[55374] trunk/dports
portindex at macports.org
portindex at macports.org
Sun Aug 9 16:53:37 PDT 2009
Revision: 55374
Author: portindex at macports.org
Date: 2009-08-09 16:53:36 -0700 (Sun, 09 Aug 2009)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 6095
Ports successfully parsed: 6095
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2009-08-09 23:26:17 UTC (rev 55373)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2009-08-09 23:53:36 UTC (rev 55374)
@@ -4698,8 +4698,8 @@
variants universal portdir math/gmp-ecm description {Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method} homepage http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/ecm/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gmp-ecm depends_lib port:gmp long_description {Free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization.} maintainers vinc17 categories math version 6.2.3 revision 0
gmtl 303
depends_build port:scons portdir math/gmtl description {a lightweight math library} homepage http://ggt.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 name gmtl maintainers iastate.edu:mccdo long_description {The math library used by vrjuggler. It is implemented with c++ templates.} version 0.5.4 categories math revision 0
-gnudatalanguage 741
-variants {proj gcc43 g95 szip universal} depends_build {port:autoconf port:libtool port:pkgconfig port:autoconf port:automake port:libtool port:gcc43} portdir math/gnudatalanguage description {a free IDL combatible incremental compiler} homepage http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:bzip2 port:zlib port:curl port:freetype port:gsl port:hdf4 port:hdf5-18 port:szip port:netcdf port:ImageMagick port:jpeg port:tiff port:ncurses port:readline port:plplot port:python25 port:py25-numarray} name gnudatalanguage long_description {A free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler (ie. runs IDL programs).} maintainers takeshi categories {math science} version 0.9rc2 revision 1
+gnudatalanguage 736
+variants {proj gcc43 g95 universal} depends_build {port:autoconf port:libtool port:pkgconfig port:autoconf port:automake port:libtool port:gcc43} portdir math/gnudatalanguage description {a free IDL combatible incremental compiler} homepage http://gnudatalanguage.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:bzip2 port:zlib port:curl port:freetype port:gsl port:hdf4 port:hdf5-18 port:szip port:netcdf port:ImageMagick port:jpeg port:tiff port:ncurses port:readline port:plplot port:python25 port:py25-numarray} name gnudatalanguage long_description {A free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler (ie. runs IDL programs).} maintainers takeshi categories {math science} version 0.9rc2 revision 2
gnuplot 789
variants {darwin darwin_9 no_x11 wxwidgets tutorial universal} portdir math/gnuplot description {A command-driven interactive function plotting program} homepage http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnuplot depends_lib {port:expat port:fontconfig port:gd2 port:jpeg port:pdflib port:libiconv port:libpng port:ncurses port:readline port:xpm port:zlib port:aquaterm} long_description {Gnuplot is a command-driven interactive function plotting program. Plots any number of functions, built up of C operators, C library functions, and some things C doesn't have like **, sgn(), etc. Also support for plotting data files, to compare actual data to theoretical curves.} maintainers {kallisys.net:pguyot openmaintainer} categories {math science} version 4.2.5 revision 0
gsl 648
@@ -9574,8 +9574,8 @@
portdir science/bkchem description {Free chemical drawing program.} homepage http://bkchem.zirael.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python25 name bkchem maintainers {simon openmaintainer} long_description {Free chemical drawing program written in Python by Beda Kosata.} version 0.12.5 categories {science python} revision 0
cdf 456
variants {darwin_i386 darwin_powerpc} depends_build port:gcc42 portdir science/cdf description {CDF: Common Data Format} homepage http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cdf long_description {The Common Data Format (CDF) is a self-describing data format for the storage and manipulation of scalar and multidimensional data in a platform and discipline independent fashion.} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 32 revision 0
-cdo 507
-variants universal portdir science/cdo description {Climate Data Operators} homepage http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/fileadmin/software/cdo/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cdo depends_lib {port:netcdf port:hdf5-18 port:zlib port:szip} long_description {CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate Data files. Supported file formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE and EXTRA. There are more than 200 operators available.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 1.3.2 revision 1
+cdo 482
+variants {netcdf4 universal} portdir science/cdo description {Climate Data Operators} homepage http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/fileadmin/software/cdo/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cdo depends_lib port:netcdf long_description {CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate Data files. Supported file formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE and EXTRA. There are more than 200 operators available.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 1.3.2 revision 2
cfitsio 839
