[37098] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Mon May 26 12:43:46 PDT 2008
Revision: 37098
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-26 12:43:45 -0700 (Mon, 26 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4795
Ports successfully parsed: 4795
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-26 19:39:06 UTC (rev 37097)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-26 19:43:45 UTC (rev 37098)
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@
variants universal description {FSF Binutils for avr cross development} portdir cross/avr-binutils homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/binutils.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name avr-binutils maintainers {pguyot at kallisys.net metamagix at gmail.com} long_description {Free Software Foundation development toolchain (\"binutils\") for avr cross development.} categories {cross devel} version 2.16.1 revision 0
avr-gcc 501
variants {universal darwin_9} depends_build bin:msgfmt:gettext portdir cross/avr-gcc description {gcc cross-compilers for avr} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name avr-gcc depends_lib {bin:avr-ar:avr-binutils bin:avr-as:avr-binutils bin:avr-ld:avr-binutils bin:avr-nm:avr-binutils bin:avr-ranlib:avr-binutils} long_description {GNU compilers collection (c and c++) for avr.} maintainers {pguyot at kallisys.net metamagix at gmail.com} version 4.0.2 categories {cross devel} revision 0
-avr-gdb 400
-variants universal description {GDB for the AVR processors} portdir cross/avr-gdb homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/gdb.html depends_run bin:avarice:avarice epoch 0 name avr-gdb long_description {avr-gdb is a version of the GNU Debugger that through the avarice program can be used to debug code for the AVR processors.} maintainers mmoll at cs.rice.edu categories cross version 6.7.1 revision 0
+avr-gdb 412
+variants universal portdir cross/avr-gdb description {GDB for the AVR processors} homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/gdb.html epoch 0 depends_run bin:avarice:avarice platforms darwin name avr-gdb maintainers nomaintainer long_description {avr-gdb is a version of the GNU Debugger that through the avarice program can be used to debug code for the AVR processors.} version 6.7.1 categories cross revision 0
avr-libc 432
variants universal depends_build port:binutils portdir cross/avr-libc description {C library for the AVR microcontroller.} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/ epoch 0 name avr-libc depends_lib port:avr-gcc maintainers me at staylor.ca long_description {AVR Libc is a Free Software project whose goal is to provide a high quality C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers.} version 1.4.4 categories cross revision 0
avrdude 534
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
clog 384
variants universal description {cLog is a cross-platform C logging library.} portdir devel/clog homepage http://www.webgroupmedia.com/software/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name clog long_description {cLog is a cross-platform C logging library. It is designed to log to files and can also log to a callback function.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 20030825 revision 0
clucene 459
-variants universal description {Clucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java.} portdir devel/clucene homepage http://clucene.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name clucene long_description {{Clucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java.}} maintainers {dinh.viet.hoa at free.fr openmaintainer} categories devel version 0.9.15 revision 0
+variants universal description {Clucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java.} portdir devel/clucene homepage http://clucene.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name clucene long_description {{Clucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java.}} maintainers {dinh.viet.hoa at free.fr openmaintainer} categories devel version 0.9.20 revision 0
cmake 476
variants universal description {Cross-platform make} portdir devel/cmake homepage http://www.cmake.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} name cmake long_description {An extensible, open-source system that manages the build process in an operating system and compiler independent manner. Unlike many cross-platform systems, CMake is designed to be used in conjunction with the native build environment.} maintainers css at macports.org categories devel version 2.6.0 revision 0
cmunge 403
@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@
oniguruma4 418
variants universal description {A regular expressions library.} portdir devel/oniguruma4 homepage http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name oniguruma4 long_description {Oniguruma is a regular expressions library in which different character encoding can be specified for every expression. Version 4.x supports Ruby1.9.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 4.7.1 revision 0
oniguruma5 453
-variants universal description {A regular expressions library.} portdir devel/oniguruma5 homepage http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name oniguruma5 long_description {Oniguruma is a regular expressions library in which different character encoding can be specified for every expression. Supports Unicode Porperty/Script. N.B. 5.x is unrelated to Ruby.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 5.8.0 revision 0
