[45179] trunk/dports/security
blb at macports.org
blb at macports.org
Fri Jan 9 14:16:33 PST 2009
Revision: 45179
Author: blb at macports.org
Date: 2009-01-09 14:16:33 -0800 (Fri, 09 Jan 2009)
Log Message:
New port - security/openpgpsdk, OpenPGP library SDK
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/dports/security/openpgpsdk/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/security/openpgpsdk/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/security/openpgpsdk/Portfile 2009-01-09 22:16:33 UTC (rev 45179)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name openpgpsdk
+version 0.9
+categories security devel
+maintainers blb openmaintainer
+description OpenPGP library SDK
+long_description \
+ The OpenPGP SDK project provides an open source library, written in C, \
+ which implements the OpenPGP specification.
+platforms darwin
+homepage http://openpgp.nominet.org.uk/
+master_sites ${homepage}downloads/
+extract.suffix .tgz
+checksums md5 a2fe87ee864e6bcc0d5ea3db20e0f57a \
+ sha1 faa2eb844da0f1689dee29c3220364545ca7746b \
+ rmd160 9260e464f8f9b385d0cc8348d20e1c264856cee3
+depends_build bin:perl:perl5
+depends_lib port:openssl port:bzip2 port:zlib port:cunit
+universal_variant no
+configure.args --with-bz2lib=${prefix}/lib --with-cunit=${prefix} \
+ --with-openssl=${prefix} --with-zlib=${prefix}/lib \
+ --cc=${configure.cc}
+test.run yes
+destroot {
+ copy ${worksrcpath}/include/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/include
+ xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/lib libops.a ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
+ xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath}/bin openpgp ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+variant doc description {Install doxygen-generated documentation} {
+ depends_build-append port:doxygen
+ build.target-append doc
+ post-destroot {
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+ # Using foreach instead of copy due to the number of files
+ foreach htmlfile [glob ${worksrcpath}/doc/doxy-user/html/*] {
+ xinstall -m 644 ${htmlfile} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+ }
+ foreach manpage [glob ${worksrcpath}/doc/doxy-user/man/man3/*] {
+ xinstall -m 644 ${manpage} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man3/
+ }
+ }
+livecheck.check none
Property changes on: trunk/dports/security/openpgpsdk/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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