[57549] trunk/dports/x11/openmotif

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Sep 12 14:44:39 PDT 2009

Revision: 57549
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2009-09-12 14:44:35 -0700 (Sat, 12 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
openmotif: update to 2.3.2 and fix 64-bit warnings on Snow Leopard; see #21330

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/Portfile	2009-09-12 20:54:26 UTC (rev 57548)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/Portfile	2009-09-12 21:44:35 UTC (rev 57549)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem      1.0
 name            openmotif
-version         2.3.1-1
-revision        2
+version         2.3.2
 set branch      [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
 set subdir      [lindex [split ${version} -] 0]
 worksrcdir      ${name}-${subdir}
@@ -22,9 +21,9 @@
 fetch.use_epsv  no
-checksums       md5     1372108f50f3554ee2f28367ff76bd32 \
-                sha1    3245375f4bd8e2d2eb02c2636d5491e834d8bb1a \
-                rmd160  e03422204b6077fa6556894f194236d40e92e42b
+checksums       md5     bf5479d52bc114d299200ec20e463e96 \
+                sha1    c98ac1bf3640ce57da34a0704bdeb2b12011ae1f \
+                rmd160  2346a93fcec57b9c18b6657d1cc681b6001cba28
 depends_build \
 	port:pkgconfig \
@@ -42,7 +41,8 @@
 patchfiles      patch-demos-programs-peridoc-Makefile.in.diff \
-                patch-lib-Mrm-Makefile.in.diff
+                patch-lib-Mrm-Makefile.in.diff \
+                patch-uintptr_t-cast.diff
 post-patch {
     reinplace "s|iconv_open|libiconv_open|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@
                 --enable-xft	\
                 --enable-jpeg	\
                 --enable-png \
-                --x-include=${prefix}/include --x-lib=${prefix}/lib
+                --x-includes=${prefix}/include \
+                --x-libraries=${prefix}/lib
 use_parallel_build  no
 build.env       LANG=C