+variants universal description {A regular expressions library.} portdir devel/oniguruma5 homepage http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name oniguruma5 long_description {Oniguruma is a regular expressions library in which different character encoding can be specified for every expression. Supports Unicode Porperty/Script. N.B. 5.x is unrelated to Ruby.} maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 5.9.1 revision 0
opencdk 343
variants universal portdir devel/opencdk description {Open Crypto Development Kit} homepage http://www.gnutls.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name opencdk depends_lib {port:libgcrypt port:zlib} maintainers sfiera long_description {OpenCDK provides basic parts of the OpenPGP message format.} version 0.6.6 categories {devel security} revision 0
opendx-java40 292
@@ -1604,6 +1604,8 @@
variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir devel/statcvs description {generates tables and charts about a CVS repository} homepage http://statcvs.sourceforge.net/ depends_run bin:cvs:cvs epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:jfreechart port:junit} name statcvs maintainers nomaintainer long_description {StatCVS retrieves information from a CVS repository and generates various tables and charts describing the history of a software project development, such as a timeline for the lines of code, contribution of each developer, etc.} categories {devel java} version 0.2.2 revision 0
stgit 1052
variants {universal html_man_docs} variant_desc {html_man_docs {Build and install documentation in HTML and manpage format}} portdir devel/stgit description {Push/pop utility on top of GIT} homepage http://www.procode.org/stgit/ depends_run port:git-core epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python24 name stgit maintainers {boeyms openmaintainer} long_description {StGIT is a Python application providing similar functionality to Quilt (i.e. pushing/popping patches to/from a stack) on top of GIT. These operations are performed using GIT commands and the patches are stored as GIT commit objects, allowing easy merging of the StGIT patches into other repositories using standard GIT functionality. Note that StGIT is not an SCM interface on top of GIT and it expects a previously initialised GIT repository (unless it is cloned using StGIT directly). For standard SCM operations, either use plain GIT commands or the Cogito tool but it is not recommended to mix them with the StGIT
commands.} version 0.14.1 categories {devel python} revision 0
+strigi 676
+variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir devel/strigi description {Fastest and smallest desktop searching program} homepage http://strigi.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:clucene port:dbus} name strigi maintainers {clubjuggler at gmail.com openmaintainer} long_description {Strigi is a daemon which uses a very fast and efficient crawler that can index data on your harddrive. Indexing operations are performed without hammering your system, this makes Strigi the fastest and smallest desktop searching program. Strigi can index different file formats, including the contents of the archive files.} version 0.5.7 categories devel revision 0
subversion 1027
variants {universal mod_dav_svn no_neon no_bdb mac_os_x_server_mod_dav_svn tools bash_completion darwin_7} variant_desc {mod_dav_svn {Install the subversion apache module (mod_dav_svn)} no_neon {Build without neon (http/https support)} no_bdb {Build without support for BerkeleyDB repositories} mac_os_x_server_mod_dav_svn {Unsupported - attempt to build the subversion apache module with apple supplied apache2} tools {Install some optional extra subversion tools} bash_completion {Install subversion bash-completion file}} portdir devel/subversion description {A cvs like version control system, but without the suck} homepage http://subversion.tigris.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name subversion depends_lib {port:expat port:neon port:apr port:apr-util port:db44 port:gettext port:libiconv} maintainers dluke at geeklair.net long_description {Subversion is a version control system designed to be as similar to cvs(1) as possible, while fixing many outstanding problems with cvs(1).} vers
ion 1.4.6 categories devel revision 0
subversion-javahlbindings 793
@@ -2022,6 +2024,8 @@
variants {universal darwin_8 macosx} description {Arcade style game Boulderdash or Emerald Mine clone} portdir games/rocksndiamonds homepage http://www.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds/ epoch 0 depends_lib {port:libsdl port:libsdl_image port:libsdl_mixer port:libsdl_net} name rocksndiamonds long_description {Arcade style game Boulderdash (C64) or Emerald Mine (Amiga) clone. Included are many levels known from the games Boulderdash, Emerald Mine, Sokoban, Supaplex and DX-Boulderdash, level elements for Diamond Caves II style games and a lot of new levels designed by others.} maintainers phw categories games version 3.2.4 revision 0
rogue 541
variants universal description {Rogue is a popular dungeon exploring adventure game} portdir games/rogue homepage http://rogue.rogueforge.net/ epoch 0 depends_lib port:ncurses name rogue long_description {Rogue is a popular dungeon exploring adventure game. It is one of the earliest (early 1980s) dungeon crawl games, and is an ancestor of games like Diablo. Version 5.4 is the last iteration of the original Rogue by Toy, Arnold, and Wichman developed for Unix.} maintainers aschenke at macports.org categories games version 5.4.2 revision 0
+rrgbis 409
