[52203] branches/images-and-archives/base

blb at macports.org blb at macports.org
Thu Jun 11 22:52:38 PDT 2009

Revision: 52203
Author:   blb at macports.org
Date:     2009-06-11 22:52:34 -0700 (Thu, 11 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
Merge from trunk

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: branches/images-and-archives/base
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base:37343-46937
   + /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base:37343-46937

Modified: branches/images-and-archives/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- branches/images-and-archives/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2009-06-12 04:27:43 UTC (rev 52202)
+++ branches/images-and-archives/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2009-06-12 05:52:34 UTC (rev 52203)
@@ -1920,16 +1920,11 @@
 #                  dependencies ports.
 # accDeps -> accumulator for recursive calls
 # return 0 if everything was ok, an non zero integer otherwise.
-proc mportdepends {mport {target ""} {recurseDeps 1} {skipSatisfied 1} {accDepsFlag 0}} {
+proc mportdepends {mport {target ""} {recurseDeps 1} {skipSatisfied 1}} {
     array set portinfo [mportinfo $mport]
     set depends {}
     set deptypes {}
-    if {$accDepsFlag == 0} {
-        array set accDeps {}
-    } else {
-        upvar accDeps accDeps
-    }
     # progress indicator
     if {![macports::ui_isset ports_debug]} {
@@ -1981,49 +1976,46 @@
     set subPorts {}
+    set options [ditem_key $mport options]
+    set variations [ditem_key $mport variations]
     foreach depspec $depends {
-        # grab the portname portion of the depspec
-        set dep_portname [lindex [split $depspec :] end]
-        # Find the porturl
-        if {[catch {set res [mportlookup $dep_portname]} error]} {
-            global errorInfo
-            ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            ui_error "Internal error: port lookup failed: $error"
-            return 1
-        }
-        array unset portinfo
-        array set portinfo [lindex $res 1]
-        if {[info exists portinfo(porturl)]} {
-            set porturl $portinfo(porturl)
-        } else {
-            ui_error "Dependency '$dep_portname' not found."
-            return 1
-        }
         # Is that dependency satisfied or this port installed?
         # If we don't skip or if it is not, add it to the list.
         if {!$skipSatisfied || ![_mportispresent $mport $depspec]} {
-            set options [ditem_key $mport options]
-            set variations [ditem_key $mport variations]
-            # Figure out the subport.
-            set subport [mportopen $porturl $options $variations]
-            # Append the sub-port's provides to the port's requirements list.
-            ditem_append_unique $mport requires "[ditem_key $subport provides]"
+            # grab the portname portion of the depspec
+            set dep_portname [lindex [split $depspec :] end]
-            if {$recurseDeps} {
-                # Skip the port if it's already in the accumulated list.
-                if {![info exists accDeps($dep_portname)]} {
-                    # Add it to the list
-                    set accDeps($dep_portname) 1
+            # Find the porturl
+            if {[catch {set res [mportlookup $dep_portname]} error]} {
+                global errorInfo
+                ui_debug "$errorInfo"
+                ui_error "Internal error: port lookup failed: $error"
+                return 1
+            }
-                    # We'll recursively iterate on it.
+            array unset portinfo
+            array set portinfo [lindex $res 1]
+            if {![info exists portinfo(porturl)]} {
+                ui_error "Dependency '$dep_portname' not found."
+                return 1
+            }
+            # Figure out the subport. Check the open_mports list first, since
+            # we potentially leak mport references if we mportopen each time,
+            # because mportexec only closes each open mport once.
+            set subport [dlist_search $macports::open_mports porturl $portinfo(porturl)]
+            if {$subport == {}} {
+                # We haven't opened this one yet.
+                set subport [mportopen $portinfo(porturl) $options $variations]
+                if {$recurseDeps} {
+                    # Add to the list we need to recurse on.
                     lappend subPorts $subport
+            # Append the sub-port's provides to the port's requirements list.
+            ditem_append_unique $mport requires "[ditem_key $subport provides]"
@@ -2031,7 +2023,7 @@
     if {$recurseDeps} {
         foreach subport $subPorts {
             # Sub ports should be installed (all dependencies must be satisfied).
-            set res [mportdepends $subport "" $recurseDeps $skipSatisfied 1]
+            set res [mportdepends $subport "" $recurseDeps $skipSatisfied]
             if {$res != 0} {
                 return $res

