[37175] trunk/dports/PortIndex
dluke at macports.org
dluke at macports.org
Wed May 28 12:44:04 PDT 2008
Revision: 37175
Author: dluke at macports.org
Date: 2008-05-28 12:44:03 -0700 (Wed, 28 May 2008)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 4807
Ports successfully parsed: 4807
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-28 18:16:51 UTC (rev 37174)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2008-05-28 19:44:03 UTC (rev 37175)
@@ -683,13 +683,13 @@
postgresql81-server 331
variants universal portdir databases/postgresql81-server description {run postgresql81 as server} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 depends_run port:postgresql81 platforms darwin name postgresql81-server maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {{run postgresql81 as server}} version 8.1.11 categories databases revision 0
postgresql82 782
-variants {universal python krb5 perl} depends_build port:bison variant_desc {python {add support for python} krb5 {add support for Kerberos 5 authentication} perl {add Perl support}} portdir databases/postgresql82 description {The most advanced open-source database available anywhere} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql82 depends_lib {port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:libxml2 port:libxslt} maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity.} categories databases version 8.2.7 revision 0
+variants {universal python krb5 perl} depends_build port:bison variant_desc {python {add support for python} krb5 {add support for Kerberos 5 authentication} perl {add Perl support}} portdir databases/postgresql82 description {The most advanced open-source database available anywhere} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql82 depends_lib {port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:libxml2 port:libxslt} maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity.} categories databases version 8.2.7 revision 1
postgresql82-doc 560
variants universal description {Documentation for the postgresql database} portdir databases/postgresql82-doc homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql82-doc long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity. This is the documentation.} maintainers {mww jwa} categories databases version 8.2.7 revision 0
postgresql82-server 330
variants universal portdir databases/postgresql82-server description {run postgresql82 as server} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 depends_run port:postgresql82 platforms darwin name postgresql82-server maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {{run postgresql82 as server}} version 8.2.7 categories databases revision 0
postgresql83 798
-variants {universal python krb5 perl} depends_build port:bison variant_desc {python {add support for python} krb5 {add support for Kerberos 5 authentication} perl {add Perl support}} portdir databases/postgresql83 description {The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql83 depends_lib {port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:ossp-uuid} maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity.} categories databases version 8.3.1 revision 0
+variants {universal python krb5 perl} depends_build port:bison variant_desc {python {add support for python} krb5 {add support for Kerberos 5 authentication} perl {add Perl support}} portdir databases/postgresql83 description {The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.} homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql83 depends_lib {port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:ossp-uuid} maintainers {mww jwa} long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity.} categories databases version 8.3.1 revision 1
postgresql83-doc 560
variants universal description {Documentation for the postgresql database} portdir databases/postgresql83-doc homepage http://www.postgresql.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name postgresql83-doc long_description {PostgreSQL is Object-Relational Database Management System. It supports almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. Write-ahead logging means increased performance while retaining data integrity. This is the documentation.} maintainers {mww jwa} categories databases version 8.3.1 revision 0
postgresql83-server 330
@@ -1910,8 +1910,8 @@
variants universal description {Console Matrix} portdir games/cmatrix homepage http://www.astyanax.org/old/cmatrix/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cmatrix long_description {Console Matrix simulates the display from {The Matrix}} maintainers nomaintainer categories {games x11} version 1.2a revision 0
crafty 534
variants universal depends_build bin:unzip:unzip portdir games/crafty description {Crafty is a chess program, that can be interfaced with xboard.} homepage http://www.cis.uab.edu/hyatt/hyatt.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name crafty maintainers pmq long_description {Crafty is the derivative of Cray Blitz, a computer chess program. It is a very strong one, and its current peak ICC ratings are 3286 (bullet), 3388 (blitz) and 2792 (standard). It can be used with xboard just like gnuchess.} categories games version 20.14 revision 0
-criticalmass 487
-variants universal portdir games/criticalmass description {Critical Mass is an SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game.} homepage http://criticalmass.sourceforge.net/critter.php epoch 0 platforms darwin name criticalmass depends_lib {bin:sdl-config:libsdl lib:libSDL_mixer:libsdl_mixer lib:libSDL_image:libsdl_image lib:libpng:libpng lib:libz:zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Critical Mass is an SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game.}} version 0.9.11 categories games revision 0
+criticalmass 453
