[60537] trunk/dports/lang/squirrel

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Nov 14 22:53:25 PST 2009

Revision: 60537
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2009-11-14 22:53:21 -0800 (Sat, 14 Nov 2009)
Log Message:
squirrel: Update to 2.2.3; make sure we're UsingTheRightCompiler

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/Portfile	2009-11-14 23:54:13 UTC (rev 60536)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/Portfile	2009-11-15 06:53:21 UTC (rev 60537)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			squirrel
-version			2.1
+version			2.2.3
 categories		lang
 platforms		darwin
 maintainers		nomaintainer
@@ -15,16 +15,27 @@
 homepage		http://www.squirrel-lang.org/
 master_sites	sourceforge
-distname		squirrel_2.1_stable
-checksums		sha1 d3585bbfa97827c574885f1bf20c2b6205be4879
-patchfiles		patch-squirrel-Makefile
-patch.args-append -l
+distname		squirrel_${version}_stable
+checksums		md5     25295ed1459111a80f612357cfe83b54 \
+				sha1    aa5a427edf1e1a7415414462d7a7773913eb8d60 \
+				rmd160  597e219851957cfcd71d8e6aefeee73d8e01c569
+pre-patch {
+	reinplace "s|\r||g" \
+		${worksrcpath}/sq/Makefile \
+		${worksrcpath}/squirrel/Makefile \
+		${worksrcpath}/sqstdlib/Makefile
+patchfiles		patch-compiler.diff
 worksrcdir		SQUIRREL2
 use_configure	no
 build.target	sq32
+build.env-append	CC=${configure.cc} \
+					CXX=${configure.cxx}
 destroot	{
 	xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/bin/sq ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
@@ -37,10 +48,3 @@
 		sqstdmath.h sqstdstring.h sqstdsystem.h squirrel.h \
-platform darwin 8 {
-	build.env-append    CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.0
-platform darwin 9 {
-	build.env-append    CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.0

Copied: trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-compiler.diff (from rev 60533, trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-squirrel-Makefile)
--- trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-compiler.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-compiler.diff	2009-11-15 06:53:21 UTC (rev 60537)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+--- sq/Makefile.orig	2006-03-06 11:01:40.000000000 -0600
++++ sq/Makefile	2009-11-15 00:49:01.000000000 -0600
+@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
+ sq32:
+-	g++ -O2 -fno-rtti -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
++	$(CXX) -O2 -fno-rtti -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
+ sqprof:
+-	g++ -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
++	$(CXX) -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
+ sq64:
+-	g++ -O2 -fno-rtti -D_SQ64 -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
++	$(CXX) -O2 -fno-rtti -D_SQ64 -o $(OUT) $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(LIBZ) $(LIB)
+--- squirrel/Makefile.orig	2006-03-07 04:01:31.000000000 +1100
++++ squirrel/Makefile	2008-05-10 17:04:29.000000000 +1000
+@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
+ sq32:
+-	gcc -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
++	$(CC) -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o
+ sqprof:
+-	gcc -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
++	$(CC) -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o
+ sq64:
+-	gcc -O2  -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
++	$(CC) -O2  -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o
+--- sqstdlib/Makefile.orig	2006-03-06 11:01:50.000000000 -0600
++++ sqstdlib/Makefile	2009-11-15 00:33:22.000000000 -0600
+@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
+ sq32:
+-	gcc -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
++	$(CC) -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o
+ sqprof:
+-	gcc -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
++	$(CC) -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o
+ sq64:
+-	gcc -O2 -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
++	$(CC) -O2 -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ)
+ 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
+ 	rm *.o

Deleted: trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-squirrel-Makefile
--- trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-squirrel-Makefile	2009-11-14 23:54:13 UTC (rev 60536)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/squirrel/files/patch-squirrel-Makefile	2009-11-15 06:53:21 UTC (rev 60537)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- squirrel/Makefile.orig	2006-03-07 04:01:31.000000000 +1100
-+++ squirrel/Makefile	2008-05-10 17:04:29.000000000 +1000
-@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
- sq32:
--	gcc -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
-+	$(CXX) -O2  -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
- 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
- 	rm *.o
- sqprof:
--	gcc -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
-+	$(CXX) -O2 -pg -fno-rtti -pie -gstabs -g3 -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
- 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
- 	rm *.o
- sq64:
--	gcc -O2  -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
-+	$(CXX) -O2  -D_SQ64 -fno-rtti -Wall -c $(SRCS) $(INCZ) $(DEFS)
- 	ar rc $(OUT) *.o
- 	rm *.o
-------------- next part --------------
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