[51490] users/ryandesign

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Tue May 26 10:28:11 PDT 2009

Revision: 51490
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2009-05-26 10:28:10 -0700 (Tue, 26 May 2009)
Log Message:
minivmac-devel: New port based on work-in-progress minivmac version 3 port. The
build system can now be compiled and run on Mac OS X, which means I could remove
all the code that dealt with setting up a minivmac bootstrap. The patch to the
build system allows it to read configuration options from a text file, and then
automatically runs the build and quits. The patch has been sent upstream.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/Portfile
--- users/ryandesign/minivmac/Portfile	2009-05-26 09:54:06 UTC (rev 51487)
+++ users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/Portfile	2009-05-26 17:28:10 UTC (rev 51490)
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
-name                minivmac
-version             3.0.4
-revision            1
+name                    minivmac-devel
+set my_name             minivmac
+version                 3.1.0-20090402
+set version_number      [lindex [split ${version} -] 0]
+set version_date        [lindex [split ${version} -] 1]
+set version_short_date  [string range ${version_date} 2 end]
 categories          emulators aqua
 maintainers         ryandesign
 homepage            http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/
@@ -13,6 +16,7 @@
 universal_variant   no
 use_parallel_build  yes
+dist_subdir             ${my_name}
 description \
 	a Mac 128K, Mac 512K, Mac 512KE, Mac Plus and Mac SE emulator
@@ -23,63 +27,37 @@
 	The default is to emulate a Mac Plus (1986-1990)\; this is also \
 	the best-tested and therefore recommended emulation.
-master_sites \
-	sourceforge:${name}:minivmac \
-	http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-International/Macintosh/System/Full_Installs/:apple
+master_sites            sourceforge:${my_name}
+distname                                    ${my_name}${version_short_date}
 set my_src                                  ${distname}.src
 set my_src_compressed                       ${my_src}.zip
-set my_bootstrap_version                    3.0.4
-set my_bootstrap                            "Mini vMac.app"
-set my_bootstrap_compressed                 ${name}-${my_bootstrap_version}-umch.bin.tgz
-set my_autoquit                             autquit7-1.1.0
-set my_autoquit_compressed                  ${my_autoquit}.zip
 set my_icons                                icnsosx-1.0.0
 set my_icons_compressed                     ${my_icons}.zip
-set my_system_disk_container                Z-System_7.0.1.smi
-set my_system_disk_container_compressed     ${my_system_disk_container}.bin
 distfiles \
-	${my_src_compressed}:minivmac \
-	${my_icons_compressed}:minivmac \
-	${my_autoquit_compressed}:minivmac \
-	${my_system_disk_container_compressed}:apple
-extract.only \
 	${my_src_compressed} \
-	${my_icons_compressed} \
-	${my_autoquit_compressed}
+	${my_icons_compressed}
 checksums \
 	${my_src_compressed} \
-		md5 ab308459e98bd5103ad8bbb7dd158eb6 \
-		sha1 ff99aa72da0868a5306631f0d06ae190cbd2a03a \
-		rmd160 b8f1f5269d21835ff3e9e428da12a7b6c224e60e \
-	${my_bootstrap_compressed} \
-		md5 298565ec1ccfe6876768156aaf5f76a0 \
-		sha1 34212dedb1cfb744e6ca8124693f2f6e40094833 \
-		rmd160 042eacfb9ec853589d661c86ffb99d509061eb0f \
+		md5     7defdcb859cdda0df3bdc3c252370a70 \
+		sha1    f4a80b326380746b88993d53eeb6a7d46768358b \
+		rmd160  828eb032ea3ac0f52054d0c8af1d6910ded1dff0 \
 	${my_icons_compressed} \
 		md5 2af006506de7549be14f94317918d59a \
 		sha1 4ef79bb56b988fedfeb82a8b6cafd8066f5bbab2 \
-		rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7 \
-	${my_autoquit_compressed} \
-		md5 eebe87a27d6db8e8f247f0fffe0f2bd5 \
-		sha1 8199e1da12d01fc210ae1eaa50f794e5b8c479c1 \
-		rmd160 f493a59fd637caa8a7937fbefaf6ebdf4a07c7f5 \
-	${my_system_disk_container_compressed} \
-		md5 5e7b4c0ce13e65546eb795c35879751a \
-		sha1 bf37fde76dfd9d4ed35526954c149566d761c2a6 \
-		rmd160 08788cbcca023ea9a0713ecec4781c35aa5a9185
+		rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7
 depends_build \
-	port:macutil \
+patchfiles \
+	patch-build.diff
 set my_appdir "${applications_dir}/Mini vMac"
 set romfile vMac.ROM
 set romfile_model "Macintosh Plus or 512Ke"
-set my_mnvm_dat "${workpath}/${my_bootstrap}/Contents/mnvm_dat"
 set my_options_file options.txt
 set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx -nex"
 set my_target ""
@@ -112,97 +90,58 @@
 post-extract {
-	system "tar -x -z -C ${workpath} -f ${distpath}/${my_bootstrap_compressed}"
+	xinstall -W ${filespath} attach.exp runbuild.sh ${workpath}
-	xinstall -W ${filespath} attach.exp demacbinary.sh ${workpath}
-	system "${workpath}/demacbinary.sh ${distpath}/${my_system_disk_container_compressed} ${workpath}"
-	file mkdir ${my_mnvm_dat}
-	ln -s ${my_appdir}/${romfile} ${my_mnvm_dat}
-	# Copy the Disk Tools and Tidbits images from the container image.