+variants {universal darwin_9} portdir games/criticalmass description {Critical Mass is an SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game.} homepage http://criticalmass.sourceforge.net/critter.php epoch 0 platforms darwin name criticalmass depends_lib {port:libsdl port:libsdl_mixer port:libsdl_image port:libpng port:zlib} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Critical Mass is an SDL/OpenGL space shoot'em up game.}} version 1.0.2 categories games revision 0
ctetris 461
variants universal description {Ncurses based tetris clone written in C.} portdir games/ctetris homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/ctetris/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ctetris long_description {ctetris is a beautiful tetris clone, written in C using the ncurses library. It works very fast and efficiently, so it should be possible to play it even over a slow remote terminal.} maintainers {jmpp openmaintainer} categories games version 0.30 revision 0
cursive 586
@@ -2655,7 +2655,7 @@
graphviz 1511
variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 darwin_8 guile lua ocaml perl php python ruby tcl no_pangocairo no_x11 gui} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {guile {Include Guile language bindings} lua {Include Lua language bindings} ocaml {Include Objective Caml language bindings} perl {Include PERL 5.8 language bindings} php {Include PHP 4 language bindings} python {Include Python 2.4 language bindings} ruby {Include Ruby language bindings} tcl {Include Tcl language bindings} no_pangocairo {Remove pangocairo support (no antialiased bitmapped output; no PDF output)} no_x11 {Remove X11 support (removes lefty; implies no_pangocairo)} gui {Include the Pixelglow Graphviz GUI}} portdir graphics/graphviz description {Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ depends_run port:urw-fonts epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:cairo port:pango port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:expat port:zlib p
ort:gettext} maintainers ryandesign long_description {Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). The package contains: dot - batch program for drawing directed graphs as hierarchies neato - batch program for drawing undirected graphs using Kamada-Kawai spring models. Users wishing to have only the graph layout programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 variant to build graphviz without its display routines.} categories graphics version 2.18 revision 0
graphviz-devel 1600
-variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 darwin_8 darwin_9 guile lua ocaml perl php python ruby tcl smyrna no_pangocairo no_x11 gui} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {guile {Include Guile language bindings} lua {Include Lua language bindings} ocaml {Include Objective Caml language bindings} perl {Include PERL 5.8 language bindings} php {Include PHP 4 language bindings} python {Include Python 2.4 language bindings} ruby {Include Ruby language bindings} tcl {Include Tcl language bindings} smyrna {Include the Smyrna large graph viewer} no_pangocairo {Remove pangocairo support (no antialiased bitmapped output; no PDF output)} no_x11 {Remove X11 support (removes lefty; implies no_pangocairo)} gui {Include the Pixelglow graph viewer}} portdir graphics/graphviz-devel description {Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ depends_run port:urw-fonts epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz-devel depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:
cairo port:pango port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:expat port:zlib port:gettext} maintainers ryandesign long_description {Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). The package contains: dot - batch program for drawing directed graphs as hierarchies neato - batch program for drawing undirected graphs using Kamada-Kawai spring models. Users wishing to have only the graph layout programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 variant to build graphviz without its display routines.} categories graphics version 2.19.20080519.1915 revision 0
+variants {universal darwin_6 darwin_7 darwin_8 darwin_9 guile lua ocaml perl php python ruby tcl smyrna no_pangocairo no_x11 gui} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {guile {Include Guile language bindings} lua {Include Lua language bindings} ocaml {Include Objective Caml language bindings} perl {Include PERL 5.8 language bindings} php {Include PHP 4 language bindings} python {Include Python 2.4 language bindings} ruby {Include Ruby language bindings} tcl {Include Tcl language bindings} smyrna {Include the Smyrna large graph viewer} no_pangocairo {Remove pangocairo support (no antialiased bitmapped output; no PDF output)} no_x11 {Remove X11 support (removes lefty; implies no_pangocairo)} gui {Include the Pixelglow graph viewer}} portdir graphics/graphviz-devel description {Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs} homepage http://www.graphviz.org/ depends_run port:urw-fonts epoch 0 platforms darwin name graphviz-devel depends_lib {lib:libX11.6:XFree86 port:
cairo port:pango port:jpeg port:libpng port:freetype port:expat port:zlib port:gettext} maintainers ryandesign long_description {Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). The package contains: dot - batch program for drawing directed graphs as hierarchies neato - batch program for drawing undirected graphs using Kamada-Kawai spring models. Users wishing to have only the graph layout programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 variant to build graphviz without its display routines.} categories graphics version 2.19.20080528.0445 revision 0
greycstoration 708
variants universal portdir graphics/greycstoration description {Open source algorithm for image denoising and interpolation} homepage http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name greycstoration depends_lib port:gimp2 long_description {GREYCstoration is an image regularization algorithm which processes an image by locally removing small variations of pixel intensities while preserving significant global image features, such as sharp edges and corners. The most direct application of image regularization is denoising. By extension, it can also be used to inpaint or resize images.} maintainers julien.lusson at gmail.com version categories graphics revision 0
