[MacPorts] howto/MAMP modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Sep 4 02:52:11 PDT 2009

Changed page "howto/MAMP" by ryandesign at macports.org from*
Page URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP>
Diff URL: <http://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/MAMP?action=diff&version=38>
Revision 38
Comment: note that you only need to install mysql5-server if you want to run a MySQL server

Index: howto/MAMP
--- howto/MAMP (version: 37)
+++ howto/MAMP (version: 38)
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
   '''''Note:''''' When upgrading your Apache installation, MacPorts will not overwrite or in any way alter your httpd.conf or any of the extra configuration files. You may still want to back up your configuration files from time to time, just to be safe. When upgrading to a newer version, you may also want to compare your configuration file to the current sample files, in case things have changed.
 === Step 3: Install MySQL ===
+If you merely want to access a MySQL server running on another computer, skip to step 4. If you want to run a MySQL server on this computer, install MySQL like this:
 sudo port install mysql5-server


* The IP shown here might not mean anything if the user or the server is
behind a proxy.

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