+variants universal portdir games/rrgbis description {Real time strategy game with fleets of spaceships.} homepage http://rrgbis.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name rrgbis depends_lib {port:libsdl port:libsdl_image port:libsdl_mixer port:libvorbis} maintainers {simon openmaintainer} long_description {{Real time strategy game with fleets of spaceships.}} version 1.06-2 categories games revision 0
sdl_sopwith 406
variants universal portdir games/sdl_sopwith description {Classic biplane shooter} homepage http://sdl-sopwith.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name sdl_sopwith depends_lib {port:libsdl port:gtk2} maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {This is a port of the classic computer game {"Sopwith"} to run on modern computers and operating systems.} version 1.7.1 categories games revision 0
ship84 436
@@ -2074,8 +2078,8 @@
variants {universal darwin_powerpc darwin_i386 darwin_8_powerpc} description {xgalaga is a rework of the Galaga shooting game.} portdir games/xgalaga homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/xgalaga/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name xgalaga long_description {{xgalaga is a rework of the Galaga shooting game.}} maintainers nomaintainer categories {games x11} version 2.0.34 revision 0
xmahjongg 415
variants {universal darwin} portdir games/xmahjongg description {X graphical mahjongg solitaire game} homepage http://www.lcdf.org/~eddietwo/xmahjongg epoch 0 platforms darwin name xmahjongg depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libfreetype.6:freetype} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {xmahjongg is a graphical solitaire game based on the Chinese game, Mah Jongg.} version 3.7 categories games revision 1
-xmj 452
-variants universal description {X graphical mahjong multi-player game} portdir games/xmj homepage http://www.stevens-bradfield.com/MahJong epoch 0 depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libgtk:gtk1} name xmj long_description {xmj is a multi-player version of the Chinese game of Mah-Jong. One can play against computer players or against other human players over the network.} maintainers mmoll at cs.rice.edu categories {games x11} version 1.8 revision 0
+xmj 457
+variants universal portdir games/xmj description {X graphical mahjong multi-player game} homepage http://www.stevens-bradfield.com/MahJong epoch 0 platforms darwin name xmj depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 lib:libgtk:gtk1} maintainers mmoll long_description {xmj is a multi-player version of the Chinese game of Mah-Jong. One can play against computer players or against other human players over the network.} version 1.8 categories {games x11} revision 0
xqf 515
variants {universal gtk2} portdir games/xqf description {GTK+ Front-end to Qstat} homepage http://www.linuxgames.com/xqf/ depends_run port:qstat epoch 0 platforms darwin name xqf depends_lib {lib:libgtk.1:gtk1 lib:libgdk-pixbuf:gdk-pixbuf port:p5-xml-parser lib:libreadline:readline} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {XQF is a game server browser and launcher for Unix/X11 for many popular games such as the Quake series, Unreal Tournament series, Half-Life etc.} version 1.0.5 categories games revision 0
xscorch 605
@@ -2680,6 +2684,8 @@
variants universal description {Utility to convert JPEG to PostScript fileS} portdir graphics/jpeg2ps homepage http://www.pdflib.com/download/free-software/jpeg2ps/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name jpeg2ps long_description {jpeg2ps is a utility for converting JPEG images to compressed PostScript Level 2 or 3 files (without uncompressing the images). The JPEG data is simply wrapped with PostScript which yields considerably to smaller PS files.} maintainers nomaintainer categories graphics version 1.9 revision 0
jpegpixi 605
variants universal portdir graphics/jpegpixi description {JPEG Pixel Interpolator} homepage http://www.zero-based.org/software/jpegpixi/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name jpegpixi depends_lib lib:jpeg:jpeg maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Jpegpixi is short for JPEG Pixel Interpolator. The intent of the program is to interpolate pixels (single pixels, dots, stripes) in JPEG images. This is useful to correct images from a digital camera with CCD defects. For example, if one pixel is always bright green, this pixel can be interpolated with jpegpixi.} version 1.1.0 categories graphics revision 0
+keyjnote 978
+variants {universal no_xpdf no_ghostscript no_pdftk} variant_desc {no_xpdf {Removes dependencies on xpdf (Not recommended)} no_ghostscript {Removes dependencies on ghostscript} no_pdftk {Removes dependencies on pdftk (not recommended)}} portdir graphics/keyjnote description {KeyJnote is a program that displays presentation slides.} homepage http://keyjnote.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name keyjnote depends_lib {port:py25-opengl port:py25-game port:xpdf port:ghostscript port:pdftk} maintainers hitzemann.org:simon long_description {KeyJnote is a program that displays presentation slides. But unlike OpenOffice.org Impress or other similar applications, it does so with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, KeyJnote offers some unique tools that are really useful for presentations. Read below if you want to know more about these features.} version 0.10.2 categories graphics revision 0
lablgl 526
variants universal portdir graphics/lablgl description {Objective Caml interface to OpenGL} homepage http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/lablgl.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name lablgl depends_lib {bin:camlp4:ocaml lib:libgtk.1:gtk1 lib:libglut.3:glut} maintainers anil at recoil.org long_description {LablGL is is an Objective Caml interface to OpenGL. Support is included for use with both Glut (standalone) and LablTk. LablGTK also includes specific support for LablGL.} version 1.00 categories graphics revision 0
