[49424] trunk/dports/math/octave/Portfile

alakazam at macports.org alakazam at macports.org
Thu Apr 9 05:32:49 PDT 2009

Revision: 49424
Author:   alakazam at macports.org
Date:     2009-04-09 05:32:49 -0700 (Thu, 09 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
Tabs to spaces (whitespace changes only) for octave.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/math/octave/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/octave/Portfile	2009-04-09 12:32:39 UTC (rev 49423)
+++ trunk/dports/math/octave/Portfile	2009-04-09 12:32:49 UTC (rev 49424)
@@ -3,95 +3,90 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
-name	octave
-version		3.0.5
-categories	math science
-maintainers	alakazam stechert
-platforms	darwin
-description	a Matlab-like environment for numerical analysis
-long_description	\
-	Octave provides a convenient command line interface	\
-	for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically,	\
-	using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab.	\
-	It is easily extensible and customizable via		\
-	user-defined functions or using dynamically loaded	\
-	modules written in e.g. C++, C or Fortran.
+name                octave
+version             3.0.5
+categories          math science
+maintainers         alakazam stechert
+platforms           darwin
+description         a Matlab-like environment for numerical analysis
+long_description    Octave provides a convenient command line interface \
+                    for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, \
+                    using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. \
+                    It is easily extensible and customizable via \
+                    user-defined functions or using dynamically loaded \
+                    modules written in e.g. C++, C or Fortran.
-homepage	http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
-master_sites	ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/octave/
+homepage            http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
+master_sites        ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/octave/
-use_bzip2	no
-checksums       md5     b88305f7e093ab78487d86d853320835 \
-                sha1    35333ba4b4807428804ca08b8f7c50f4b51ffd47 \
-                rmd160  9fba1cbf599f1d2d4dc9c7ebb9f19dd807e51612
+use_bzip2           no
+checksums           md5     b88305f7e093ab78487d86d853320835 \
+                    sha1    35333ba4b4807428804ca08b8f7c50f4b51ffd47 \
+                    rmd160  9fba1cbf599f1d2d4dc9c7ebb9f19dd807e51612
-depends_build \
-	port:gawk \
-	port:gsed \
-	path:bin/perl:perl5 \
-	port:texinfo
+depends_build       port:gawk \
+                    port:gsed \
+                    path:bin/perl:perl5 \
+                    port:texinfo
-depends_lib \
-	port:readline \
-	port:curl \
-	port:hdf5 \
-	port:fftw-3 \
-	port:metis \
-	port:SuiteSparse \
-	port:pcre \
-	port:glpk \
-	port:gnuplot \
-	port:ncurses \
-	port:qhull
+depends_lib         port:readline \
+                    port:curl \
+                    port:hdf5 \
+                    port:fftw-3 \
+                    port:metis \
+                    port:SuiteSparse \
+                    port:pcre \
+                    port:glpk \
+                    port:gnuplot \
+                    port:ncurses \
+                    port:qhull
-configure.args \
-	--enable-shared	\
-	--enable-dl	\
-	--disable-static \
-	--with-hdf5	\
-	--with-fftw	\
-	--with-blas="-framework Accelerate" \
-	--enable-static \
-	--enable-readline \
-	--with-zlib	\
-	--with-glpk	\
-	--with-curl	\
-	--with-lapack \
-	--with-umfpack \
-	--with-colamd \
-	--with-ccolamd \
-	--with-cholmod \
-	--with-cxsparse
+configure.args      --enable-shared \
+                    --enable-dl \
+                    --disable-static \
+                    --with-hdf5 \
+                    --with-fftw \
+                    --with-blas="-framework Accelerate" \
+                    --enable-static \
+                    --enable-readline \
+                    --with-zlib \
+                    --with-glpk \
+                    --with-curl \
+                    --with-lapack \
+                    --with-umfpack \
+                    --with-colamd \
+                    --with-ccolamd \
+                    --with-cholmod \
+                    --with-cxsparse
-configure.perl ${prefix}/bin/perl
-configure.python ' '
-configure.awk ${prefix}/bin/gawk
+configure.perl      ${prefix}/bin/perl
+configure.python    ' '
+configure.awk       ${prefix}/bin/gawk
-configure.env-append \
-	SED="${prefix}/bin/gsed" \
-	MAKEINFO="${prefix}/bin/makeinfo" \
-	TEXI2DVI="${prefix}/bin/texi2dvi" \
-	TEXI2PDF="${prefix}/bin/texi2pdf"
+configure.env-append SED="${prefix}/bin/gsed" \
+                    MAKEINFO="${prefix}/bin/makeinfo" \
+                    TEXI2DVI="${prefix}/bin/texi2dvi" \
+                    TEXI2PDF="${prefix}/bin/texi2pdf"
-use_parallel_build yes
+use_parallel_build  yes
-test.run	yes
-test.target	check
+test.run            yes
+test.target         check
 variant gcc43 description {builds with the macports gcc43 toolchain} {
-	depends_lib-append	port:gcc43
-	configure.compiler	macports-gcc-4.3
+    depends_lib-append  port:gcc43
+    configure.compiler  macports-gcc-4.3
 if {![variant_isset gcc43]} {
-	depends_lib-append	port:g95
-	configure.f77	"${prefix}/bin/g95"
+    depends_lib-append  port:g95
+    configure.f77       "${prefix}/bin/g95"
 post-patch {
     reinplace "s|-lcholmod|-lcholmod -lmetis|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
-livecheck.check		regex
-livecheck.url		http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/news.html
-livecheck.regex		Version (\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)
+livecheck.check     regex
+livecheck.url       http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/news.html
+livecheck.regex     Version (\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)
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