[61390] trunk/dports/net/rtorrent-devel/Portfile

mnick at macports.org mnick at macports.org
Thu Dec 10 01:29:05 PST 2009

Revision: 61390
Author:   mnick at macports.org
Date:     2009-12-10 01:29:05 -0800 (Thu, 10 Dec 2009)
Log Message:
maintainer update (ticket #22758)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/rtorrent-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/rtorrent-devel/Portfile	2009-12-10 09:28:18 UTC (rev 61389)
+++ trunk/dports/net/rtorrent-devel/Portfile	2009-12-10 09:29:05 UTC (rev 61390)
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
 name              rtorrent-devel
 set real_name     rtorrent
-version           0.8.5
+version           0.8.6
 categories        net
 platforms         darwin
 maintainers       gmail.com:gardnermj
-description       console-based BitTorrent client (development version)
+description       console-based BitTorrent client (unstable release)
 long_description  rTorrent is a console-based BitTorrent client. It aims to \
                   be a fully-featured and efficient client with the ability to \
                   run in the background using screen. It supports fast-resume \
                   and session management. \
-                  This is the development version of rTorrent.
+                  This is the "unstable" release of rTorrent.
 homepage      http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/
 master_sites  ${homepage}downloads/
 distname      ${real_name}-${version}
-checksums     md5 e701095e1824b7e512a17000f4c0a783 \
-              sha1 ebab4af5c3c5f31803e0880fadd303ecbc6adba8 \
-              rmd160 ebf5bc3a39ec8b9905513a706a480452498ca991
+checksums     md5 b804c45c01c40312926bcea6b55bb084 \
+              sha1 ffce3959ba91738bb444d689db3db1e2375b14ce \
+              rmd160 3d5109d4ee26c663b376e0b9f610ab6055c57ba9
 depends_lib  port:curl \
              port:libsigcxx2 \
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