-	set my_system_disk_container_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/${my_system_disk_container} 0]
-	file copy "${my_system_disk_container_mount}/Disk Tools.image" ${workpath}/startup.img
-	file copy "${my_system_disk_container_mount}/Tidbits.image" ${workpath}/tidbits.img
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_system_disk_container_mount}
 	# The disk image mounter likes images to have the .img extension.
 	file rename ${workpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.dsk ${workpath}/src.img
-	file rename ${workpath}/${my_autoquit}/${my_autoquit}.dsk ${workpath}/autoquit.img
-	# Mount the startup disk and make room on it for our things.
-	set my_startup_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/startup.img 1]
-	file delete "${my_startup_disk_mount}/Apple HD SC Setup" "${my_startup_disk_mount}/Disk First Aid"
+	# Mount the source disk image.
+	set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/src.img 0]
-	# Copy autoquit to the startup disk and make it open at startup.
-	# Need to use ditto to preserve the resource fork.
-	set my_autoquit_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/autoquit.img 0]
-	set my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir "${my_startup_disk_mount}/autoquit"
-	file mkdir "${my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir}"
-	system "ditto --rsrc ${my_autoquit_disk_mount}/AutQuit7 ${my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir}"
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_autoquit_disk_mount}
-	my_make_alias "${my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir}/AutQuit7" "${my_startup_disk_mount}/System Folder/Startup Items"
+	# Copy the source from the disk image into the workpath.
+	file mkdir ${worksrcpath}
+	foreach thing {COPYING.txt README.txt output projects source} {
+		copy ${my_src_disk_mount}/${thing} ${worksrcpath}
+	}
-	# Mount the source disk.
-	set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/src.img 1]
-	# Copy TeachText to the source disk. (No room on the startup disk.)
-	set my_tidbits_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/tidbits.img 0]
-	system "ditto --rsrc ${my_tidbits_disk_mount}/TeachText ${my_src_disk_mount}"
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_tidbits_disk_mount}
-	# Force a rebuild of the Desktop files, both to add info about TeachText and
-	# to remove that of Apple HD SC Setup and Disk First Aid (to make more room).
-	file delete ${my_startup_disk_mount}/Desktop ${my_src_disk_mount}/Desktop
-	# Create an empty options file so we can make an alias to it.
-	set my_options_file_id [open ${my_src_disk_mount}/${my_options_file} "w"]
-	close ${my_options_file_id}
-	system "/Developer/Tools/SetFile -c ttxt -t TEXT ${my_src_disk_mount}/${my_options_file}"
-	# Have autoquit launch the build system. If there's an alias "app" in the same directory,
-	# autoquit will open it. If there's also an alias "doc" in the same directory, autoquit
-	# will open the document "doc" into the application "app".
-	my_make_alias "${my_src_disk_mount}/Build" "${my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir}/app"
-	# The build system doesn't support reading text files yet.
