[61903] trunk/dports

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Wed Dec 23 03:54:33 PST 2009

Revision: 61903
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2009-12-23 03:54:29 -0800 (Wed, 23 Dec 2009)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	6454 
Ports successfully parsed:	6454	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-12-23 11:09:58 UTC (rev 61902)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-12-23 11:54:29 UTC (rev 61903)
@@ -4340,8 +4340,8 @@
 variants {darwin_10 darwin_8 gcc42} portdir lang/g95 description {Another GNU Fortran 95 compiler} homepage http://g95.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libtool port:libiconv} name g95 long_description {G95 is a stable, production Fortran 95 compiler available for multiple cpu architectures and operating systems. Innovations and optimizations continue to be worked on. Parts of the F2003 standard have been implemented in g95.} maintainers takeshi categories lang version 0.91 revision 2
 gambit-c 879
 variants {optimized profile universal} portdir lang/gambit-c description {Gambit-C is a fast Scheme implementation.} homepage http://dynamo.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/wiki/index.php/Main_Page epoch 0 platforms darwin name gambit-c long_description {Gambit-C includes a Scheme interpreter and a Scheme compiler which can be used to build standalone executables. Because the compiler generates portable C code it is fairly easy to port to any platform with a decent C compiler. The thread system is very efficient and can support millions of concurrent processes. The Gambit-C system conforms to the R4RS, R5RS and IEEE Scheme standards. The full numeric tower is implemented, including: infinite precision integers (bignums), rationals, inexact reals (floating point numbers), and complex numbers.} maintainers {snc openmaintainer} categories {lang scheme} version 4.5.3 revision 1
-gauche 1035
-variants {euc_jp sjis no_multibyte no_iconv no_gdbm no_slib no_threads no_ipv6 universal} portdir lang/gauche description {A script interpreter based on Scheme} homepage http://www.shiro.dreamhost.com/scheme/gauche/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gauche depends_lib {port:gdbm port:libiconv port:slib} long_description {Gauche is a script interpreter based on Scheme. Gauche conforms the language standard 'Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme' and supports various common libraries defined in SRFIs. The goal of Gauche is to provide a handy tool for programmers and system administrators to handle daily works conveniently and efficiently in the production environment. There are lots of Scheme implementations available, and each of them has its design emphasis and weeknesses. Gauche is designed with emphasis on Quick startup, Multibyte strings, Modular development, Integrated object system, System interface and Enhanced I/O.} maintainers {akitada openmaintainer} categories {lang scheme} version 0.8.13 revision 0
+gauche 1032
+variants {euc_jp sjis no_multibyte no_iconv no_gdbm no_slib no_threads no_ipv6 universal} portdir lang/gauche description {A script interpreter based on Scheme} homepage http://www.shiro.dreamhost.com/scheme/gauche/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gauche depends_lib {port:gdbm port:libiconv port:slib} long_description {Gauche is a script interpreter based on Scheme. Gauche conforms the language standard 'Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme' and supports various common libraries defined in SRFIs. The goal of Gauche is to provide a handy tool for programmers and system administrators to handle daily works conveniently and efficiently in the production environment. There are lots of Scheme implementations available, and each of them has its design emphasis and weeknesses. Gauche is designed with emphasis on Quick startup, Multibyte strings, Modular development, Integrated object system, System interface and Enhanced I/O.} maintainers {akitada openmaintainer} categories {lang scheme} version 0.9 revision 0
 gauche-c-wrapper 464
 variants universal depends_build {port:boehmgc port:texi2html} portdir lang/gauche-c-wrapper description {c-wrapper is a FFI (Foreign Function Interface) for Gauche.} homepage http://homepage.mac.com/naoki.koguro/prog/c-wrapper/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name gauche-c-wrapper depends_lib port:gauche long_description {c-wrapper is a FFI (Foreign Function Interface) for Gauche.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {lang scheme} version 0.5.2 revision 0
 gauche-gl 412
@@ -4928,8 +4928,8 @@
 variants {universal i386 powerpc gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95} portdir math/fftw-3-single description {Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform} homepage http://www.fftw.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:fftw-3 name fftw-3-single maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size. We believe that FFTW, which is free software, should become the FFT library of choice for most applications. Our benchmarks, performed on a variety of platforms, show that FFTW's performance is typically superior to that of other publicly available FFT software. Moreover, FFTW's performance is portable: the program will perform well on most architectures without modification. This port is of fftw version 3.x. It has many improvements relative to 2.x, but is not backwardly compatible.} categories math version 3.2.2 revision 0
 fftw-single 836
 variants {fortran universal} portdir math/fftw-single description {Single precision version of fftw} homepage http://www.fftw.org/ epoch 0 depends_run port:fftw platforms darwin name fftw-single long_description {FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size. We believe that FFTW, which is free software, should become the FFT library of choice for most applications. Our benchmarks, performed on a variety of platforms, show that FFTW's performance is typically superior to that of other publicly available FFT software. Moreover, FFTW's performance is portable: the program will perform well on most architectures without modification.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {math devel} version 2.1.5 revision 1
-fgsl 461
-variants doc portdir math/fgsl description {Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library} homepage http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/software/mathematik/gsl/fortran/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name fgsl depends_lib {port:gsl port:g95} long_description {A portable, object-based Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library, a collection of numerical routines for scientific computing.} maintainers takeshi categories {math science} version 0.9 revision 0
+fgsl 463
+variants doc portdir math/fgsl description {Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library} homepage http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/software/mathematik/gsl/fortran/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name fgsl depends_lib {port:gsl port:g95} long_description {A portable, object-based Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library, a collection of numerical routines for scientific computing.} maintainers takeshi categories {math science} version 0.9.2 revision 0
 fityk 546
 variants universal portdir math/fityk description {fityk is for peak fitting.} homepage http://www.unipress.waw.pl/fityk epoch 0 platforms darwin name fityk depends_lib {port:boost port:readline port:gnuplot port:ncurses port:wxWidgets port:python26} maintainers brett long_description {fityk is a program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it to remove the baseline from data, or to display data only.} categories math version 0.8.6 revision 0
 fyre 440

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex.quick
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