[45279] trunk/dports/PortIndex

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Mon Jan 12 10:52:26 PST 2009

Revision: 45279
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2009-01-12 10:52:26 -0800 (Mon, 12 Jan 2009)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5434 
Ports successfully parsed:	5434	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-01-12 18:41:01 UTC (rev 45278)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-01-12 18:52:26 UTC (rev 45279)
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@
 darts 588
 variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir devel/darts description {Double-ARray Trie System} homepage http://chasen.org/~taku/software/darts/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name darts depends_lib port:zlib maintainers {takanori openmaintainer} long_description {Darts is a C++ Templeate library which can be used to make Double-Array. Reference: Aoe, J. An Efficient Digital Search Algorithm by Using a Double-Array Structure. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Vol. 15, 9 (Sep 1989). pp. 1066-1077} version 0.32 categories devel revision 0
 darwinbuild 738
-portdir devel/darwinbuild platforms darwin description {Darwinbuild is a set of tools that facilitate building the sources released by Apple.} name darwinbuild version 0.8.0 categories devel homepage http://darwinbuild.macosforge.org/ revision 457 epoch 0 maintainers wms long_description {The Darwin Build Scripts are a collection of tools that assist compilation of the many projects contained in Darwin, the open source base of Apple's Mac OS X operating system. Apple publishes the sources of these projects in an archive format (.tar.gz). An archive is published for each project version on Apple's site. These tools will provide the proper build environment as well as help to resolve any necessary dependencies prior to building.}
+portdir devel/darwinbuild platforms darwin description {Darwinbuild is a set of tools that facilitate building the sources released by Apple.} name darwinbuild version 0.8.0 categories devel homepage http://darwinbuild.macosforge.org/ revision 458 epoch 0 maintainers wms long_description {The Darwin Build Scripts are a collection of tools that assist compilation of the many projects contained in Darwin, the open source base of Apple's Mac OS X operating system. Apple publishes the sources of these projects in an archive format (.tar.gz). An archive is published for each project version on Apple's site. These tools will provide the proper build environment as well as help to resolve any necessary dependencies prior to building.}
 dbow 560
 variants darwin_8 variant_desc {darwin_8 {Platform variant, do not select manually}} portdir devel/dbow description {database compiler-compiler} homepage http://dbow.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name dbow depends_lib port:mysql4 maintainers nomaintainer long_description {DBOW is a database compiler-compiler or front-end. It takes table definitions in a meta language and prepares C, C++, PHP, Perl (etc) functions for manipulating the database. It will also produce SQL table data for MySQL.} version 0.7 categories {devel databases} revision 0
 dbus 578
@@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@
 squirrel 589
 variants {darwin_8 darwin_9} variant_desc {darwin_8 {Platform variant, do not select manually} darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually}} portdir lang/squirrel description {high level imperative/OO programming language} homepage http://www.squirrel-lang.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name squirrel maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Squirrel is a high level imperative/OO programming language, designed to be a powerful scripting tool that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like games.} version 2.1 categories lang revision 0
 stklos 700
-variants {darwin_9 universal} variant_desc {darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir lang/stklos description {free Scheme system supporting most language features from R5RS} homepage http://www.stklos.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name stklos depends_lib {port:gmp port:pcre} maintainers mww long_description {STklos is a free Scheme system supporting most of the languages features defined in R5RS. The aim of this implementation is to be fast as well as light. The implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. STklos can also be compiled as a library and embedded in an application.} version 0.97 categories lang revision 0
+variants {darwin_9 universal} variant_desc {darwin_9 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir lang/stklos description {free Scheme system supporting most language features from R5RS} homepage http://www.stklos.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name stklos depends_lib {port:gmp port:pcre} maintainers mww long_description {STklos is a free Scheme system supporting most of the languages features defined in R5RS. The aim of this implementation is to be fast as well as light. The implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. STklos can also be compiled as a library and embedded in an application.} version 0.98 categories lang revision 0
 strategoxt 533
 variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir lang/strategoxt description {Stratego language with the XT bundle.} homepage http://strategoxt.org/Stratego/StrategoXT epoch 0 platforms darwin name strategoxt depends_lib {port:libaterm port:sdf2-bundle} long_description {StrategoXT is the combination of the Stratego language for strategic programming with the XT bundle of transformation tools.} maintainers {pguyot at kallisys.net openmaintainer} version 0.17pre18253 categories lang revision 0
 swi-prolog 1199
@@ -4627,7 +4627,7 @@
 libogg 481
 variants {doc universal} variant_desc {doc {Install extra documentation} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir multimedia/libogg description {Ogg Bitstream Library} homepage http://www.vorbis.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libogg maintainers {nox openmaintainer} long_description {Libogg is a library for manipulating ogg bitstreams. It handles both making ogg bitstreams and getting packets from ogg bitstreams.} version 1.1.3 categories multimedia revision 2
 libquicktime 537
-variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir multimedia/libquicktime description {library for reading and writing quicktime files} homepage http://libquicktime.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libquicktime depends_lib {port:gettext port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:zlib port:ffmpeg port:faac port:faad2 port:libvorbis port:libogg port:lame} maintainers mww long_description {{library for reading and writing quicktime files}} version 1.1.0 categories multimedia revision 1
+variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir multimedia/libquicktime description {library for reading and writing quicktime files} homepage http://libquicktime.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libquicktime depends_lib {port:gettext port:jpeg port:libiconv port:libpng port:zlib port:ffmpeg port:faac port:faad2 port:libvorbis port:libogg port:lame} maintainers mww long_description {{library for reading and writing quicktime files}} version 1.1.1 categories multimedia revision 0
 libtheora 793
 variants {doc darwin_9_i386 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig variant_desc {doc {Install extra documentation} darwin_9_i386 {Platform variant, do not select manually} universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir multimedia/libtheora description {Xiph.org Foundation's open video codec} homepage http://www.theora.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libtheora depends_lib {port:libvorbis port:libogg} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Theora is an open video codec being developed by the Xiph.org Foundation as part of their Ogg project (It is a project that aims to integrate On2's VP3 video codec, Ogg Vorbis audio codec and Ogg multimedia container formats into a multimedia solution that can compete with MPEG-4 format).} categories multimedia version 1.0 revision 0
 live555 745
@@ -8032,8 +8032,8 @@
 description {distutils enhancement for build and distribution} portdir python/py26-setuptools homepage http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-setuptools maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages.} categories {python devel} version 0.6c9 revision 0
 py26-sip 621
 variants universal variant_desc {universal {Build for multiple architectures}} portdir python/py26-sip description {create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries} homepage http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/sip/ epoch 0 platforms macosx name py26-sip depends_lib port:python26 maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} long_description {SIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It was originally developed to create PyQt, the Python bindings for the Qt toolkit, but can be used to create bindings for any C or C++ library.} version 4.7.9 categories {python devel} revision 0
-py26-sqlalchemy 427
-description {Python SQL ORM} portdir python/py26-sqlalchemy homepage http://www.sqlalchemy.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:py26-setuptools name py26-sqlalchemy maintainers {akitada openmaintainer} long_description {SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.} categories {python databases} version 0.5.0rc4 revision 0
+py26-sqlalchemy 424
+description {Python SQL ORM} portdir python/py26-sqlalchemy homepage http://www.sqlalchemy.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:py26-setuptools name py26-sqlalchemy maintainers {akitada openmaintainer} long_description {SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.} categories {python databases} version 0.5.0 revision 0
 py26-sqlalchemy-migrate 667
 description {Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy} portdir python/py26-sqlalchemy-migrate homepage http://sqlalchemy-migrate.googlecode.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:py26-setuptools name py26-sqlalchemy-migrate maintainers {akitada openmaintainer} long_description {Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, SQLAlchemy Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects. SQLAlchemy Migrate extends SQLAlchemy to have database changeset handling. It provides a database change repository mechanism which can be used from the command line as well as from inside python code.} categories python version 0.4.5 revision 0
 py26-twisted 568
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