[53154] trunk/dports/devel

krischik at macports.org krischik at macports.org
Tue Jun 30 05:43:46 PDT 2009

Revision: 53154
Author:   krischik at macports.org
Date:     2009-06-30 05:43:44 -0700 (Tue, 30 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
Charles is a container and algorithms library for Ada.

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Property changes on: trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles
Added: svn:ignore
   + .backups

Added: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/gnat-booch95/Portfile	2009-06-26 15:55:39 UTC (rev 52964)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles/Portfile	2009-06-30 12:43:44 UTC (rev 53154)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
-# $Id$
-PortSystem			1.0
-name                gnat-booch95
-version             20090216
-revision            1
-platforms           darwin
-categories          devel
-maintainers         macports.org:krischik
-description         The Ada 95 Booch Components
-long_description	The Ada 95 Booch Components
-homepage			http://booch95.sourceforge.net
-master_sites	    sourceforge:booch95
-distfiles			bc-${version}.7z 
-worksrcdir			bc-${version}
-checksums           md5     2c5af5267c8f4a3b237f0338d4b9a337 \
-                    sha1    095d7590ff92fbef93ca5703de6802cb4793ba13 \
-                    rmd160  7475bb5fcc40b0ae447386f2e3469244b6a74439
-use_bzip2			yes
-use_parallel_build  yes
-use_configure	    no
-depends_lib         port:gnat-gcc
-depends_build		port:p7zip
-extract {
-    system "
-	pushd ${workpath};
-	    7za x ${distpath}/${distfile};
-	popd;
-    "
-build {
-    system "
-	pushd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT;
-	    gnumake release;
-	    gnumake debug;
-	popd;
-    "
-destroot {
-	xinstall -m 775	-d ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/booch
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/src
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/obj
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/lib
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/obj
-	xinstall -m 775 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/lib
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/lib/*]	${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/booch
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/src/*]								${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/src
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Makefile]						${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/booch_95.gpr]					${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/obj/*]	${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/obj
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/lib/*]	${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Release/lib
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/obj/*]		${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/obj
-	eval xinstall -m 664 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/lib/*]		${destroot}/${prefix}/include/booch/GNAT/Darwin-i686-Debug/lib
-# vim: set nowrap tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab :
-# vim: set textwidth=0 filetype=tcl foldmethod=marker nospell :

Copied: trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles/Portfile (from rev 53101, trunk/dports/devel/gnat-booch95/Portfile)
--- trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/gnat-charles/Portfile	2009-06-30 12:43:44 UTC (rev 53154)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+# $Id$
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab filetype=tcl :
+PortSystem	    1.0
+name		    gnat-charles
+version		    20050913
+#revision	    1
+platforms	    darwin
+categories	    devel
+maintainers	    macports.org:krischik
+description	    Charles is a container and algorithms library for Ada.
+long_description								    \
+    Charles is a container and algorithms library based in the			    \
+    C++ STL. It is general, flexible, and efficient, and its design has been guided \
+    by the philosophy that a library should stay out of the programmer's way.  The  \
+    library comprises sequence containers and associative containers. Sequence      \
+    containers include vectors, deques, and lists. The associative containers	    \
+    include sets, multisets, maps, and multimaps.
+homepage	    http://charles.tigris.org
+master_sites	    http://charles.tigris.org/files/documents/1507/31292
+distfiles	    charles-${version}.zip
+worksrcdir	    charles-${version}
+checksums           sha1 8c2e4fb5a948584b744c98c8e3b87d0a7c2e9862
+use_zip		    yes
+extract.mkdir       yes
+use_parallel_build  yes
+use_configure	    no
+depends_lib	    port:gnat-gcc
+build {
+    system "
+        unset ADA_OBJECTS_PATH
+	pushd ${workpath}/${worksrcdir};
+	    gnatmake -fPIC *.adb
+	    ar rcs libcharles.a *.o
+	    gcc -shared -fpic								    \
+		-Wl,-L${prefix}/lib/gnat-gcc/gcc/i386-apple-darwin9.7.0/4.4.0/adalib	    \
+		-Wl,-lgnat								    \
+		-o libcharles-${version}.dylib						    \
+		*.o
+	    strip libcharles-${version}.dylib
+	popd;
+    "
+destroot {
+    set include_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/include/charles
+    set lib_dir	    ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
+    xinstall -m 775 -d ${include_dir}
+    xinstall -m 775 -d ${lib_dir}
+    eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/*.ad*] ${include_dir}
+    eval xinstall -m 444 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/*.ali] ${include_dir}
+    eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/lib*]  ${lib_dir}
+    system "
+	pushd ${lib_dir};
+	    ln -s libcharles-${version}.so libcharles.so;
+	popd;
+    "
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