[50739] trunk/dports/math/acl2/Portfile

gwright at macports.org gwright at macports.org
Fri May 8 04:36:15 PDT 2009

Revision: 50739
Author:   gwright at macports.org
Date:     2009-05-08 04:36:15 -0700 (Fri, 08 May 2009)
Log Message:
Version bump to 3.5.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/math/acl2/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/acl2/Portfile	2009-05-08 10:53:15 UTC (rev 50738)
+++ trunk/dports/math/acl2/Portfile	2009-05-08 11:36:15 UTC (rev 50739)
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name		acl2
-version		3.4
-set shortversion	v3-4
+version		3.5
+set shortversion	v3-5
 categories	math
 maintainers	gwright
 platforms	darwin
@@ -34,28 +34,59 @@
 #		in the included examples. This can take several hours.	\
-distfiles	${name}${extract.suffix}:sources	\
-		workshops${extract.suffix}:workshops	\
-		nonstd${extract.suffix}:nonstd
+distfiles	${name}-${version}${extract.suffix}:sources	\
+		workshops-${version}${extract.suffix}:workshops	\
+		nonstd-${version}${extract.suffix}:nonstd
 homepage	http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/${shortversion}
 master_sites	${homepage}/distrib/:sources				\
 		${homepage}/distrib/acl2-sources/books:workshops	\
-checksums	acl2.tar.gz						\
-                    md5     00c210b69b585941d856616c7a66c463		\
-                    sha1    9326fb97f7a351bc41943bb433d34e98d1dbf84f	\
-                    rmd160  72217c49caa9f0857f517483c76b0745dc01eb70	\
-		workshops.tar.gz 					\
-                    md5     f7b5d5be32399d48407ec3a768d914b0		\
-                    sha1    c0dbfaba2f1b24aa7d5484934e90cb118a830f1c	\
-                    rmd160  60a2336f09a861d5250403ece8208b94e41d1132	\
-		nonstd.tar.gz						\
-                    md5     d5e664da07b1f12f98c90a161cc77701		\
-                    sha1    6e3cdb1c1e905bcf41cde2e4873678c1ae3bcdfc	\
-                    rmd160  0539a6c6843476fa69c20c4e99d01ad7928f5a6b
+checksums	acl2-${version}.tar.gz					\
+                    md5     a2738f4582d14f74664c93dad93ac055		\
+                    sha1    d4052a49a3c2112eeb04cf97570e2caea8df38dd	\
+                    rmd160  167b61cd8a812de804225096f4f3f04b87ba84cb	\
+		workshops-${version}.tar.gz 				\
+                    md5     5ae8123cadfe323c3088a3666112ce07		\
+                    sha1    b3a10d4cd876cb6ccde96920f0103ec0d89f7e2f	\
+                    rmd160  63401f257b8b61564ed660681f82776c762d43da	\
+		nonstd-${version}.tar.gz				\
+                    md5     7de68f04ee468e25b24a230507cdb663		\
+                    sha1    71e1da0cf417ef85f1002279b67227d729822a6e	\
+                    rmd160  caa90d4a742fb1df8ddeb24686bc49a2d79754ab
+# ACL2 is distributed without a version number attached to the files.
+# So we can't tell if we have the latest version of a file by looking
+# at the name.  (This breaks also MacPorts checksum handling.)
+# Here, the files are manually fetched and renamed with a version number.
+# MacPorts should always checksum the distribution files, instead
+# of assuming that if a file's name is unchanged, the previously computed
+# checksum is valid.
+fetch		{
+		  ui_msg "starting special fetch procedure for acl2"
+		  file mkdir ${distpath}
+		  if {![file exists ${distpath}/acl2-${version}.tar.gz]} {
+			eval curl fetch http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/v3-5/distrib/acl2.tar.gz ${distpath}/acl2.tar.gz.TMP
+		  	file rename -force "${distpath}/acl2.tar.gz.TMP" "${distpath}/acl2-${version}.tar.gz"
+		  }
+		  if {![file exists ${distpath}/workshops-${version}.tar.gz]} {
+		  	eval curl fetch http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/v3-5/distrib/acl2-sources/books/workshops.tar.gz ${distpath}/workshops.tar.gz.TMP
+		  	file rename -force "${distpath}/workshops.tar.gz.TMP" "${distpath}/workshops-${version}.tar.gz"
+		  }
+		  if {![file exists ${distpath}/nonstd-${version}.tar.gz]} {
+		  	eval curl fetch http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/v3-5/distrib/acl2-sources/books/nonstd.tar.gz ${distpath}/nonstd.tar.gz.TMP
+		  	file rename -force "${distpath}/nonstd.tar.gz.TMP" "${distpath}/nonstd-${version}.tar.gz"
+		  }
+		  ui_msg "completed special fetch procedure for acl2"
+		}
 post-extract	{
 		  file rename ${workpath}/${name}-sources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}
 		  file rename ${workpath}/workshops ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/books
@@ -133,14 +164,14 @@
 variant nonstd description {Build the nonstandard analysis books for handling real numbers} { }
 build		{ if {[variant_isset ccl]} {
-			 system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large LISP=ccl"
+			 system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large LISP=${prefix}/bin/ccl"
 			 if {[variant_isset nonstd]} {
-		  	         system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large-acl2r LISP=ccl"
+		  	         system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large-acl2r LISP=${prefix}/bin/ccl"
 		  } else {
-			 system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large LISP=sbcl"
+			 system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large LISP=${prefix}/bin/sbcl"
 			 if {[variant_isset nonstd]} {
-			         system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large-acl2r LISP=sbcl"
+			         system "cd ${worksrcpath} && make large-acl2r LISP=${prefix}/bin/sbcl"
@@ -155,6 +186,7 @@
 		     file mkdir ${destroot}/${emacs_target}
 		     file copy ${destroot}/${target_path}/emacs/emacs-acl2.el ${destroot}/${emacs_target}
 		     file copy ${destroot}/${target_path}/emacs/monitor.el ${destroot}/${emacs_target}
 		     ui_msg "Emacs support files for acl2 are in ${emacs_target}"
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