variants {gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95 g77 universal} portdir science/cfitsio description {C access to FITS data files with optional Fortran wrappers} homepage http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cfitsio long_description {CFITSIO is a library of C and Fortran subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. CFITSIO simplifies the task of writing software that deals with FITS files by providing an easy to use set of high-level routines that insulate the programmer from the internal complexities of the FITS file format. At the same time, CFITSIO provides many advanced features that have made it the most widely used FITS file programming interface in the astronomical community.} maintainers {ram openmaintainer} categories science version 3.181 revision 0
chemtool 446
@@ -9614,8 +9614,8 @@
variants {darwin_9 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir science/ghemical description {Ghemical is computational chemistry package} homepage http://www.bioinformatics.org/ghemical/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libglade2 port:gtkglext port:openbabel port:libghemical port:liboglappth} name ghemical long_description {Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package written in C++ and released under the GNU GPL. The program has GUI based on GTK+2 and supports quantum mechanical and molecular mechanic models, with geometry optimization, molecular dynamics, and a large set of visualization tools. Ghemical relies on external code to provide the quantum-mechanical calculations - MOPAC provides the semi-empirical MNDO, MINDO, AM1, and PM3 methods, and MPQC methods based on Hartree-Fock calculations.} maintainers {simon openmaintainer} categories science version 2.98 revision 0
glue 447
portdir science/glue description {Grid LSC User Environment} homepage https://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/daswg/projects/glue.html epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python25 port:py25-numpy port:py25-pyrxp port:py25-m2crypto port:py25-cjson port:py25-pyxmpp} name glue maintainers ram long_description {Glue is a suite of python modules and programs to allow users to run LSC codes on the grid.} version 1.26 categories science revision 0
-gmt 552
-variants {gshhs doc octave triangle universal} portdir science/gmt description {the generic mapping tools} homepage http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gmt depends_lib port:netcdf3 long_description {an open source collection of ~60 tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 4.4.0 revision 0
+gmt 527
+variants {gshhs doc octave triangle universal} portdir science/gmt description {the generic mapping tools} homepage http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gmt long_description {an open source collection of ~60 tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 4.4.0 revision 1
gnucap 643
variants universal portdir science/gnucap description {GNU Circuit Analysis Package} homepage http://www.geda.seul.org/tools/gnucap/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gnucap long_description {Gnucap is the Gnu Circuit Analysis Package. The primary component is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis. It is fully interactive and command driven. It can also be run in batch mode or as a server. Spice compatible models for the MOSFET (level 1-7), BJT, and diode are included in this release.} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 2009-02-02 revision 0
gnuradio 812
@@ -9664,10 +9664,10 @@
variants {docs python25 python26 universal} portdir science/gnuradio-wxgui description {WX GUI component of GNU Radio.} homepage http://gnuradio.org/trac epoch 0 platforms {darwin macosx} name gnuradio-wxgui depends_lib {port:gnuradio-core port:python26 port:py26-wxpython port:py26-numpy port:py26-opengl} long_description {WX GUI component of GNU Radio: Wx-based GUI widgets, including OpenGL option.} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 3.2 revision 0
gplcver 627
portdir science/gplcver description {Pragmatic C Software GPL Cver 2001} homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/gplcver epoch 0 platforms darwin name gplcver maintainers nomaintainer long_description {GPL Cver is a Verilog HDL simulator that is released under the GNU General Public License. GPL Cver is a full 1995 P1364 Verilog standard HDL simulator. It also implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features including all three PLI interfaces (tf_, acc_ and vpi_) as defined in the 2001 Language Reference Manual (LRM). Cver is a full featured IEEE P1364 Verilog simulator.} version 2.12a categories science revision 0
-grads 797
-variants {printim szip universal} depends_build {port:libwww port:readline port:rx port:zlib port:netcdf3 port:udunits port:hdf4 port:libdap port:libnc-dap} portdir science/grads description {interactive visualization tool for earth science data} homepage http://www.iges.org/grads/grads.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name grads long_description {The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The format of the data may be either binary, GRIB, NetCDF, or HDF-SDS (Scientific Data Sets). GrADS has been implemented worldwide on a variety of commonly used operating systems and is freely distributed over the Internet.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 1.9b4 revision 5
-grads2 868
