[42693] trunk/dports/x11/xrender/Portfile

jeremyhu at macports.org jeremyhu at macports.org
Sat Nov 29 11:43:06 PST 2008

Revision: 42693
Author:   jeremyhu at macports.org
Date:     2008-11-29 11:43:06 -0800 (Sat, 29 Nov 2008)
Log Message:
Much needed update to libXrender

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/xrender/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/xrender/Portfile	2008-11-29 19:15:44 UTC (rev 42692)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/xrender/Portfile	2008-11-29 19:43:06 UTC (rev 42693)
@@ -3,47 +3,47 @@
 PortSystem			1.0
 name				xrender
-set my_name         libXrender
-version				0.9.0
-revision            3
+set my_name			libXrender
+version				0.9.4
+revision			1
 categories			x11
 platforms			darwin
-maintainers			nomaintainer
+maintainers			jeremyhu openmaintainer
 description			X Render Extension library
 long_description	${description}
-homepage			http://fontconfig.org/
-master_sites		http://xlibs.freedesktop.org/release/
+homepage			http://www.x.org
+master_sites			${homepage}/pub/individual/lib/
 distname			${my_name}-${version}
 use_bzip2			yes
-checksums           md5 ce7cda009aa0b10a73637941d44ae789 \
-                    sha1 98437c8eadf6caa78ceed2b748d72da97b154359 \
-                    rmd160 4d1bf4aa5fd24b35094773d4bdb3b2834ce971c2
+checksums           md5     dc266e850c51368f964e0d67bf5fb5e6 \
+                    sha1    8e0726d495db177e3089be9e1d5c41395277b0db \
+                    rmd160  0d9249ffe7f8347946f1c4d701bd06d52a4ab40b
-depends_lib			lib:libX11.6:XFree86 \
-					port:render \
-					port:xorg-renderproto
+depends_lib			lib:libX11:XFree86 \
+				port:xorg-renderproto
-post-patch {
-    # Brute-force things into building with the universal LDFLAGS
-    if {[variant_isset universal]} {
-        reinplace "s|-dynamiclib|-dynamiclib ${configure.universal_ldflags}|g" \
-            ${worksrcpath}/configure \
-            ${worksrcpath}/ltmain.sh
-    }
 configure.args \
     --x-includes=${x11prefix}/include \
     --x-libraries=${x11prefix}/lib \
 configure.env \
-    RENDER_CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
-    RENDER_LIBS=-L${prefix}/lib
+    CPPFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include -I${x11prefix}/include \
+    LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib -L${x11prefix}/lib \
+    PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${x11prefix}/lib/pkgconfig
-configure.universal_ldflags-append  -isysroot ${sysroot}
+# This doesn't seem to be neccessary, uncommenting for now in case I'm wrong
+#post-patch {
+#    # Brute-force things into building with the universal LDFLAGS
+#    if {[variant_isset universal]} {
+#        reinplace "s|-dynamiclib|-dynamiclib ${configure.universal_ldflags}|g" \
+#            ${worksrcpath}/configure \
+#            ${worksrcpath}/ltmain.sh
+#    }
+#configure.universal_ldflags-append  -isysroot ${sysroot}
 use_parallel_build  yes
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