[52176] trunk/dports

portindex at macports.org portindex at macports.org
Thu Jun 11 09:54:02 PDT 2009

Revision: 52176
Author:   portindex at macports.org
Date:     2009-06-11 09:54:02 -0700 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
Log Message:

Total number of ports parsed:	5839 
Ports successfully parsed:	5839	 
Ports failed:			0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-06-11 16:48:36 UTC (rev 52175)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex	2009-06-11 16:54:02 UTC (rev 52176)
@@ -2027,7 +2027,7 @@
 bvi 372
 variants universal portdir editors/bvi description {A vi-like binary file (hex)editor} homepage http://bvi.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name bvi depends_lib port:ncurses long_description {Bvi is a display oriented (hex)editor for binary files based on those of the vi(1) texteditor.} maintainers kruschwitz.biz:max categories editors version 1.3.2 revision 0
 cedet-devel 585
-depends_build port:emacs portdir editors/cedet-devel description {Infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs} homepage http://cedet.sourceforge.net/ depends_run port:emacs epoch 0 platforms darwin name cedet-devel maintainers {nox openmaintainer} long_description {Semantic is an infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs. It is a lexer, parser-generator, and parser. It is written in Emacs Lisp and is customized to the way Emacs thinks about language files, and is optimized to use Emacs' parsing capabilities.} categories editors version 1.0pre4 revision 0
+depends_build port:emacs portdir editors/cedet-devel description {Infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs} homepage http://cedet.sourceforge.net/ depends_run port:emacs epoch 0 platforms darwin name cedet-devel maintainers {nox openmaintainer} long_description {Semantic is an infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs. It is a lexer, parser-generator, and parser. It is written in Emacs Lisp and is customized to the way Emacs thinks about language files, and is optimized to use Emacs' parsing capabilities.} categories editors version 1.0pre6 revision 0
 cssed 429
 variants universal depends_build port:hicolor-icon-theme portdir editors/cssed description {small graphical CSS editor and validator} homepage http://cssed.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name cssed depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:libxml2} long_description {cssed is a small developer editor and validator, that tries to ease the CSS editing.} maintainers nomaintainer categories {editors x11 www} version 0.4.0 revision 1
 dte 327
@@ -2344,8 +2344,8 @@
 variants universal portdir games/libggz description {The GGZ Gaming Zone - Base Library.} homepage http://www.ggzgamingzone.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libggz depends_lib {port:libgcrypt port:openssl} long_description {{The GGZ Gaming Zone - Base Library.}} maintainers nomaintainer categories games version revision 0
 lincity 668
 variants universal portdir games/lincity description {city simulation game} homepage http://lincity.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name lincity depends_lib {port:xorg-libsm port:xorg-libXext port:libpng port:gettext} long_description {Lincity is a city simulation game. You are required to build and maintain a city. You must feed, house, provide jobs and goods for your residents. You can build a sustainable economy with the help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for broke and build rockets to escape from a pollution ridden and resource starved planet, it's up to you.} maintainers nomaintainer categories games version 1.13.0 revision 1
-lincity-ng 628
-variants darwin depends_build {path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig bin:jam:jam} portdir games/lincity-ng description {3D city simulation game} homepage http://lincity-ng.berlios.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libxml2 bin:sdl-config:libsdl lib:libsdl_mixer:libsdl_mixer lib:libsdl_image:libsdl_image lib:libsdl_ttf:libsdl_ttf lib:libsdl_gfx:libsdl_gfx lib:libphysfs:physfs port:libiconv} name lincity-ng long_description {LinCity-NG is a City Simulation Game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game.} maintainers {kallisys.net:pguyot openmaintainer} categories games version 1.1.2 revision 2
+lincity-ng 626
+variants darwin depends_build {path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig bin:jam:jam} portdir games/lincity-ng description {3D city simulation game} homepage http://lincity-ng.berlios.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libxml2 bin:sdl-config:libsdl lib:libsdl_mixer:libsdl_mixer lib:libsdl_image:libsdl_image lib:libsdl_ttf:libsdl_ttf lib:libsdl_gfx:libsdl_gfx lib:libphysfs:physfs port:libiconv} name lincity-ng long_description {LinCity-NG is a City Simulation Game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game.} maintainers {kallisys.net:pguyot openmaintainer} categories games version 2.0 revision 2
 liquidwar 699
 variants universal depends_build port:gmake portdir games/liquidwar description {Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame. You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents.} homepage http://www.ufoot.org/liquidwar/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib port:allegro name liquidwar long_description {Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame. You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents. The rules of Liquid War are truely original and have been invented by Thomas Colcombet. A single player mode is available, but the game is definitely designed to be multiplayer, and has network support.} maintainers raimue categories games version 5.6.4 revision 0
 lmarbles 844

Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex.quick
(Binary files differ)
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