-#	my_make_alias "${my_src_disk_mount}/${my_options_file}" "${my_startup_disk_autoquit_dir}/doc"
-	my_make_alias "${my_src_disk_mount}/${my_options_file}" "${my_startup_disk_mount}/System Folder/Startup Items"
-	# Unmount disk images.
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_startup_disk_mount}
+	# Unmount the disk image.
 	my_detach_disk_image ${my_src_disk_mount}
-	# Mini vMac looks for disks named disk1.dsk through disk3.dsk and automounts them.
-	file rename "${workpath}/startup.img" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk"
+	# Convert CR to LF line endings.
+	fs-traverse thing ${worksrcpath} {
+		if {[file isfile ${thing}]} {
+			foreach extension {.a .c .h .i .plist .r Makefile} {
+				if {[string match "*${extension}" ${thing}]} {
+					reinplace "s/\r/\\\n/g" ${thing}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
 configure {
+	# Build the build system.
+	if {![file exists ${worksrcpath}/Build.app]} {
+		set my_cmd "cd ${worksrcpath}/projects/gcc_${my_target} && make"
+		ui_debug ${my_cmd}
+		system ${my_cmd}
+		file rename ${worksrcpath}/projects/gcc_${my_target}/Build.app ${worksrcpath}
+	}
 	# Write our options file.
 	set my_variation [my_get_variation]
 	set my_options "${my_base_options} -t ${my_target} -m ${my_machine} -n ${my_variation}"
-	set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/src.img 1]
-	set my_options_file_id [open ${my_src_disk_mount}/${my_options_file} "w"]
+	set my_options_file_id [open ${worksrcpath}/${my_options_file} "w"]
 	puts -nonewline ${my_options_file_id} ${my_options}
 	close ${my_options_file_id}
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_src_disk_mount}
-	# Move the source disk where Mini vMac will find it.
-	file rename "${workpath}/src.img" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk2.dsk"
 	# Run the build system.
-	system "'${workpath}/${my_bootstrap}/Contents/MacOS/minivmac'"
+	set my_cmd "${workpath}/runbuild.sh ${worksrcpath} ${worksrcpath}/${my_options_file}"
+	ui_debug ${my_cmd}
+	system ${my_cmd}
-	# Give the source disk image the .img extension to appease the disk image mounter.
-	file rename "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk2.dsk" "${workpath}/src.img"
 	# Get the build product.
-	set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/src.img 1]
-	if {[file exists ${my_src_disk_mount}/output/${my_variation}]} {
-		file copy ${my_src_disk_mount}/output/${my_variation} ${workpath}
-		file delete -force ${my_src_disk_mount}/output/${my_variation}
-	}
-	my_detach_disk_image ${my_src_disk_mount}
+	file rename ${worksrcpath}/output/${my_variation} ${workpath}
 pre-build {
@@ -266,24 +205,13 @@
 	file delete -force ${mountpoint}
-proc my_make_alias {src dst} {
-	set dst_is_dir [file isdirectory "${dst}"]
-	if {${dst_is_dir}} {
-		set dst_dir "${dst}"
-	} else {
-		set dst_dir "[file dirname ${dst}]"
-	}
-	system "osascript -e 'set src to POSIX file \"${src}\"' -e 'set dst_dir to POSIX file \"${dst_dir}\"' -e 'tell app \"Finder\" to make new alias file at dst_dir to src' -e 'return'"
-	if {!${dst_is_dir}} {
-		file rename "[file join ${dst_dir} [file tail ${src}]]" "${dst}"
-	}
 proc my_get_variation {} {
-	global name version revision my_variation_machine my_target
-	return ${name}-${version}_${revision}-${my_variation_machine}-${my_target}
+	global version revision my_variation_machine
+	# Due to limitations of the build system, the variation name cannot be longer than 27 characters.