-variants {printim geotiff universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir science/grads2 description {interactive visualization tool for earth science data} homepage http://www.opengrads.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name grads2 depends_lib {port:libwww port:readline port:rx port:netcdf3 port:udunits port:hdf4 port:szip port:libdap port:libnc-dap port:gadap port:wgrib2 port:curl port:zlib} long_description {The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The format of the data may be either binary, GRIB, NetCDF, or HDF-SDS (Scientific Data Sets). GrADS has been implemented worldwide on a variety of commonly used operating systems and is freely distributed over the Internet.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 2.0.a5.oga.5 revision 0
+grads 766
+variants universal portdir science/grads description {interactive visualization tool for earth science data} homepage http://www.iges.org/grads/grads.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name grads depends_lib {port:libwww port:readline port:rx port:netcdf port:udunits port:hdf4 port:libnc-dap port:gd2} long_description {The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The format of the data may be either binary, GRIB, NetCDF, or HDF-SDS (Scientific Data Sets). GrADS has been implemented worldwide on a variety of commonly used operating systems and is freely distributed over the Internet.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 1.9b4 revision 6
+grads2 842
+variants universal depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir science/grads2 description {interactive visualization tool for earth science data} homepage http://www.opengrads.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name grads2 depends_lib {port:libwww port:readline port:rx port:netcdf port:udunits port:hdf4 port:gd2 port:libnc-dap port:gadap port:wgrib2 port:curl port:libgeotiff} long_description {The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data. The format of the data may be either binary, GRIB, NetCDF, or HDF-SDS (Scientific Data Sets). GrADS has been implemented worldwide on a variety of commonly used operating systems and is freely distributed over the Internet.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 2.0.a5.oga.5 revision 1
gri 871
variants universal depends_build {port:ImageMagick bin:tex:texlive port:ghostscript path:bin/perl:perl5} portdir science/gri description {A scientific graphics programming language} homepage http://gri.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name gri long_description {Gri is a language for scientific graphics programming. The word language is important: Gri is command-driven, not point/click. Some users consider Gri similar to LaTeX, since both provide extensive power in exchange for patience in learning syntax. Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs, in PostScript and (someday) SVG formats. Control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, and fonts. A TeX-like syntax provides common mathematical symbols.} maintainers {dal.ca:dan.kelley neu.edu:j.stalnaker} categories {science graphics} version 2.12.18 revision 0
gromacs 834
@@ -9688,8 +9688,8 @@
variants {darwin_8 universal} portdir science/gwyddion description {Software for SPM Analysis} homepage http://gwyddion.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name gwyddion depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libxml2 port:fftw-3 port:gtkglext} long_description {Gwyddion is a modular program for SPM (scanning probe microscopy) data visualization and analysis. It uses gtk2 for the user interface.} maintainers {rowue gwyddion.net:yeti} categories {science x11} version 2.16 revision 0
h4h5tools 376
variants universal portdir science/h4h5tools description {HDF4 to HDF5 conversion tools.} homepage http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/h4toh5/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name h4h5tools depends_lib {port:hdf5 port:hdf4 port:netcdf} long_description {Provides the h4toh5 conversion utility and library.} maintainers {dal.ca:tom.duck openmaintainer} categories science version 2.0 revision 0
-hdf4 391
-variants {szip g95 gcc43 universal} portdir science/hdf4 description {file format for storing scientific data and utilities} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf4 depends_lib {port:zlib port:jpeg} long_description {{file format for storing scientific data and utilities}} maintainers takeshi categories science version 4.2r4 revision 0
+hdf4 396
+variants {g95 gcc43 universal} portdir science/hdf4 description {file format for storing scientific data and utilities} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf4 depends_lib {port:zlib port:jpeg port:szip} long_description {{file format for storing scientific data and utilities}} maintainers takeshi categories science version 4.2r4 revision 1
hdf5 439
variants {fortran szip threadsafe gcc42 gcc43 g95 optimized} portdir science/hdf5 description {HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data} homepage http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name hdf5 depends_lib port:zlib long_description {{HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data}} maintainers {openmaintainer jochen} categories science version 1.6.9 revision 0
hdf5-18 427
@@ -9750,18 +9750,16 @@
variants universal portdir science/mpich description {Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library} homepage http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich1/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name mpich long_description {MPICH is a portable implementation of the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard. The goal of MPI, simply stated, is to develop a widely used standard for writing message-passing programs. As such the interface should establish a practical, portable, efficient, and flexible standard for message passing. Included are a full set of documents and parallel programming examples.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {science parallel net} version 1.2.7p1 revision 0
