[MacPorts] CommittersTipsAndTricks modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Jun 23 13:35:05 PDT 2009

Changed page "CommittersTipsAndTricks" by blb at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/CommittersTipsAndTricks>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/CommittersTipsAndTricks?action=diff&version=22>
Revision 22
Comment: Note the easy way to find checksums when updating a port

Index: CommittersTipsAndTricks
--- CommittersTipsAndTricks (version: 21)
+++ CommittersTipsAndTricks (version: 22)
@@ -201,3 +201,15 @@
 rmd160 1f842ea95ad6dd2cba2cdc2d2bd8e0be5063fb9b
+=== Checksums for port updates ===
+If you're updating a port's version and simply need the checksums for the new version, run the following while in the port's directory:
+$ port -d checksum
+The correct checksum line may be:
+checksums           md5     1ca0cf40350913fa620f73cbd906378a \
+                    sha1    2921531ece0eacb303b0c9a4978d0d050dcfd5d2 \
+                    rmd160  6cacbcf37581b5e19fe9fe674dd7b0722f1a19de
+You can then copy/paste the result into the Portfile.


* The IP shown here might not mean anything if the user or the server is
behind a proxy.

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