[54180] trunk/dports

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Wed Jul 22 09:53:38 PDT 2009

Revision: 54180
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2009-07-22 09:53:38 -0700 (Wed, 22 Jul 2009)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5957 
Ports successfully parsed:	5957	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-07-22 16:49:47 UTC (rev 54179)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-07-22 16:53:38 UTC (rev 54180)
@@ -3218,8 +3218,8 @@
 variants universal depends_build port:libtool portdir graphics/openexr description {OpenEXR Graphics Library} homepage http://www.openexr.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:ilmbase name openexr long_description {OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.} maintainers waqar categories graphics version 1.6.1 revision 1
 openjpeg 468
 variants universal portdir graphics/openjpeg description {Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images} homepage http://www.openjpeg.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name openjpeg long_description {The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec. It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG 2000, the new still-image compression standard from the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).} maintainers mcalhoun categories graphics version 1.3 revision 3
-openvrml 815
-variants {js_mozilla no_opengl xembed player mozilla_plugin no_x11 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir graphics/openvrml description {a cross-platform VRML and X3D browser and C++ runtime library} homepage http://www.openvrml.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name openvrml depends_lib {port:boost port:libpng port:jpeg port:fontconfig port:mesa port:libsdl} long_description {OpenVRML is a free cross-platform runtime for VRML and X3D available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The OpenVRML distribution includes libraries you can use to add VRML/X3D support to an application. On platforms where GTK+ is available, OpenVRML also provides a plug-in to render VRML/X3D worlds in Web browsers.} maintainers {ira.uka.de:raphael openmaintainer} categories {graphics x11} version 0.17.12 revision 0
+openvrml 830
+variants {js_mozilla js_spidermonkey no_opengl xembed player mozilla_plugin no_x11 universal} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir graphics/openvrml description {a cross-platform VRML and X3D browser and C++ runtime library} homepage http://www.openvrml.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name openvrml depends_lib {port:boost port:libpng port:jpeg port:fontconfig port:mesa port:libsdl} long_description {OpenVRML is a free cross-platform runtime for VRML and X3D available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The OpenVRML distribution includes libraries you can use to add VRML/X3D support to an application. On platforms where GTK+ is available, OpenVRML also provides a plug-in to render VRML/X3D worlds in Web browsers.} maintainers {ira.uka.de:raphael openmaintainer} categories {graphics x11} version 0.18.2 revision 0
 optipng 657
 variants universal depends_build port:gmake portdir graphics/optipng description {PNG file optimizer} homepage http://optipng.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name optipng long_description {OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses the image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. The idea has been inspired from pngcrush (http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush), and is explained in detail in the PNG-Tech article 'A guide to PNG optimization'. The implementation is carried forward in OptiPNG, which offers a faster execution per trial, and a wider search space.} maintainers vinc17 categories graphics version 0.6.3 revision 0
 pdf2djvu 500
@@ -4278,12 +4278,12 @@
 variants {darwin_6 darwin_7 universal} portdir lang/q description {extensible scripting language} homepage http://q-lang.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name q depends_lib {port:curl port:gettext port:gmp port:libiconv port:libxml2 port:libxslt port:readline port:zlib} long_description {Q is a powerful and extensible scripting language with advanced symbolic processing and functional programming capabilities. Q is based on term rewriting. Consequently, Q scripts are just collections of equations which are used to evaluate expressions in a symbolic fashion. Despite its conceptual simplicity, Q is a full-featured functional programming language with a modern syntax, curried function applications, dynamic object-oriented typing, exception handling, and POSIX multithreading.} maintainers ryandesign categories lang version 7.11 revision 1
 qore 434
 variants universal depends_build {port:flex port:bison} portdir lang/qore description {dynamically-typed programming language} homepage http://qore.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:openssl port:pcre port:libxml2 port:zlib port:bzip2} name qore long_description {Qore is a dynamically-typed, embeddabble programming language designed for SMP scalability} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 0.7.5 revision 0
-qore-mysql-module 395
-variants universal portdir lang/qore-mysql-module description {MySQL module for Qore} homepage http://qoretechnologies.com/qore epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-mysql-module depends_lib {port:qore path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5} long_description {Module allowing communication with MySQL DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.5 revision 0
-qore-oracle-module 395
-variants universal portdir lang/qore-oracle-module description {Oracle module for Qore} homepage http://qoretechnologies.com/qore epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-oracle-module depends_lib {port:qore port:oracle-instantclient} long_description {Module allowing communication with Oracle DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.8 revision 0
-qore-pgsql-module 393
-variants universal portdir lang/qore-pgsql-module description {PostgreSQL module for Qore} homepage http://qoretechnologies.com/qore epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-pgsql-module depends_lib {port:qore port:postgresql83} long_description {Module allowing communication with PostgreSQL DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.3 revision 0