lcms 671
@@ -3565,7 +3571,7 @@
llvm-gcc42 412
variants {universal darwin powerpc x86} portdir lang/llvm-gcc42 description {llvm is a next generation compiler infrastructure} homepage http://llvm.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name llvm-gcc42 depends_lib port:llvm maintainers {erickt at macports.org openmaintainer} long_description {llvm brings tools to work on the llvm intermediate language incl. a C and C++ frontend.} version 2.2 categories lang revision 0
logtalk 631
-portdir lang/logtalk platforms {darwin freebsd linux} description {Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language} name logtalk version 2.31.5 categories lang homepage http://logtalk.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers pmoura at logtalk.org long_description {Logtalk is an open source object-oriented logic programming language that can use most Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, Logtalk includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols, component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven programming, and multi-threading programming.}
+portdir lang/logtalk platforms {darwin freebsd linux} description {Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language} name logtalk version 2.31.6 categories lang homepage http://logtalk.org/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers pmoura at logtalk.org long_description {Logtalk is an open source object-oriented logic programming language that can use most Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, Logtalk includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols, component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven programming, and multi-threading programming.}
lua 446
variants {universal darwin_7} portdir lang/lua description {powerful, lightweight programming language} homepage http://www.lua.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name lua depends_lib port:readline maintainers {pmq openmaintainer} long_description {Lua is a powerful, light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, standalone language.} version 5.1.3 categories lang revision 3
mdk 1241
@@ -3724,6 +3730,8 @@
variants universal description {Berkeley Logo} portdir lang/ucblogo homepage http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/logo.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name ucblogo long_description {Berkeley Logo is a free Logo interpreter.} maintainers nomaintainer categories lang version 5.5 revision 0
vala 534
variants universal portdir lang/vala description {Compiler for the GObject type system} homepage http://live.gnome.org/Vala epoch 0 platforms darwin name vala depends_lib {port:glib2 port:pkgconfig} maintainers ed at 80386.nl long_description {Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.} version 0.3.1 categories lang revision 0
+xmlgen 499
+portdir lang/xmlgen description {The Tcl package xmlgen allows to write Tcl code which translates itself into XML.} platforms darwin name xmlgen version 1.4 categories {lang tcl} homepage http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/xmlgen.html revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers mac.com:giorgio_v long_description {Every tag is made into a markup command which takes attributes and the element's content as parameters and then prints the XML tagged content. Of course, the content again can contain markup commands.}
yabasic 490
variants universal portdir lang/yabasic description {yet another basic language} homepage http://www.yabasic.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name yabasic depends_lib lib:libX11.6:XFree86 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Yabasic implements the most common and simple elements of the basic language. It comes with goto/gosub, with various loops, with user defined subroutines and Libraries. Yabasic does monochrome line graphics and printing.} version 2.763 categories lang revision 0
yap 635
@@ -3952,8 +3960,8 @@
variants universal description {Fixed-point, full screen calculator.} portdir math/add homepage http://dickey.his.com/add/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name add long_description {add is a fixed-point calculator that operates as a full-screen editor. It is designed for use as a checkbook or expense-account balancing tool.} maintainers {jmpp openmaintainer} categories math version 20021229 revision 0
algae 337
variants universal portdir math/algae description {A programming language for numerical analysis} homepage http://algae.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name algae depends_lib port:gcc34 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Algae is a programming language for numerical analysis.} version 4.3.6 categories math revision 0
-arpack 408
-variants {universal mpi} depends_build port:gcc42 portdir math/arpack description {Package for solving large scale eigenvalue problems} homepage http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK epoch 0 platforms darwin name arpack maintainers mmoll at cs.rice.edu long_description {ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.} version 1 categories math revision 1
+arpack 470