+	return ${version}_${revision}-${my_variation_machine}
 livecheck.check     regex
-livecheck.url       ${homepage}download.html
-livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.src
+livecheck.version   ${version_short_date}
+livecheck.url       ${homepage}develop/
+livecheck.regex     ${my_name}(\[0-9\]+)\\.src

Deleted: users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/demacbinary.sh
--- users/ryandesign/minivmac/files/demacbinary.sh	2009-05-26 09:54:06 UTC (rev 51487)
+++ users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/demacbinary.sh	2009-05-26 17:28:10 UTC (rev 51490)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
-	echo "usage: $0 <infile> <outfile or outdir>" 1>&2
-	exit 1
-if [ ! -f "$INFILE" ]; then
-	echo "$0: $INFILE: No such file" 1>&2
-	exit 1
-if [ -d "$OUT" ]; then
-	OUTFILE="$OUTDIR/`basename "$INFILE" .bin`"
-	OUTDIR="`dirname "$OUTFILE"`"
-if [ ! -d "$OUTDIR" ]; then
-	echo "$0: $OUTDIR: No such directory" 1>&2
-	exit 1
-(cd "$OUTDIR" && macunpack -3 "$INFILE" || exit $?)
-cp "$DATAFORKFILE" "$OUTFILE" || exit $?
-cp "$RSRCFORKFILE" "$OUTFILE/rsrc" || exit $?

Added: users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/patch-build.diff
--- users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/patch-build.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/patch-build.diff	2009-05-26 17:28:10 UTC (rev 51490)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+--- source/build/c_src/CMDARGW1.i
++++ source/build/c_src/CMDARGW1.i
+@@ -1496,12 +1496,47 @@
+ 	return noErr;
+ }
++#define WantRealInputFile 1
+ #if WantRealInputFile
+ #define openOnly 1
+ #define openPrint 2
+ #endif
+ #if WantRealInputFile
++ProcessInputFileFSSpec(FSSpec *myFSS)
++	/*Adapted from IM: Text*/
++	int dataRefNum;
++	Handle textBuffer;
++	Ptr textBufferAddr;
++	long textLength;
++	if (CheckSysErr(FSpOpenDF(myFSS, fsRdPerm, &dataRefNum))) {
++		if (CheckSysErr(SetFPos(dataRefNum, fsFromStart, 0))) {
++			if (CheckSysErr(GetEOF(dataRefNum, &textLength))) {
++				textBuffer = NewHandle(textLength);
++				if (CheckSysErr(MemError())) {
++					HLock(textBuffer);
++					textBufferAddr = /*StripAddress*/(*textBuffer);
++					if (CheckSysErr(FSRead(dataRefNum, &textLength, textBufferAddr))) {
++						TESetText(textBufferAddr, textLength, MyDocTE);
++					}
++					HUnlock(textBuffer);
++					DisposeHandle(textBuffer);
++					DrawWindow();
++					ParseHandle = (Handle) TEGetText(MyDocTE);
++					ParseRangeStart = 0;
++					ParseRangeStop = (*MyDocTE)->teLength;
++					GoRequested = trueblnr;
++					DoQuit();
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		CheckSysErr(FSClose(dataRefNum));
++	}
+ static pascal OSErr OpenOrPrintFiles(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long handlerRefcon)
+ {
+ #pragma unused(reply, handlerRefcon)
+@@ -1509,19 +1544,16 @@
+ 	/*Adapted from IM VI: AppleEvent Manager: Handling Required AppleEvents*/
+ 	AEDescList docList;
+-#if 0
+ 	FSSpec myFSS;
+ 	simr index;
+ 	simr itemsInList;
+ 	Size actualSize;
+ 	AEKeyword keywd;
+ 	DescType typeCode;
+ 	/* put the direct parameter (a list of descriptors) into docList */
+ 	if (CheckSysErr(AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList))) {
+ 		if (GotRequiredParams0(theAppleEvent)) { /* Check for missing required parameters */
+-#if 0
+ 			if (CheckSysErr(AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList))) {
+ 				for (index = 1; index <= itemsInList; ++index) { /* Get each descriptor from the list, get the alias record, open the file, maybe print it. */
+ 					if (CheckSysErr(AEGetNthPtr(&docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &typeCode,
+@@ -1530,7 +1562,6 @@
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		vCheckSysErr(AEDisposeDesc(&docList));
+ 	}

Added: users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/runbuild.sh
--- users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/runbuild.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/runbuild.sh	2009-05-26 17:28:10 UTC (rev 51490)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# $Id$
+"$DIR/Build.app/Contents/MacOS/Build" &
+sleep 1
+open -a "$DIR/Build.app" "$OPTIONS_FILE"
+wait $PID

Property changes on: users/ryandesign/minivmac-devel/files/runbuild.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native
-------------- next part --------------
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