[55750] trunk/dports/lang

jann at macports.org jann at macports.org
Tue Aug 18 02:45:27 PDT 2009

Revision: 55750
Author:   jann at macports.org
Date:     2009-08-18 02:45:25 -0700 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009)
Log Message:
New version tickets #20717 and #20718

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio64/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio64/Portfile	2009-08-18 09:05:10 UTC (rev 55749)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio64/Portfile	2009-08-18 09:45:25 UTC (rev 55750)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
                   in particular "pick-and-drop" for effective browsing.
 homepage          http://www.eiffel.com
 master_sites      sourceforge:eiffelstudio:source \
-                  http://download.origo.ethz.ch/eiffelstudio/1186/:source \
+                  http://download.origo.ethz.ch/eiffelstudio/1286/:source \
 depends_lib       port:gtk2
 depends_build     bin:bzip2:bzip2

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio65/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio65/Portfile	2009-08-18 09:05:10 UTC (rev 55749)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/eiffelstudio65/Portfile	2009-08-18 09:45:25 UTC (rev 55750)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 PortSystem        1.0
 name              eiffelstudio65
-set minor_version 79743
+set minor_version 80294
 version           6.5.${minor_version}
 set branch        [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] ""]
 categories        lang
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
                   in particular "pick-and-drop" for effective browsing.
 homepage          http://www.eiffel.com
 master_sites      sourceforge:eiffelstudio:source \
-                  http://download.origo.ethz.ch/eiffelstudio/1248/:source \
+                  http://download.origo.ethz.ch/eiffelstudio/1348/:source \
 depends_lib       port:gtk2
 depends_build     bin:bzip2:bzip2
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 extract.only      ${distname}${extract.suffix}
 worksrcdir        PorterPackage
-checksums         ${distname}${extract.suffix} rmd160 9cfa6d3e60a71745698c9f6a131da1daa3686663 \
+checksums         ${distname}${extract.suffix} rmd160 8b871a4da5eef26845110691f0eca3b98ae19891 \
                   ${eiffel_launch} rmd160 9a6ffe7f1bbc302b60b72197c84ad3a93d31cc0c
 use_configure     no
@@ -65,8 +65,46 @@
                     # Run ranlib on the libraries
                     system "ranlib ${destroot}/${applications_dir}/Eiffel${branch}/studio/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/*.a"
-                  }
+                    if {[variant_isset precompile]} {
+                      # Build the precompiles
+                      set env(ISE_EIFFEL) ${destroot}/${applications_dir}/Eiffel${branch}
+                      set compiler $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM)/bin/ec
+                      ui_msg "--->  Precompiling EiffelBase"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config base.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config base-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config base-mt.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config base-mt-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      ui_msg "--->  Precompiling EiffelVision"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config vision2.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      #system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config vision2-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config vision2-mt.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      #system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -precompile -config vision2-mt-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      # Build the precompiles
+                      set env(ISE_EIFFEL) ${applications_dir}/Eiffel${branch}
+                      set compiler $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM)/bin/ec
+                      # Build the precompiles for -experimental
+                      ui_msg "--->  Precompiling EiffelBase for experimental"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config base.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config base-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config base-mt.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config base-mt-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      ui_msg "--->  Precompiling EiffelVision for experimental"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config vision2.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      #system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config vision2-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config vision2-mt.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+                      #system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && ${compiler} -experiment -precompile -config vision2-mt-safe.ecf -c_compile -clean"
+	                }
+                    if {[variant_isset fixpermissions]} {
+                      set env(ISE_EIFFEL) ${destroot}/${applications_dir}/Eiffel${branch}
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && chmod -R 777 ."
+                      system "cd $env(ISE_EIFFEL)/experimental/precomp/spec/$env(ISE_PLATFORM) && chmod -R 777 ."
+                    }
+	              }
 post-install      {
                     ui_msg " ################################################################################## \n\
                         To complete the installation you have to add the following to your .bashrc file : \n\
@@ -75,4 +113,13 @@
                         export GOBO=\$ISE_EIFFEL/library/gobo/svn \n\
                         export PATH=\$PATH:\$ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/\$ISE_PLATFORM/bin:\$GOBO/../spec/\$ISE_PLATFORM/bin \n\
                         ################################################################################## \n"
-                  }
\ No newline at end of file
+                  }
+variant precompile description {Build the precompiles for EiffelBase and EiffelVision} {
+                  # Build the precompiles in the destroot phase.
+variant fixpermissions description {Makes the precompile directory shared and writable by all users.} {
+                  # This fixes the issue with users being unable to build precompiles but
+                  # it is a potential security risk on multi-user systems
\ No newline at end of file
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