+variants {universal mpi} depends_build port:gcc42 variant_desc {mpi {build the parallel eigenvalue solver library PARPACK}} portdir math/arpack description {Package for solving large scale eigenvalue problems} homepage http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK epoch 0 platforms darwin name arpack maintainers mmoll long_description {ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.} version 1 categories math revision 1
bc 482
variants universal description {arbitrary precision numeric processing language} portdir math/bc homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/bc/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name bc long_description {bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Syntax is similar to C, but differs in many substantial areas. It supports interactive execution of statements. bc is a utility included in the POSIX P1003.2/D11 draft standard.} maintainers mww categories math version 1.06 revision 1
bcv 323
@@ -4186,8 +4194,8 @@
variants universal portdir math/octave-zenity description {A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs, lists, message windows, icons in the notification area, and windows for large amount of text.} homepage http://octave.sf.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name octave-zenity depends_lib port:octave maintainers andrea.damore at macports.org long_description {{A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs, lists, message windows, icons in the notification area, and windows for large amount of text.}} version 0.5.5 categories {math science} revision 0
oleo 732
variants {universal x11} description {Lightweight spreadsheet program} portdir math/oleo homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/oleo/oleo.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name oleo long_description {GNU Oleo is a spreadsheet program with the following features: Works on character terminals and under X Macro language (still a bit untidy in places, but it works) Charts generated from spreadsheet data (interface is not yet stable, but the capability is in there) Sizeable library of expressions (doesn't currently include statistical regressions) File format conversions (support of this is still pretty {primitive;} don't plan on importing E*cel files anytime soon)} maintainers nomaintainer categories math version 1.99.16 revision 1
-optpp 308
-portdir math/optpp variants {universal mpi} description {C++ library for non-linear optimization} name optpp version 2.4 categories math homepage http://csmr.ca.sandia.gov/projects/opt++/ revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers mmoll at cs.rice.edu long_description {OPT++ is a C++ library for non-linear optimization.}
+optpp 390
+variants {universal mpi} variant_desc {mpi {builds with MPI support to enable parallel optimization}} portdir math/optpp description {C++ library for non-linear optimization} homepage http://csmr.ca.sandia.gov/projects/opt++/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name optpp maintainers mmoll long_description {OPT++ is a C++ library for non-linear optimization.} version 2.4 categories math revision 0
orpie 611
variants universal depends_build port:ocaml portdir math/orpie description {fullscreen RPN calculator for the console} homepage http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~pelzlpj/orpie/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name orpie depends_lib port:gsl maintainers snb at moduli.net long_description {Orpie is a fullscreen RPN calculator for the console. Its operation is similar to that of modern HP calculators, but data entry has been optimized for efficiency on a PC keyboard. Features include extensive scientific calculator functionality, command completion, and a visible interactive stack.} version 1.5.1 categories math revision 0
pari 480
@@ -4196,8 +4204,8 @@
variants universal portdir math/pdc description {programmers desktop caclulator in bc style} homepage http://www.redfelineninja.dsl.pipex.com/software/all.html#pdc epoch 0 platforms darwin name pdc depends_lib port:readline maintainers nomaintainer long_description {PDC is a desktop caclulator in the bc style with features designed for programmers. It does not support floating point maths but does provide all the C operators (logical, bitwise, shifts etc.) and implements ISO C operator precedence. Additionally functions are available to perform population counts and byte swaps.} version 0.9 categories math revision 0
ploticus 741
variants universal portdir math/ploticus description {plot generation program} homepage http://ploticus.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ploticus depends_lib {lib:libX11:XFree86 port:libpng port:zlib port:gd2 port:jpeg port:freetype} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {A free, GPL, non-interactive software package for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data. It was developed in a Unix/C environment and runs on various Unix, Linux, and win32 systems. ploticus is good for automated or just-in-time graph generation, handles date and time data nicely, and has basic statistical capabilities. It allows significant user control over colors, styles, options and details.} version 2.40 categories math revision 0
-qhull 698
-portdir math/qhull variants universal description {Programs and library for computing convex hulls.} name qhull version 2003.1 categories math homepage http://www.qhull.org revision 0 epoch 0 maintainers mmoll at cs.rice.edu long_description {Qhull computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The software runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. It handles roundoff errors from floating point arithmetic. Qhull also computes volumes, surface areas, and approximations to the convex hull.}
+qhull 703
