[45340] trunk/dports/gnome/evolution-data-server/Portfile

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Tue Jan 13 14:28:06 PST 2009

Revision: 45340
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2009-01-13 14:28:06 -0800 (Tue, 13 Jan 2009)
Log Message:
evolution-data-server: whitespace cleanup (tabs to spaces).

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gnome/evolution-data-server/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gnome/evolution-data-server/Portfile	2009-01-13 22:24:09 UTC (rev 45339)
+++ trunk/dports/gnome/evolution-data-server/Portfile	2009-01-13 22:28:06 UTC (rev 45340)
@@ -3,54 +3,55 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
-name		evolution-data-server
-version		2.24.3
+name            evolution-data-server
+version         2.24.3
 set branch      [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
-description	Addressbook and calender libs for GNOME.
-long_description	Evolution Data Server provides a central location for \
-			addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop.
-maintainers	nomaintainer
-categories	gnome
-platforms	darwin
-homepage	http://www.gnome.org/
-master_sites	gnome:sources/evolution-data-server/${branch}/
+description     Addressbook and calender libs for GNOME.
+long_description    Evolution Data Server provides a central location for \
+                    addressbook and calendar in the GNOME Desktop.
+maintainers     nomaintainer
+categories      gnome
+platforms       darwin
+homepage        http://www.gnome.org/
+master_sites    gnome:sources/evolution-data-server/${branch}/
 checksums       md5     fc0b48f6246ed700fcc2b9f52538dd85 \
                 sha1    079a2a0a139d4073e7a4122c81271695dfc56de8 \
                 rmd160  f0a83cf0d77c7798f6d0dbaa0dd9c77198629740
-depends_lib	port:gnome-platform-suite \
-		port:libsoup \
-		port:libiconv \
-		port:nspr \
-		port:nss \
-		port:gnome-keyring \
-		port:sqlite3
+depends_lib    \
+        port:gnome-platform-suite \
+        port:libsoup \
+        port:libiconv \
+        port:nspr \
+        port:nss \
+        port:gnome-keyring \
+        port:sqlite3
-use_bzip2 	yes
+use_bzip2       yes
 patchfiles      patch-calendar-libical-src-libical-icaltz-util.c.diff
-configure.args	--enable-static \
-		--enable-nss \
-		--enable-smime \
-		--enable-gnome-keyring \
-		--enable-ipv6 \
-		--enable-nntp \
-		--enable-gtk-doc \
-		--with-libiconv=${prefix} \
-		--with-nspr-includes=${prefix}/include/nspr  \
-		--with-nss-includes=${prefix}/include/nss \
-		--with-krb5=/usr
+configure.args  \
+        --enable-static \
+        --enable-nss \
+        --enable-smime \
+        --enable-gnome-keyring \
+        --enable-ipv6 \
+        --enable-nntp \
+        --enable-gtk-doc \
+        --with-libiconv=${prefix} \
+        --with-nspr-includes=${prefix}/include/nspr  \
+        --with-nss-includes=${prefix}/include/nss \
+        --with-krb5=/usr
 platform darwin 8 {
-	post-patch {
-		reinplace "s|#include <stdio.h>|#include <stdio.h>\\\n#include <sys/types.h>|g" \
-		${worksrcpath}/camel/camel-block-file.h
-	}
+    post-patch {
+        reinplace "s|#include <stdio.h>|#include <stdio.h>\\\n#include <sys/types.h>|g" \
+        ${worksrcpath}/camel/camel-block-file.h
+    }
 livecheck.check regex
 livecheck.url   http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/${name}/${branch}/
 livecheck.regex {LATEST-IS-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)}
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