[54973] trunk/dports/aqua/binclocken/Portfile
toby at macports.org
toby at macports.org
Tue Aug 4 20:05:19 PDT 2009
Revision: 54973
Author: toby at macports.org
Date: 2009-08-04 20:05:18 -0700 (Tue, 04 Aug 2009)
Log Message:
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/aqua/binclocken/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/aqua/binclocken/Portfile 2009-08-05 03:03:01 UTC (rev 54972)
+++ trunk/dports/aqua/binclocken/Portfile 2009-08-05 03:05:18 UTC (rev 54973)
@@ -3,33 +3,32 @@
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup xcode 1.0
-name binclocken
-version 1.6
-categories aqua
-maintainers toby
-description useless floating binary LED clock for your desktop
+name binclocken
+version 1.6
+categories aqua
+maintainers toby
+description useless floating binary LED clock for your desktop
long_description \
- I was given a ThinkGeek binary clock by a friend (in a \
- not-so-transparent attempt to force me to learn binary \
- math). It sucks. It runs fast, very fast, gaining about \
- 5 minutes per day, making it totally useless. So this is \
- my revenge on the world. Plus, I was drunk when I wrote it.
-homepage http://www.jschilling.net/sw_binclocken.php
-platforms darwin
+ I was given a ThinkGeek binary clock by a friend (in a \
+ not-so-transparent attempt to force me to learn binary \
+ math). It sucks. It runs fast, very fast, gaining about \
+ 5 minutes per day, making it totally useless. So this is \
+ my revenge on the world. Plus, I was drunk when I wrote it.
+homepage http://www.jschilling.net/sw_binclocken.php
+platforms darwin
-dist_subdir ${name}/${version}
+dist_subdir ${name}/${version}
-master_sites http://homepage.mac.com/johnnycat/sfw/
-distname BinClockenSource
-use_zip yes
+master_sites http://homepage.mac.com/johnnycat/sfw/
+distname BinClockenSource
+use_zip yes
-checksums \
- md5 8ef87b0450c10346e8013cae69ceba8b \
- sha1 05801f4ef3481bda4fda7aaf4772318ff45297cd \
- rmd160 82468ef839aaaa6f00a6719ffe250b025cff16f5
+checksums md5 8ef87b0450c10346e8013cae69ceba8b \
+ sha1 05801f4ef3481bda4fda7aaf4772318ff45297cd \
+ rmd160 82468ef839aaaa6f00a6719ffe250b025cff16f5
destroot {
- set appPath ${destroot}${applications_dir}
- file mkdir ${appPath}
- file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/Deployment/BinClocken.app ${appPath}/BinClocken.app
+ set appPath ${destroot}${applications_dir}
+ file mkdir ${appPath}
+ file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/Deployment/BinClocken.app ${appPath}/BinClocken.app
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