mpich2 680
variants {g95 gfortran gforker darwin universal} portdir science/mpich2 description {Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library} homepage http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name mpich2 depends_lib port:python25 long_description {MPICH2 is an implementation of the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). The goals of MPICH2 are to provide an MPI implementation for important platforms, including clusters, SMPs, and massively parallel processors. It also provides a vehicle for MPI implementation research and for developing new and better parallel programming environments.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {science parallel net} version 1.0.8 revision 0
-ncarg 818
-variants g95 depends_build {port:gcc43 port:triangle} portdir science/ncarg description {language for scientific data processing and visualization} homepage http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ncarg depends_lib {port:jpeg port:zlib port:netcdf port:hdf5-18 port:hdf4 port:szip port:libpng port:gdal port:udunits port:vis5d port:hdfeos port:wgrib2 port:openssl port:curl port:libxml2 port:libdap port:libnc-dap} long_description {The NCAR Command Language (NCL), a product of the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 5.1.1 revision 0
+ncarg 773
+variants g95 depends_build {port:gcc43 port:triangle} portdir science/ncarg description {language for scientific data processing and visualization} homepage http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ncarg depends_lib {port:jpeg port:netcdf port:hdf4 port:libpng port:gdal port:udunits port:vis5d port:hdfeos port:wgrib2 port:openssl port:curl port:libxml2 port:libnc-dap} long_description {The NCAR Command Language (NCL), a product of the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 5.1.1 revision 1
ncbi_tools 358
portdir science/ncbi_tools description {blast is a set of tools for doing nucleotide and protein searches} homepage http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ncbi_tools maintainers gmail.com:mike.thon long_description {{blast is a set of tools for doing nucleotide and protein searches}} version 20080302 categories science revision 0
-nco 945
-variants {mpich2 openmpi udunits2 universal} depends_build {port:bison port:m4} portdir science/nco description {The netCDF Operators} homepage http://nco.sourceforge.net/ depends_run port:wget epoch 0 platforms darwin name nco depends_lib {port:curl port:gettext port:libdap port:libiconv port:libxml2 port:netcdf port:hdf5-18 port:szip port:openssl port:udunits port:zlib port:antlr port:gsl} long_description {Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF file. Although most users of netCDF and HDF data are involved in scientific research, these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and are equally useful in fields like finance. This version is OPeNDAP/DODS enabled, so it can be given URLs to read remote datasets as if they were local netCDF files.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 3.9.9 revision 0
+nco 930
+variants {mpich2 openmpi udunits2 netcdf4 universal} depends_build {port:bison port:m4} portdir science/nco description {The netCDF Operators} homepage http://nco.sourceforge.net/ depends_run port:wget epoch 0 platforms darwin name nco depends_lib {port:curl port:gettext port:libdap port:libiconv port:libxml2 port:netcdf port:openssl port:udunits port:zlib port:antlr port:gsl} long_description {Each NCO operator (e.g., ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g., averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF file. Although most users of netCDF and HDF data are involved in scientific research, these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and are equally useful in fields like finance. This version is OPeNDAP/DODS enabled, so it can be given URLs to read remote datasets as if they were local netCDF files.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 3.9.9 revision 1
ncview 605
variants universal portdir science/ncview description {X windows point'n'click NetCDF viewer.} homepage http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/ncview_home_page.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name ncview depends_lib port:netcdf long_description {Ncview is a visual browser for NetCDF format files. Typically you would use ncview to get a quick and easy, push-button look at your NetCDF files. You can view simple movies of the data, view along various dimensions, take a look at the actual data values, change color maps, invert the data, etc.} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 1.93e revision 0
-netcdf 757
-variants {gcc43 g95 openmpi dap netcdf4 static universal} portdir science/netcdf description {NetCDF - Network Common Data Form} homepage http://unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:curl port:szip port:hdf5-18} name netcdf long_description {NetCDF is an interface for array-oriented data access and a library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 4.0.1 revision 3
-netcdf3 680
-variants {g95 gcc43 universal} portdir science/netcdf3 description {NetCDF - Network Common Data Form} homepage http://unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name netcdf3 long_description {NetCDF is an interface for array-oriented data access and a library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.} maintainers takeshi categories science version 3.6.2 revision 0
+netcdf 722
