[56916] trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil

krischik at macports.org krischik at macports.org
Thu Sep 3 08:22:26 PDT 2009

Revision: 56916
Author:   krischik at macports.org
Date:     2009-09-03 08:22:21 -0700 (Thu, 03 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
clean up hpil variant.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/Portfile	2009-09-03 14:53:54 UTC (rev 56915)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/Portfile	2009-09-03 15:22:21 UTC (rev 56916)
@@ -70,8 +70,13 @@
 destroot.cmd		"scons-local/scons.py"
 destroot.args		prefix=${prefix} destdir=${destroot}
 post-extract {
-	system "cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/scons-local; tar -xzf scons-local-0.96.90.tar.gz"
+	system "
+		pushd ${workpath}/${name}-${version}/scons-local;
+			tar -xzf scons-local-0.96.90.tar.gz
+		popd
+	"
 platform macosx {
@@ -134,60 +139,40 @@
 variant hpil												\
-	description "Include HP-Interface-Loop emulation!"		{
-	set hpil1 nonpareil-patch-20090131.diff
-	set hpil2 nonpareil-patch-20090201.diff
-	set hpil3 nonpareil-patch-20090202.diff
-	set hpil4 nonpareil-patch-20090208.diff
-	set hpil5 nonpareil-patch-20090210.diff
+	description "Include HP-Interface-Loop emulation (experimental) See http://pagesperso-orange.fr/kdntl/hp41/nonpareil-patch-doc.html"	{
-	distfiles-append		${hpil1}.gz:hpil	\
-							${hpil2}.gz:hpil	\
-							${hpil3}.gz:hpil	\
-							${hpil4}.gz:hpil	\
-							${hpil5}.gz:hpil	
+	set hpil nonpareil-wholepatch-20090714.diff
-	checksums-append		${hpil1}.gz \
-							md5		6c5e2b38172794c9d4e15fc0e6a3d0bf \
-							sha1	d46f6f3e35c82b160929f15390bc62c5add6cc45 \
-							rmd160	332fde37754e081c1f83c3386f4047d13aadb83c \
-							${hpil2}.gz \
-							md5		cdcfe2b495c9a53478924d9ca2079b62 \
-							sha1	40c4edae934f5b0c23c3f6dc28646d6b38f8ab47 \
-							rmd160	ef90137f54b99850e1ff32d9546e237010bdf188 \
-							${hpil3}.gz \
-							md5		ae9fb42887c73ab13e07083da2796a69 \
-							sha1	426d34b403444aa7c6d1666ce3de44ae2e849812 \
-							rmd160	f6c96fa350c5ba45ddf11428f125765175fcea1b \
-							${hpil4}.gz \
-							md5		d277908b12033bbe371eca4f1d13c19d \
-							sha1	3c202f7a0f30bbed6f07de88e409bb43357a7e6c \
-							rmd160	ab86c58b223db93ae39c4c5392b6ed64df965f57 \
-							${hpil5}.gz \
-							md5		c1acee0f07bac5b995d2f4a4e0ba992c \
-							sha1	345b8666ac6f7999fcb4e785fbb50e1e1d40b6e4 \
-							rmd160	9cc19d32e7712819a16ae61d44c0fe311ad8137f
+	distfiles-append		${hpil}.bz2:hpil	
-	#patchfiles-append		osx.patch
+	checksums-append		${hpil}.bz2 \
+	                md5     2bc700c9cb49ec4e0fe0240ab5653688 \
+                    sha1    e77648269e6e8cb04f6b4b275077ed8493b451ae \
+                    rmd160  ec3bea3f6eda7d29a480a880a7875d4e9fc6c8cf
 	patchfiles-delete		patch-src-util.diff
 	build.cmd				"scons"
 	destroot.cmd			"scons"
 	post-extract {
-		foreach patch { nonpareil-patch-20090131.diff nonpareil-patch-20090201.diff nonpareil-patch-20090202.diff nonpareil-patch-20090208.diff nonpareil-patch-20090210.diff } {
-			system "
-				gzip --verbose --decompress --stdout ${distpath}/${patch}.gz >${workpath}/${patch};
-			"
-		}
+		system "
+			bzip2 --verbose --decompress --stdout ${distpath}/nonpareil-wholepatch-20090714.diff.bz2 >${workpath}/nonpareil-wholepatch-20090714.diff;
+		"
+	pre-patch {
+		file copy ${filespath}/osx.patch ${filespath}/osx.patch.diff 
+		reinplace s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g ${filespath}/osx.patch.diff
+	}
 	post-patch {
-		foreach patch { nonpareil-patch-20090131.diff nonpareil-patch-20090201.diff nonpareil-patch-20090202.diff nonpareil-patch-20090208.diff nonpareil-patch-20090210.diff } {
-			system "
-				pushd ${workpath};
-					patch -p0 < ${workpath}/${patch}
+		system "
+			pushd ${workpath};
+				patch -p0 < ${workpath}/nonpareil-wholepatch-20090714.diff;
+				pushd ${worksrcdir};
+					patch -p0 < ${filespath}/osx.patch.diff;
-			"
-		}
+			popd;
+		"
+		file delete ${filespath}/osx.patch.diff

Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/files/osx.patch
--- trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/files/osx.patch	2009-09-03 14:53:54 UTC (rev 56915)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/nonpareil/files/osx.patch	2009-09-03 15:22:21 UTC (rev 56916)
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
   if cross and ming and build_target_only:
       pkg_config_cmd = 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/gtkwin/lib/pkgconfig pkg-config --define-variable=includedir=/usr/local/gtkwin/include --define-variable=libdir=/usr/local/gtkwin/lib'
-!     pkg_config_cmd = '/opt/local/bin/pkg-config'
+!     pkg_config_cmd = '@PREFIX@/bin/pkg-config'
   pkg_config_cmd += ' --cflags --libs '
-! sdl_pkg_config_cmd = '/opt/local/bin/sdl-config --cflags --libs'
+! sdl_pkg_config_cmd = '@PREFIX@/bin/sdl-config --cflags --libs'
   build_env.Append (CPPPATH = ['.'])
   build_env.Append (CPPPATH = ['#/build/common'])  # generated includes
-------------- next part --------------
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