gtksee 407
@@ -2956,8 +2956,8 @@
variants universal depends_build port:apache-ant portdir java/commons-cli description {Jakarta Commons-CLI} homepage http://commons.apache.org/cli/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:commons-logging port:commons-lang port:junit} name commons-cli maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {The Jakarta Commons CLI library provides an API for processing command line interfaces. It was formed by the merger of ideas and code from three different libraries - Werken, Avalon and Optz.} version 1.1 categories java revision 1
commons-codec 465
variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/commons-codec description {Jakarta Commons-Codec} homepage http://commons.apache.org/codec/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:junit} name commons-codec maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {Commons Codec provides implementations of common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, various phonetic encodings, and URLs.} version 1.3 categories java revision 1
-commons-collections 462
-variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/commons-collections description {Jakarta Commons-Collections} homepage http://commons.apache.org/collections/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:junit} name commons-collections maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {Commons-Collections provides a suite of classes that extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.} version 3.2 categories java revision 0
+commons-collections 464
+variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/commons-collections description {Jakarta Commons-Collections} homepage http://commons.apache.org/collections/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:junit} name commons-collections maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {Commons-Collections provides a suite of classes that extend or augment the Java Collections Framework.} version 3.2.1 categories java revision 0
commons-daemon 409
variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/commons-daemon description {Jakarta Commons-Daemon} homepage http://commons.apache.org/daemon/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {bin:java:kaffe port:junit} name commons-daemon maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {An alternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code.} version 1.0.1 categories java revision 0
commons-dbcp 436
@@ -3101,7 +3101,7 @@
servlet25-api 519
variants universal depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant portdir java/servlet25-api description {Java Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 APIs.} homepage http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name servlet25-api depends_lib bin:java:kaffe maintainers {jberry blair openmaintainer} long_description {The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. This project provides the servlet and JSP API jars from Tomcat 6.} version 6.0.16 categories java revision 0
spring-framework 365
-variants universal portdir java/spring-framework description {Spring application framework for Java} homepage http://www.springframework.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name spring-framework depends_lib bin:java:kaffe maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework.} version 2.5.1 categories java revision 0
+variants universal portdir java/spring-framework description {Spring application framework for Java} homepage http://www.springframework.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name spring-framework depends_lib bin:java:kaffe maintainers {jberry openmaintainer} long_description {Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework.} version 2.5.4 categories java revision 0
spyjar 816
variants universal portdir java/spyjar description {Utility library for Dustin Sallings's projects} homepage http://bleu.west.spy.net/~dustin/projects/spyjar/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name spyjar depends_lib bin:java:kaffe maintainers blair long_description {spy.jar provides a bunch of utility java classes, including the following: Object instance pooling, cron functionality, more simplified configuration class, abstracted, easy-to-use pooled database connection class, asynchronous logging, and general abstraction of logging, a cheap application server, an in-memory object cache manager, syslog client, a simple HTTP document fetcher, a self-refreshing web page cache, an SNPP client and an algorithm for determining the lowest cost route between two nodes in a graph.} version 2.4 categories java revision 0
struts 646
@@ -3503,11 +3503,11 @@
gcc40 368
variants {universal darwin_7 powerpc} portdir lang/gcc40 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc40 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.0.4 categories lang revision 1
gcc41 411
-variants {universal darwin_9 darwin_i386 odcctools} portdir lang/gcc41 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc41 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.1.2 categories lang revision 3
+variants {universal darwin_9 darwin_i386 odcctools} portdir lang/gcc41 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc41 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.1.2 categories lang revision 4
gcc42 390
-variants {universal odcctools} portdir lang/gcc42 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc42 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.2.4 categories lang revision 0
+variants {universal odcctools} portdir lang/gcc42 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc42 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.2.4 categories lang revision 1
