 386
+variants universal portdir math/octave-financial description {Financial manipulation and plotting functions} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-financial depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-time} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Financial manipulation and plotting functions}} version 0.2.2 categories {math science} revision 0
octave-forge 615
variants {universal powerpc i386 test g95} portdir math/octave-forge description {Additional script and function files for Octave.} homepage http://octave.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-forge depends_lib {port:ginac port:gsl port:jpeg port:libpng port:octave port:gcc40} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {The GNU Octave Repository is a central location for the the collaborative development of packages for GNU Octave. The The octave-forge package contains the source for all the the functions plus build and install scripts.} version 2006.07.09 categories {math science} revision 1
+octave-fpl 435
+variants universal portdir math/octave-fpl description {Collection of routines to plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-fpl depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Collection of routines to plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes}} version 0.1.2 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-ga 341
+variants universal portdir math/octave-ga description {Genetic optimization code} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-ga depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-miscellaneous} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Genetic optimization code}} version 0.1.1 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-general 323
+variants universal portdir math/octave-general description {General tools for octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-general depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{General tools for octave.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-graceplot 354
+variants universal portdir math/octave-graceplot description {Graceplot bindings for octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-graceplot depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-io} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Graceplot bindings for octave.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-gsl 355
+variants universal portdir math/octave-gsl description {Octave bindings to the GNU Scientific Library} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-gsl depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Octave bindings to the GNU Scientific Library}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-ident 369
+variants universal portdir math/octave-ident description {Addition System Indentification Control functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-ident depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Addition System Indentification Control functions.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-image 965
+variants universal portdir math/octave-image description {The Octave-forge Image package provides functions for reading, writing, and processing images. The package supports almost all image formats through the use of ImageMagick. The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological operations, linear filtering, and much more.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-image depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{The Octave-forge Image package provides functions for reading, writing, and processing images. The package supports almost all image formats through the use of ImageMagick. The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological operations, linear filtering, and much more.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-informationtheory 459
+variants universal portdir math/octave-informationtheory description {Functions and routines for basic Information Theory definitions, and source coding.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-informationtheory depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Functions and routines for basic Information Theory definitions, and source coding.}} version 0.1.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-integration 383
+variants universal portdir math/octave-integration description {Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-integration depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-io 329
+variants universal portdir math/octave-io description {Input/Output in external formats.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-io depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Input/Output in external formats.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-irsa 323
+variants universal portdir math/octave-irsa description {Irregular sampling analysis.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-irsa depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Irregular sampling analysis.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-java 391
+variants universal portdir math/octave-java description {Provides Java interface with OO-like Java objects manipulation} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-java depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Provides Java interface with OO-like Java objects manipulation}} version 1.2.4 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-linear-algebra 437
+variants universal portdir math/octave-linear-algebra description {Additional linear algebra code, including general SVD and matrix functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-linear-algebra depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional linear algebra code, including general SVD and matrix functions.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-mapping 323
+variants universal portdir math/octave-mapping description {Simple Mapping functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-mapping depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Simple Mapping functions.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-miscellaneous 391
+variants universal portdir math/octave-miscellaneous description {Miscellaneous tools including waitbar, xml tools, etc} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-miscellaneous depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Miscellaneous tools including waitbar, xml tools, etc}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-missing-functions 397
+variants universal portdir math/octave-missing-functions description {Find functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-missing-functions depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Find functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave.}} version 1.0.0 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-msh 721
+variants universal portdir math/octave-msh description {Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. Relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-msh depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-splines} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. Relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.}} version 0.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-multicore 450
+variants universal portdir math/octave-multicore description {An Octave-forge package providing functions for parallel processing on multiple cores.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-multicore depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{An Octave-forge package providing functions for parallel processing on multiple cores.}} version 0.2.12 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-nan 331
+variants universal portdir math/octave-nan description {Missing value statistical toolbox} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-nan depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Missing value statistical toolbox}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-nnet 351
+variants universal portdir math/octave-nnet description {A feed forward multi-layer neural network.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-nnet depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{A feed forward multi-layer neural network.}} version 0.1.7 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-ocs 429
+variants universal portdir math/octave-ocs description {Package for solving DC and transient MNA equation stemming from electrical circuit} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-ocs depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Package for solving DC and transient MNA equation stemming from electrical circuit}} version 0.0.1 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-octcdf 343
+variants universal portdir math/octave-octcdf description {A NetCDF interface for octave} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-octcdf depends_lib {port:octave port:netcdf} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{A NetCDF interface for octave}} version 1.0.9 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-odebvp 581
+variants universal portdir math/octave-odebvp description {To approximate the solution of the boundary-value problem y''=p(x)*y' + q(x)*y + r(x), a<=x<=b, y(a)=alpha, y(b)=beta by the linear finite-diffence method.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-odebvp depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{To approximate the solution of the boundary-value problem y''=p(x)*y' + q(x)*y + r(x), a<=x<=b, y(a)=alpha, y(b)=beta by the linear finite-diffence method.}} version 1.0.4 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-optim 389
+variants universal portdir math/octave-optim description {Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization toolkit.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-optim depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-miscellaneous} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization toolkit.}} version 1.0.3 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-optiminterp 367