+qore-mysql-module 378
+variants universal portdir lang/qore-mysql-module description {MySQL module for Qore} homepage http://qore.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-mysql-module depends_lib {port:qore path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5} long_description {Module allowing communication with MySQL DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.6 revision 0
+qore-oracle-module 378
+variants universal portdir lang/qore-oracle-module description {Oracle module for Qore} homepage http://qore.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-oracle-module depends_lib {port:qore port:oracle-instantclient} long_description {Module allowing communication with Oracle DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.8 revision 0
+qore-pgsql-module 376
+variants universal portdir lang/qore-pgsql-module description {PostgreSQL module for Qore} homepage http://qore.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name qore-pgsql-module depends_lib {port:qore port:postgresql83} long_description {Module allowing communication with PostgreSQL DBs from the Qore Programming Language} maintainers davidnichols categories lang version 1.0.4 revision 0
 ragel 529
 variants universal depends_build port:bison portdir lang/ragel description {ragel is a state machine compiler} homepage http://www.complang.org/ragel/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ragel long_description {Ragel compiles finite state machines from regular languages into runnable C/C++ code. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language.} maintainers mww categories lang version 6.5 revision 0
 rexx 438
@@ -8774,6 +8774,8 @@
 variants {darwin_9 cairo gtk2 tkinter qt4 latex ghostscript} portdir python/py26-matplotlib description {matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python} homepage http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:freetype port:libpng port:py26-dateutil port:py26-tz port:py26-numpy port:py26-configobj port:py26-pyobjc2 port:py26-pyobjc2-cocoa} name py26-matplotlib long_description {Matplotlib is a pure python plotting library with the goal of making publication quality plots using a syntax familiar to matlab users. The library uses numpy for handling large data sets and supports a variety of output backends. This port provides variants for the different GUIs (gtk2, tkinter, wxpython).} maintainers {ram openmaintainer} version categories {python graphics math} revision 0
 py26-matplotlib-basemap 506
 portdir python/py26-matplotlib-basemap description {matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections} homepage http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-matplotlib port:geos2 port:py26-httplib2 port:py26-dap} name py26-matplotlib-basemap maintainers {ram openmaintainer} long_description {Matplotlib basemap is a matplotlib toolkit python library for plotting data on map projections} version 0.99.3 categories {python graphics math} revision 0
+py26-mdp-toolkit 396
+depends_build port:py26-nose portdir python/py26-mdp-toolkit description {Modular toolkit for Data Processing.} homepage http://mdp-toolkit.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-numpy port:py26-setuptools} name py26-mdp-toolkit maintainers mnick long_description {{Modular toolkit for Data Processing.}} version 2.5 categories {python science} revision 0
 py26-memcached 584
 depends_build port:py26-setuptools portdir python/py26-memcached description {Pure python memcached client} homepage http://www.tummy.com/Community/software/python-memcached/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:python26 name py26-memcached maintainers nomaintainer long_description {This software is a 100% Python interface to the memcached memory cache daemon. It is the client side software which allows storing values in one or more, possibly remote, memcached servers. Search google for memcached for more information.} version 1.43 categories {python devel net} revision 0
 py26-midgard2 366
@@ -8802,6 +8804,8 @@
 portdir python/py26-ode description {Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine} homepage http://pyode.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:ode} name py26-ode maintainers jameskyle long_description {{Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine.}} version 1.2.0 categories python revision 0
 py26-opengl 557
 depends_build port:py26-setuptools portdir python/py26-opengl description {Python binding to OpenGL} homepage http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-pil port:py26-numpy} name py26-opengl maintainers {jmr openmaintainer} long_description {PyOpenGL is the cross platform Python binding to OpenGL and related APIs. The binding is created using the standard ctypes library and is provided under an extremely liberal BSD-style Open-Source licenses.} version 3.0.0c1 categories {python graphics} revision 0
+py26-openopt 538
+depends_build port:py26-setuptools portdir python/py26-openopt description {Numerical optimization framework for python} homepage http://openopt.org epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:python26 port:py26-numpy} name py26-openopt maintainers mnick long_description {OpenOpt is a free optimization framework for python. It interfaces with many different algorithms for solving optimization problems, some of which are written in C or Fortran.} depends_extract bin:unzip:unzip version 0.24 categories {python math science} revision 0
 py26-openssl 559
 variants doc portdir python/py26-openssl description {python wrapper around the OpenSSL library} homepage http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd} depends_lib {port:python26 port:openssl} name py26-openssl long_description {This python module is a rather thin wrapper around (a subset of) the OpenSSL library. With thin wrapper a lot of the object methods do nothing more than calling a corresponding function in the OpenSSL library.} maintainers {mcalhoun openmaintainer} version 0.8 categories {python devel security} revision 0
 py26-orbit 702

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