gcc43 397
-variants {universal powerpc darwin_8} portdir lang/gcc43 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc43 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.3.0 categories lang revision 1
+variants {universal powerpc darwin_8} portdir lang/gcc43 description {The GNU compiler collection} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc43 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} version 4.3.0 categories lang revision 2
gcc44 743
variants {universal powerpc odcctools gfortran} variant_desc {odcctools {Use the odcctools instead of the system provided ones - does not work for x64 currently!} gfortran {Enables fortran; this language will be enabled in the final version - this variant is completely untested!}} portdir lang/gcc44 description {The GNU compiler collection, prerelease BETA} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gcc44 depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} maintainers mww long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++. This is a prerelease BETA version and does not have all available language front ends enabled.} version 4.4-20080516 categories lang revision 0
gccxml 351
@@ -3680,6 +3680,8 @@
variants universal description {Regina Rexx is an interpreter for the Rexx language} portdir lang/rexx homepage http://regina-rexx.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name rexx long_description {Regina is an implementation of the 1996 ANSI Standard for the Rexx language. Rexx is designed to be an easily readable, but powerful scripting and embedded macro language.} maintainers nomaintainer categories lang version 3.4 revision 0
ruby 646
variants {universal darwin darwin_7 darwin_9 tk mactk thread_hooks} portdir lang/ruby description {Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language} homepage http://www.ruby-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ruby depends_lib {port:libiconv port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:ncurses} maintainers pguyot at kallisys.net long_description {Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable.} version 1.8.6-p114 categories {lang ruby} revision 0
+ruby19 901
+variants {universal c_api_docs tk mactk} variant_desc {c_api_docs {Generate documentation for Ruby C API} tk {Build using MacPorts Tk} mactk {Build using MacOS X Tk Framework}} portdir lang/ruby19 description {Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language} homepage http://www.ruby-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ruby19 depends_lib {port:libiconv port:readline port:openssl port:zlib port:ncurses} maintainers {febeling openmaintainer} long_description {Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, extensible, and portable. Version 1.9 contains a new VM called YARV, is faster and slightly incompatible from version 1.8. This has not yet been released as stable.} version 1.9.0-1 categories {lang ruby} revision 0
sbcl 583
variants {universal powerpc i386 test threads} description {The Steel Bank Common Lisp system} portdir lang/sbcl homepage http://www.sbcl.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name sbcl long_description {Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a Open Source development system for ANSI Common Lisp. It provides an interactive environment including an integrated native compiler, interpreter, and debugger. (And it, and its generated code, can also play nicely with Unix when running noninteractively.)} maintainers {gwright at macports.org waqar at macports.org} categories lang version 1.0.16 revision 0
scala 537
@@ -6725,7 +6727,7 @@
py-pyqt3 579
variants universal portdir python/py-pyqt3 description {PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit} homepage http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/index.php epoch 0 platforms macosx name py-pyqt3 depends_lib {port:py-sip port:qt3-mac} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python modules: qt, qtcanvas, qtgl, qtnetwork, qtsql, qttable, qtui and qtxml, and contains 300 classes and over 5,750 functions and methods.} version 3.17.4 categories {python devel} revision 0
py-pyqt4 603
-variants universal portdir python/py-pyqt4 description {PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit} homepage http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/index.php epoch 0 platforms macosx name py-pyqt4 depends_lib {port:py-sip port:qt4-mac} maintainers {Tim Stoop <tim.stoop at gmail.com>} long_description {PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python modules: qt, qtcanvas, qtgl, qtnetwork, qtsql, qttable, qtui and qtxml, and contains 300 classes and over 5,750 functions and methods.} version 4.3.3 categories {python devel} revision 0
+variants universal portdir python/py-pyqt4 description {PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit} homepage http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/index.php epoch 0 platforms macosx name py-pyqt4 depends_lib {port:py-sip port:qt4-mac} maintainers {Tim Stoop <tim.stoop at gmail.com>} long_description {PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit. The bindings are implemented as a set of Python modules: qt, qtcanvas, qtgl, qtnetwork, qtsql, qttable, qtui and qtxml, and contains 300 classes and over 5,750 functions and methods.} version 4.4.2 categories {python devel} revision 0
py-pyrex 456
variants universal portdir python/py-pyrex description {A language for writing Python extension modules.} homepage http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~greg/python/Pyrex/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python24 name py-pyrex maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Pyrex lets you write code that mixes Python and C data types any way you want, and compiles it into a C extension for Python.} categories {python devel} version revision 0
py-pyrexdoc 565
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