[39847] trunk/dports/PortIndex

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Mon Sep 8 12:54:58 PDT 2008

Revision: 39847
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2008-09-08 12:54:57 -0700 (Mon, 08 Sep 2008)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5024 
Ports successfully parsed:	5024	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-09-08 15:57:31 UTC (rev 39846)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2008-09-08 19:54:57 UTC (rev 39847)
@@ -1920,6 +1920,8 @@
 variants universal portdir erlang/eunit description {Erlang Unit Testing Framework} homepage https://support.process-one.net/doc/display/CONTRIBS/EUnit epoch 0 platforms darwin name eunit depends_lib port:erlang maintainers {febeling openmaintainer} long_description {The Erlang version of an xUnit test frameworks} version 2.0b1 categories {erlang devel} revision 1
 mochiweb 438
 variants universal portdir erlang/mochiweb description {MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.} homepage http://code.google.com/p/mochiweb/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name mochiweb depends_lib port:erlang maintainers {febeling openmaintainer} long_description {{MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.} It contains a JSON library.} version 0.0 categories {erlang devel} revision 0
+tsung 599
+variants universal portdir erlang/tsung description {Load test tool for HTTP, PostgreSQL, Jabber and others.} homepage http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name tsung depends_lib {port:erlang port:gnuplot port:p5-template-toolkit} maintainers {febeling openmaintainer} long_description {Tsung (formerly IDX-Tsunami) is a distributed load testing tool. It is protocol-independent and can currently be used to stress HTTP, SOAP, PostgreSQL, and Jabber servers. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2.} version 1.3.0 categories {erlang devel} revision 0
 curlftpfs 711
 variants universal depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir fuse/curlftpfs description {CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for acessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.} homepage http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:curl port:macfuse port:glib2 port:gettext port:libiconv port:zlib} name curlftpfs maintainers darenzana at gmail.com long_description {CurlFtpFS diferentiates itself from other FTP filesystems because it features SSLv3 and TLSv1 support, connecting through tunneling HTTP proxies, automatically reconnection if the server times out, transform absolute symlinks to point back into the ftp file system, and additional options.} version 0.9.1 categories fuse revision 0
 encfs 657
@@ -7259,7 +7261,7 @@
 py25-biopython 530
 variants universal portdir python/py25-biopython description {python tools for computational molecular biology} homepage http://www.biopython.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:py25-numeric port:py25-mx-base port:py25-reportlab} name py25-biopython maintainers mww long_description {python tools for computational molecular biology: parsers for various file formats, interfaces for programs, tools for performing common operations on sequences, etc.} categories {python science} version 1.44 revision 0
 py25-boto 388
-description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} portdir python/py25-boto homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name py25-boto maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 1.4a revision 0
+description {python interface to Amazon Web Services} portdir python/py25-boto homepage http://code.google.com/p/boto/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name py25-boto maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {An integrated interface to current and future infrastructural services offered by Amazon Web Services.} categories {python net} version 1.4c revision 0
 py25-bsddb 365
 variants universal portdir python/py25-bsddb description {Python bindings to the db46 library} homepage http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-dbm.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:db46} name py25-bsddb maintainers mww long_description {{Python bindings to the db46 library}} categories {python databases} version 2.5.2 revision 1
 py25-bz2 328
@@ -8441,7 +8443,7 @@
 duff 369
 variants universal description {Unix command-line utility for quickly finding duplicates in a given set of files} portdir sysutils/duff homepage http://duff.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name duff long_description {{Unix command-line utility for quickly finding duplicates in a given set of files}} maintainers pmq categories sysutils version 0.4 revision 0
 duplicity 839
-portdir sysutils/duplicity description {Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup.} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/duplicity/index.html depends_run {port:py25-gnupg port:py25-pexpect port:py25-boto port:py25-zlib port:py25-hashlib port:ncftp} epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:librsync port:gnupg} name duplicity maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.} categories sysutils version 0.5.00 revision 0
+portdir sysutils/duplicity description {Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup.} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/duplicity/index.html depends_run {port:py25-gnupg port:py25-pexpect port:py25-boto port:py25-zlib port:py25-hashlib port:ncftp} epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:librsync port:gnupg} name duplicity maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.} categories sysutils version 0.5.00 revision 1
 dvdrtools 419
 variants {universal darwin} description {a fork of cdrtools DVD writer support} portdir sysutils/dvdrtools homepage http://www.nongnu.org/dvdrtools/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name dvdrtools long_description {{Linux dvd-rw/dvd-r writing made easy and free...} Dvdrtools is a fork of cdrtools, with the primary goal of supporting writable DVD drives.} maintainers nomaintainer categories sysutils version 0.2.1 revision 0
 e2fsprogs 398
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