[55024] trunk/dports/devel/libftd2xx/Portfile

snc at macports.org snc at macports.org
Wed Aug 5 20:29:38 PDT 2009

Revision: 55024
Author:   snc at macports.org
Date:     2009-08-05 20:29:37 -0700 (Wed, 05 Aug 2009)
Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/libftd2xx/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/libftd2xx/Portfile	2009-08-06 03:28:26 UTC (rev 55023)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/libftd2xx/Portfile	2009-08-06 03:29:37 UTC (rev 55024)
@@ -3,23 +3,25 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
-name              libftd2xx
-version           0.1.6
-revision          1
-categories        devel
-maintainers       gmail.com:ranauei
-description       FTDI D2xx Driver
-long_description  D2XX Driver: allow direct access to the USB device through a DLL. \
-                  Devices supported: FT2232H, FT4232H, FT232R, FT245R, FT2232, FT232B, FT245B, FT8U232AM, FT8U245AM
-homepage          http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm
-platforms         macosx
-distname          Universal%20D2XX${version}
-master_sites      http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX/MacOSX/UniBin/
-checksums         md5 ce20e3ee5a9f70adc7e2b7bd3a0589e3 \
-                  sha1 7d5487068972c97526fc59ec8bea4577df86f520 \
-                  rmd160 aa4c2a2f8961ab3382c948ac617f007d0cd4f3af
-use_dmg yes
-use_configure no
+name                libftd2xx
+version             0.1.6
+revision            1
+categories          devel
+maintainers         gmail.com:ranauei
+description         FTDI D2xx Driver
+long_description    D2XX Driver: allow direct access to the USB device through \
+                    a DLL. Devices supported: FT2232H, FT4232H, FT232R, \
+                    FT245R, FT2232, FT232B, FT245B, FT8U232AM, FT8U245AM
+homepage            http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm
+platforms           macosx
+distname            Universal%20D2XX${version}
+master_sites        http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX/MacOSX/UniBin/
+checksums           md5 ce20e3ee5a9f70adc7e2b7bd3a0589e3 \
+                    sha1 7d5487068972c97526fc59ec8bea4577df86f520 \
+                    rmd160 aa4c2a2f8961ab3382c948ac617f007d0cd4f3af
+use_dmg             yes
+use_configure       no
 build {}
 destroot {
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