+variants {gcc43 g95 openmpi dap netcdf4 static universal} portdir science/netcdf description {NetCDF - Network Common Data Form} homepage http://unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name netcdf long_description {NetCDF is an interface for array-oriented data access and a library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. The netCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.} maintainers {takeshi openmaintainer} categories science version 4.0.1 revision 4
ng-spice 566
variants universal portdir science/ng-spice description {Circuit simulator based on Spice 3f5} homepage http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ng-spice long_description {Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, Cider1b1 and Xspice. Ngspice is part of gEDA project, a full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools. Note: this port does not compile the Cider and Xspice modules.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {science cad} version 19 revision 1
openbabel 647
@@ -9824,10 +9822,10 @@
variants universal depends_build port:help2man portdir science/veriwell description {VeriWell Verilog Simulator} homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/veriwell epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:bzip2 port:readline port:zlib} name veriwell long_description {VeriWell is a full Verilog simulator. It supports nearly all of the IEEE1364-1995 standard, as well as PLI 1.0. Yes, VeriWell *is* the same simulator that was sold by Wellspring Solutions in the mid-1990 and was included with the Thomas and Moorby book} maintainers nomaintainer categories science version 2.8.6 revision 0
viking 373
variants universal depends_build bin:gnutar:gnutar portdir science/viking description {GTK2 GPS Program} homepage http://viking.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gpsd port:gtk2 port:curl} name viking long_description {Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data.} maintainers chimeric.de:chi categories science version 0.9.8 revision 0
-vis5d 882
-variants {g95 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir science/vis5d description {OpenGL-based scientific visualization program} homepage http://vis5d.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:netcdf port:hdf5-18 port:szip port:zlib port:ImageMagick port:gettext port:tcl port:libiconv port:mesa port:xorg-libsm} name vis5d long_description {Vis5D+ is a system for interactive visualization of large 5-D gridded data sets such as those produced by numerical weather models. One can make isosurfaces, contour line slices, colored slices, volume renderings, etc of data in a 3-D grid, then rotate and animate the images in real time. There's also a feature for wind trajectory tracing, a way to make text anotations for publications, support for interactive data analysis, etc.} maintainers takeshi categories {science graphics} version 1.3.0-beta revision 3
-wgrib2 540
-portdir science/wgrib2 description {program to read atmospheric data files in GRIB2} homepage http://www.cpc.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wgrib2 depends_lib {port:jasper port:libpng port:netcdf port:hdf5-18 port:szip port:zlib} maintainers takeshi long_description {wgrib2 is a swiss army knife for grib2 files. GRIB-2 has arrived and has begun replacing the the older standard GRIB-1. GRIB-2 can reduce the file size by up to 80% (NAM, JPEG2000 compression).} categories science version 1.7.8j revision 0
+vis5d 849
+variants {g95 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir science/vis5d description {OpenGL-based scientific visualization program} homepage http://vis5d.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:netcdf port:ImageMagick port:gettext port:tcl port:libiconv port:mesa port:xorg-libsm} name vis5d long_description {Vis5D+ is a system for interactive visualization of large 5-D gridded data sets such as those produced by numerical weather models. One can make isosurfaces, contour line slices, colored slices, volume renderings, etc of data in a 3-D grid, then rotate and animate the images in real time. There's also a feature for wind trajectory tracing, a way to make text anotations for publications, support for interactive data analysis, etc.} maintainers takeshi categories {science graphics} version 1.3.0-beta revision 4
+wgrib2 524
+variants netcdf4 portdir science/wgrib2 description {program to read atmospheric data files in GRIB2} homepage http://www.cpc.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wgrib2 depends_lib {port:jasper port:libpng port:netcdf} long_description {wgrib2 is a swiss army knife for grib2 files. GRIB-2 has arrived and has begun replacing the the older standard GRIB-1. GRIB-2 can reduce the file size by up to 80% (NAM, JPEG2000 compression).} maintainers takeshi categories science version 1.7.8j revision 1
wview 759
variants {env mysql5 pgresql vpro wxt510 ws2300 wmr918 sim http universal} portdir science/wview description {Daemons that download and archive data from supported weather stations} homepage http://wviewweather.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name wview depends_lib {port:gd2 port:radlib} long_description {wview is a unix application for weather stations. It archives weather data from the station. Generates full html web sites with graphics. ftp/ssh export capability. MySQL/PostgreSQL archiving. International. Weather alarms. Data feed. RSS feed. Stations currently supported include: Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2, Vaisala WXT-510, La Crosse WS-2300, and a weather station simulator.} maintainers mac.com:mbrooksclark categories science version 4.0.1 revision 0
xastir 477
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