+variants universal portdir math/octave-optiminterp description {An optimal interpolation toolbox for octave} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-optiminterp depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{An optimal interpolation toolbox for octave}} version 0.2.7 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-outliers 454
+variants universal portdir math/octave-outliers description {Grubbs, Dixon and Cochran tests for outlier detection and p-value approximating routines.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-outliers depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Grubbs, Dixon and Cochran tests for outlier detection and p-value approximating routines.}} version 0.13.7 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-parallel 371
+variants universal portdir math/octave-parallel description {Parallel execution package for cluster computers} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-parallel depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Parallel execution package for cluster computers}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-pdb 393
+variants universal portdir math/octave-pdb description {Reads and display PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-pdb depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Reads and display PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-physicalconstants 445
+variants universal portdir math/octave-physicalconstants description {Physical Constants from Atomic & Molecular Physics, taken from NIST database} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-physicalconstants depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Physical Constants from Atomic & Molecular Physics, taken from NIST database}} version 0.1.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-plot 339
+variants universal portdir math/octave-plot description {Additional ploting tools for Octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-plot depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional ploting tools for Octave.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-pt_br 425
+variants universal portdir math/octave-pt_br description {Brazilian Portuguese translations of the help strings of the Octave functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-pt_br depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Brazilian Portuguese translations of the help strings of the Octave functions.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-secs1d 383
+variants universal portdir math/octave-secs1d description {A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-secs1d depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices}} version 0.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-signal 427
+variants universal portdir math/octave-signal description {Signal processing tools, including filtering, windowing and display functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-signal depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Signal processing tools, including filtering, windowing and display functions.}} version 1.0.7 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-sockets 305
+variants universal portdir math/octave-sockets description {Socket functions} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-sockets depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Socket functions}} version 1.0.4 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-specfun 377
+variants universal portdir math/octave-specfun description {Special functions including ellipitic functions, etc} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-specfun depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Special functions including ellipitic functions, etc}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-special-matrix 365
+variants universal portdir math/octave-special-matrix description {Additional Special Matrices for Octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-special-matrix depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional Special Matrices for Octave.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-spline-gcvspl 511
+variants universal portdir math/octave-spline-gcvspl description {B-spline data smoothing using generalized cross-validation and mean squared prediction or explicit user smoothing} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-spline-gcvspl depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{B-spline data smoothing using generalized cross-validation and mean squared prediction or explicit user smoothing}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-splines 341
+variants universal portdir math/octave-splines description {Additional Cubic spline functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-splines depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional Cubic spline functions.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-statistics 365
+variants universal portdir math/octave-statistics description {Additional statistics functions for Octave.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-statistics depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional statistics functions for Octave.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-strings 339
+variants universal portdir math/octave-strings description {Additional manipulation functions} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-strings depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional manipulation functions}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-struct 361
+variants universal portdir math/octave-struct description {Additional Structure manipulations functions.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-struct depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional Structure manipulations functions.}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-symband 363
+variants universal portdir math/octave-symband description {Linear Algebra for Symmetric Banded Matrices.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-symband depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Linear Algebra for Symmetric Banded Matrices.}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-tcl-octave 375
+variants universal portdir math/octave-tcl-octave description {socket implementation of a tcl-octave connection} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-tcl-octave depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{socket implementation of a tcl-octave connection}} version 0.1.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-time 337
+variants universal portdir math/octave-time description {Additional date manipulation tools.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-time depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Additional date manipulation tools.}} version 1.0.7 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-triangular 455
+variants universal portdir math/octave-triangular description {Simple example of a user type implementing a simple matrix type for triangular matrices.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-triangular depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Simple example of a user type implementing a simple matrix type for triangular matrices.}} version 1.0.4 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-tsa 428
+variants universal portdir math/octave-tsa description {Stochastic concepts and maximum entropy methods for time series analysis} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-tsa depends_lib {port:octave port:octave-nan} maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Stochastic concepts and maximum entropy methods for time series analysis}} version 3.10.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-vrml 311
+variants universal portdir math/octave-vrml description {3D graphics using VRML} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-vrml depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{3D graphics using VRML}} version 1.0.6 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-windows 397
+variants universal portdir math/octave-windows description {Provides COM interface and additional functionality on Windows} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-windows depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{Provides COM interface and additional functionality on Windows}} version 1.0.5 categories {math science} revision 0
+octave-zenity 771
+variants universal portdir math/octave-zenity description {A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs, lists, message windows, icons in the notification area, and windows for large amount of text.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-zenity depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs, lists, message windows, icons in the notification area, and windows for large amount of text.}} version 0.5.5 categories {math science} revision 0
oleo 732
variants {universal x11} description {Lightweight spreadsheet program} portdir math/oleo homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/oleo/oleo.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name oleo long_description {GNU Oleo is a spreadsheet program with the following features: Works on character terminals and under X Macro language (still a bit untidy in places, but it works) Charts generated from spreadsheet data (interface is not yet stable, but the capability is in there) Sizeable library of expressions (doesn't currently include statistical regressions) File format conversions (support of this is still pretty {primitive;} don't plan on importing E*cel files anytime soon)} maintainers nomaintainer categories math version 1.99.16 revision 1
optpp 308
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