Modified: branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port/port.tcl
--- branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port/port.tcl	2009-06-12 04:27:43 UTC (rev 52202)
+++ branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port/port.tcl	2009-06-12 05:52:34 UTC (rev 52203)
@@ -1796,10 +1796,14 @@
         return 1
     foreachport $portlist {
-        if { [catch {registry::activate $portname [composite_version $portversion [array get variations]] [array get options]} result] } {
-            global errorInfo
-            ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            break_softcontinue "port activate failed: $result" 1 status
+        if {![macports::global_option_isset ports_dryrun]} {
+            if { [catch {registry::activate $portname [composite_version $portversion [array get variations]] [array get options]} result] } {
+                global errorInfo
+                ui_debug "$errorInfo"
+                break_softcontinue "port activate failed: $result" 1 status
+            }
+        } else {
+            ui_msg "Skipping activate $portname (dry run)"
@@ -1813,10 +1817,14 @@
         return 1
     foreachport $portlist {
-        if { [catch {registry::deactivate $portname [composite_version $portversion [array get variations]] [array get options]} result] } {
-            global errorInfo
-            ui_debug "$errorInfo"
-            break_softcontinue "port deactivate failed: $result" 1 status
+        if {![macports::global_option_isset ports_dryrun]} {
+            if { [catch {registry::deactivate $portname [composite_version $portversion [array get variations]] [array get options]} result] } {
+                global errorInfo
+                ui_debug "$errorInfo"
+                break_softcontinue "port deactivate failed: $result" 1 status
+            }
+        } else {
+            ui_msg "Skipping deactivate $portname (dry run)"

Modified: branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl
--- branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl	2009-06-12 04:27:43 UTC (rev 52202)
+++ branches/images-and-archives/base/src/port1.0/portdestroot.tcl	2009-06-12 05:52:34 UTC (rev 52203)
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
             # error "mtree violation!"
     } else {
-        ui_warn "[format [msgcat::mc "%s requests to install files outside the common directory structure!"] [option name]]"
+        ui_msg "[format [msgcat::mc "Note: %s installs files outside the common directory structure."] [option name]]"
     # Restore umask

Modified: branches/images-and-archives/base/src/registry1.0/portuninstall.tcl
--- branches/images-and-archives/base/src/registry1.0/portuninstall.tcl	2009-06-12 04:27:43 UTC (rev 52202)
+++ branches/images-and-archives/base/src/registry1.0/portuninstall.tcl	2009-06-12 05:52:34 UTC (rev 52203)
@@ -126,10 +126,18 @@
 	if {[registry::property_retrieve $ref active] == 1} {
-		#return -code error [msgcat::mc "Registry Error: ${portname} ${version}_${revision}${variants} is active."]
-		registry::deactivate $portname ${version}_${revision}${variants} $optionslist
+		if {[info exists options(ports_dryrun)] && $options(ports_dryrun) == "yes"} {
+			ui_msg "For $portname @${version}_${revision}${variants}: skipping deactivate (dry run)"
+		} else {
+			portimage::deactivate $portname ${version}_${revision}${variants} $optionslist
+		}
+	if {[info exists options(ports_dryrun)] && $options(ports_dryrun) == "yes"} {
+		ui_msg "For $portname @${version}_${revision}${variants}: skipping uninstall (dry run)"
+		return 0
+	}
 	ui_msg "$UI_PREFIX [format [msgcat::mc "Uninstalling %s @%s_%s%s"] $portname $version $revision $variants]"
 	# Look to see if the port has registered an uninstall procedure
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