[52652] trunk/dports
portindex at macports.org
portindex at macports.org
Sat Jun 20 10:55:17 PDT 2009
Revision: 52652
Author: portindex at macports.org
Date: 2009-06-20 10:55:17 -0700 (Sat, 20 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 5854
Ports successfully parsed: 5854
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2009-06-20 17:54:56 UTC (rev 52651)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2009-06-20 17:55:17 UTC (rev 52652)
@@ -3178,8 +3178,8 @@
variants gtk1 portdir graphics/mtpaint description {Mark Tyler's Painting Program} homepage http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name mtpaint depends_lib {port:libpng port:gtk2 port:freetype} long_description {mtPaint is a painting program which Mark Tyler developed from scratch so he could easily create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.} maintainers {afb openmaintainer} categories graphics version 3.20 revision 0
netpbm 638
variants {darwin linux freebsd darwin_8 universal} depends_build path:bin/perl:perl5 portdir graphics/netpbm description {Image manipulation} homepage http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} depends_lib {port:zlib port:jpeg port:tiff port:libpng port:jasper} name netpbm long_description {A whole bunch of utilities for primitive manipulation of graphic images. Wide array of converters from one graphics format to another. E.g. from g3 fax format to jpeg. Many basic graphics editing tools such as magnifying and cropping.} maintainers {mas openmaintainer} categories graphics version 10.26.61 revision 0
-nifticlib 615
-variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir graphics/nifticlib description {niftilib is a collection of i/o routines for the nifti1 neuroimage data format.} homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftilib epoch 0 platforms darwin name nifticlib long_description {niftilib is a collection of i/o routines for the nifti1 neuroimage data format. C (nifticlib), Java (niftijlib), Matlab (niftimatlib), and Python (pynifti) code is available. Information about the nifti format is available at http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/df} maintainers jameskyle at ucla.edu categories {graphics science} version 1.1.0 revision 0
+nifticlib 606
+variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir graphics/nifticlib description {niftilib is a collection of i/o routines for the nifti1 neuroimage data format.} homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/niftilib epoch 0 platforms darwin name nifticlib long_description {niftilib is a collection of i/o routines for the nifti1 neuroimage data format. C (nifticlib), Java (niftijlib), Matlab (niftimatlib), and Python (pynifti) code is available. Information about the nifti format is available at http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/df} maintainers jameskyle categories {graphics science} version 1.1.0 revision 0
nip2 473
variants universal depends_build {port:swig port:p5-xml-parser} portdir graphics/nip2 description {nip2 is a user-interface to the VIPS image processing library.} homepage http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:fftw-3 port:vips port:gtk2 port:gsl} name nip2 maintainers gmail.com:jcupitt long_description {nip2 is an image processing spreadsheet. It's good for large images and for colour.} categories graphics version 7.14.1 revision 0
ocrad 491
@@ -4684,10 +4684,10 @@
variants universal portdir math/ndiff description {compare putatively similar files} homepage http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/software/ndiff/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name ndiff long_description {ndiff assumes that you have two text files containing numerical values, and the two files are expected to be identical, or at least numerically similar. ndiff allows you to specify absolute and/or relative error tolerances for differences between numerical values in the two files, and then reports only the lines with values exceeding those tolerances. It also tells you by how much they differ.} maintainers nomaintainer categories math version 2.00 revision 0
nestedsums 364
variants {darwin_6 darwin_7 test universal} portdir math/nestedsums description {nestedsums library} homepage http://www.fis.unipr.it/~stefanw/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name nestedsums depends_lib port:GiNaC long_description {A Library for the Symbolic Expansion of a Class of Transcendental Functions} maintainers gwright categories math version 1.4.9 revision 0
-newmat 921
-variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir math/newmat description {This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations.} homepage http://www.robertnz.net/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name newmat long_description {This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues. It supports matrix types,e.g., Matrix (rectangular matrix), UpperTriangularMatrix, LowerTriangularMatrix, DiagonalMatrix, SymmetricMatrix, BandMatrix, UpperBandMatrix, LowerBandMatrix, SymmetricBandMatrix, IdentityMatrix, RowVector, ColumnVector.} maintainers ucla.edu:jameskyle categories math version 10 revision 0
-newran 902
-variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir math/newran description {This is a C++ library for generating sequences of random numbers from a wide variety of distributions.} homepage http://www.robertnz.net/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name newran long_description {This is a C++ library for generating sequences of random numbers from a wide variety of distributions. It is particularly appropriate for the situation where one requires sequences of identically distributed random numbers since the set up time for each type of distribution is relatively long but it is efficient when generating each new random number. The library includes classes for generating random numbers from a number of distributions and is easily extended to be able to generate random numbers from almost any of the standard distributions.} maintainers ucla.edu:jameskyle categories math version 02 revision 0
+newmat 901
+variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir math/newmat description {This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations.} homepage http://www.robertnz.net epoch 0 platforms darwin name newmat long_description {This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues. It supports matrix types,e.g., Matrix (rectangular matrix), UpperTriangularMatrix, LowerTriangularMatrix, DiagonalMatrix, SymmetricMatrix, BandMatrix, UpperBandMatrix, LowerBandMatrix, SymmetricBandMatrix, IdentityMatrix, RowVector, ColumnVector.} maintainers jameskyle categories math version 10 revision 0
+newran 883
+variants universal depends_build port:cmake portdir math/newran description {This is a C++ library for generating sequences of random numbers from a wide variety of distributions.} homepage http://www.robertnz.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name newran long_description {This is a C++ library for generating sequences of random numbers from a wide variety of distributions. It is particularly appropriate for the situation where one requires sequences of identically distributed random numbers since the set up time for each type of distribution is relatively long but it is efficient when generating each new random number. The library includes classes for generating random numbers from a number of distributions and is easily extended to be able to generate random numbers from almost any of the standard distributions.} maintainers jameskyle categories math version 02 revision 0
ntl 527
variants {gmp universal} depends_build path:bin/perl:perl5 portdir math/ntl description {NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory} homepage http://shoup.net/ntl/ epoch 0 name ntl long_description {NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for arbitrary length {integers;} for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite {fields;} and for arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic.} maintainers fimaluka.org:ralf categories math version 5.4.2 revision 0
ocamlgsl 428
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex.quick
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