+variants universal description {Programs and library for computing convex hulls.} portdir math/qhull homepage http://www.qhull.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name qhull long_description {Qhull computes the convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, furthest-site Delaunay triangulation, and furthest-site Voronoi diagram. The software runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. Qhull implements the Quickhull algorithm for computing the convex hull. It handles roundoff errors from floating point arithmetic. Qhull also computes volumes, surface areas, and approximations to the convex hull.} maintainers mmoll categories math version 2003.1 revision 0
scalc 442
variants universal description {tool for simple integer calculations or for converting numbers} portdir math/scalc homepage http://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/research/cc/berlios/employees/joerg.schilling/private/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name scalc long_description {The calc command may be used to do simple integer calculations or to convert numbers from one radix to another.} maintainers nomaintainer categories math version 1.15 revision 0
tilp2 488
@@ -4534,6 +4542,8 @@
variants universal portdir net/http-replicator description {replicating HTTP proxy server} homepage http://gertjan.freezope.org/replicator/ epoch 0 depends_run bin:python:python24 platforms darwin name http-replicator maintainers mww long_description {Replicator is a replicating HTTP proxy server. Files that are downloaded through the proxy are transparently stored in a private cache, so an exact copy of accessed remote files is created on the local machine. It is, in essence, a general purpose proxy server, but especially suited for maintaining a cache of MacPorts, FreeBSD or Fink packages.} version 3.0 categories {net www} revision 0
http_ping 374
variants universal description {Sends HTTP requests every few seconds and times how long they take} portdir net/http_ping homepage http://www.acme.com/software/http_ping/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name http_ping long_description {{Sends HTTP requests every few seconds and times how long they take}} maintainers nomaintainer categories {net www} version 29jun2005 revision 0
+httrack 387
+variants universal portdir net/httrack description {Website Copier/Offline Browser} homepage http://www.httrack.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name httrack depends_lib port:zlib maintainers ross at ross-williams.net long_description {HTTrack is an offline browser utility that allows you to download a website from the Internet to a local directory} version 3.42.2 categories net revision 0
icmpmonitor 412
variants universal description {simple network monitor using icmp to check for hosts} portdir net/icmpmonitor homepage http://icmpmonitor.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name icmpmonitor long_description {Using the InterNet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ECHO facility, monitors several hosts, and notify admin if some of them are down.} maintainers nomaintainer categories net version 1.2 revision 0
icpld 633
@@ -8639,7 +8649,7 @@
rtfreader 570
variants universal description {Utility to read Microsoft RTF files} portdir textproc/rtfreader homepage http://www.fiction.net/blong/programs/#rtf epoch 0 platforms darwin name rtfreader long_description {RTF is the Microsoft Rich Text Format, a more portable, mostly ASCII formatting language that is exported by word processors like MS Word. The files generally have the extension .rtf, but occasionally have .doc extensions as well. This parser is from the Microsoft spec, ported to Unix systems.} maintainers nomaintainer categories textproc version 1.0 revision 0
rxp 410
-variants universal description {Validating XML parser written in C.} portdir textproc/rxp homepage http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~richard/rxp.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name rxp long_description {RXP is a validating XML parser written in C. The current version of RXP supports XML 1.1, Namespaces 1.1, xml:id, and XML Catalogs.} maintainers {simon openmaintainer} categories textproc version 1.4.4 revision 0
+variants universal description {Validating XML parser written in C.} portdir textproc/rxp homepage http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~richard/rxp.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name rxp long_description {RXP is a validating XML parser written in C. The current version of RXP supports XML 1.1, Namespaces 1.1, xml:id, and XML Catalogs.} maintainers {simon openmaintainer} categories textproc version 1.4.8 revision 0
sablotron 846
variants {universal darwin_6 apidocs debugger javascript} variant_desc {apidocs {Install HTML documentation of Sablotron's API} debugger {Enable XSLT debugger features; user must accept GPL on all of Sablotron} javascript {Enable JavaScript support}} portdir textproc/sablotron description {XSLT, DOM and XPath processor} epoch 0 platforms darwin name sablotron depends_lib {port:libiconv port:expat} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Sablotron is a fast, compact and portable XML toolkit implementing XSLT 1.0, DOM Level2 and XPath 1.0. Sablotron is an open project. The goal of this project is to create a lightweight, reliable and fast XML library processor conforming to the W3C specification, which is available for public and can be used as a base for multi-platform XML applications.} version 1.0.3 categories textproc revision 0
sand 335
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