[MacPorts] snc/licenses modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Aug 14 07:43:47 PDT 2009

Changed page "snc/licenses" by snc at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/snc/licenses>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/snc/licenses?action=diff&version=5>
Revision 5

Index: snc/licenses
--- snc/licenses (version: 4)
+++ snc/licenses (version: 5)
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 For the [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php Artistic license] and derivatives.
 == Artistic/GPL ==
 Dual-licensed under the Artistic and GPL licenses.
-== GNU Free Documentation License and Linux Documentation Project - if the documentation included in a package is explicitly included under one of the licenses, then this is indicated by appending /GFDL or /LDP, giving one of the allowed combinations: "GFDL", "GPL/GFDL", "LGPL/GFDL", "GPL/LGPL/GFDL", "LDP", or "GPL/LGPL/LDP".
 == DFSG-Approved ==
 For software that meets the guidelines of the Debian Social Contract.
 == OSI-Approved ==
@@ -37,6 +36,8 @@
 For restrictive licenses. Use this for packages that are available from the author in source form for free use, but don't allow free redistribution.
 == Restrictive/Distributable ==
 For restrictive licenses which permit distribution of source and binaries. Use this for packages that are available from the author in source form, permit distribution of source and binaries, but have restrictions which make them non-open source licenses.
+== /GFDL and /LDP ==
+GNU Free Documentation License and Linux Documentation Project - if the documentation included in a package is explicitly included under one of the licenses, then this is indicated by appending /GFDL or /LDP, giving one of the allowed combinations: "GFDL", "GPL/GFDL", "LGPL/GFDL", "GPL/LGPL/GFDL", "LDP", or "GPL/LGPL/LDP".
 == Commercial ==
 For restrictive, commercial licenses. Use this for commercial packages (e.g. Freeware, Shareware) that do not allow free redistribution of source or binaries.
 == Public Domain ==


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