Added: trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/files/patch-uintptr_t-cast.diff
--- trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/files/patch-uintptr_t-cast.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/openmotif/files/patch-uintptr_t-cast.diff	2009-09-12 21:44:35 UTC (rev 57549)
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+--- lib/Xm/DragBS.c.org	2009-08-29 10:27:40.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/DragBS.c	2009-08-29 10:31:34.000000000 -0400
+@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@
+ static unsigned long	firstProtectRequest;
+ static Window		errorWindow;
+-static XContext 	displayToMotifWindowContext = (XContext) NULL;
+-static XContext 	displayToTargetsContext = (XContext) NULL;
+-static XContext		displayToAtomsContext = (XContext) NULL;
++static XContext 	displayToMotifWindowContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
++static XContext 	displayToTargetsContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
++static XContext		displayToAtomsContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+ /*****************************************************************************
+@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
+     XContext	loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToMotifWindowContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToMotifWindowContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+         displayToMotifWindowContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToMotifWindowContext;
+@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
+     XContext loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToMotifWindowContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToMotifWindowContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+         displayToMotifWindowContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToMotifWindowContext;
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
+     XContext		loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToTargetsContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToTargetsContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+         displayToTargetsContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToTargetsContext;
+@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
+     XContext	loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToTargetsContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToTargetsContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+         displayToTargetsContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToTargetsContext;
+@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
+     XContext		loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToAtomsContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToAtomsContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+ 	displayToAtomsContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToAtomsContext;
+@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
+     XContext loc_context;
+     _XmProcessLock();
+-    if (displayToAtomsContext == (XContext) NULL) {
++    if (displayToAtomsContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL) {
+         displayToAtomsContext = XUniqueContext();
+     }
+     loc_context = displayToAtomsContext;
+--- lib/Xm/DragIcon.c.org	2009-08-29 10:39:24.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/DragIcon.c	2009-08-29 10:40:12.000000000 -0400
+@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
+ #undef Offset
+ #define Offset(x) (XtOffsetOf( struct _XmDragIconRec, drag.x))
+-static XContext _XmTextualDragIconContext = (XContext) NULL;
++static XContext _XmTextualDragIconContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+ static XtResource resources[]=
+ {
+@@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@
+    use_alt = dpy -> display.enable_drag_icon;
+    _XmProcessLock();
+-   if (_XmTextualDragIconContext == (XContext) NULL)
++   if (_XmTextualDragIconContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+       _XmTextualDragIconContext = XUniqueContext();
+    loc_context = _XmTextualDragIconContext;
+    _XmProcessUnlock();
+--- lib/Xm/Text.c.org	2009-08-29 10:42:10.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/Text.c	2009-08-29 10:43:15.000000000 -0400
+@@ -654,14 +654,14 @@
+ static void 
+ _XmCreateCutBuffers(Widget w)
+ {
+-  static XContext context = (XContext)NULL;
++  static XContext context = (XContext)(uintptr_t)NULL;
+   char * tmp = NULL;
+   Display *dpy = XtDisplay(w);
+   Screen *screen = XtScreen(w);
+   XContext local_context;
+   _XmProcessLock();
+-  if (context == (XContext)NULL) context = XUniqueContext();
++  if (context == (XContext)(uintptr_t)NULL) context = XUniqueContext();
+   local_context = context;
+   _XmProcessUnlock();
+@@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@
+   if (!tw->text.editable && editable) {
+     OutputData o_data = tw->text.output->data;
+-    XmImRegister(widget, (unsigned int) NULL);
++    XmImRegister(widget, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t) NULL);
+     (*tw->text.output->PosToXY)(tw, tw->text.cursor_position,
+ 				&xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
+--- lib/Xm/TextF.c.org	2009-08-29 10:46:06.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/TextF.c	2009-08-29 10:47:10.000000000 -0400
+@@ -7306,7 +7306,7 @@
+   XmTextFieldSetEditable((Widget)tf, TextF_Editable(tf));
+   if (TextF_Editable(tf)) {
+-    XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int) NULL);
++    XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t) NULL);
+     GetXYFromPos(tf, TextF_CursorPosition(tf), &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
+     (void)TextFieldGetDisplayRect((Widget)tf, &xmim_area);
+     n = 0;
+@@ -8178,7 +8178,7 @@
+       diff_values = True;
+       if (TextF_WcValue(new_tf) == NULL) {
+ 	TextF_WcValue(new_tf) = (wchar_t*) XtMalloc(sizeof(wchar_t));
+-	*TextF_WcValue(new_tf) = (wchar_t)NULL;
++	*TextF_WcValue(new_tf) = (wchar_t)(uintptr_t)NULL;
+       }
+       ValidateString(new_tf, (char*)TextF_WcValue(new_tf), True);
+     } else if (TextF_Value(new_tf) != TextF_Value(old_tf)) {
+@@ -10091,7 +10091,7 @@
+    * give the IM the relevent values. */
+   if (!TextF_Editable(tf) && editable) { 
+-    XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int) NULL);
++    XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t) NULL);
+     GetXYFromPos(tf, TextF_CursorPosition(tf), &xmim_point.x, 
+ 		 &xmim_point.y);
+--- lib/Xm/Protocols.c.org	2009-08-29 10:48:46.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/Protocols.c	2009-08-29 10:49:20.000000000 -0400
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+  *
+  ***************************************************************************/
+-static XContext	allProtocolsMgrContext = (XContext) NULL;
++static XContext	allProtocolsMgrContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+ #define Offset(field) XtOffsetOf( struct _XmProtocolRec, protocol.field)
+@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
+ 	  display = XtDisplay(shell);
+ 	  _XmProcessLock();
+-	  if (allProtocolsMgrContext == (XContext) NULL)
++	  if (allProtocolsMgrContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+ 	    allProtocolsMgrContext = XUniqueContext();
+ 	  _XmProcessUnlock();
+--- lib/Xm/VendorS.c.org	2009-08-29 10:50:33.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/VendorS.c	2009-08-29 10:51:00.000000000 -0400
+@@ -1576,8 +1576,8 @@
+         ttp->post_delay = 5000;
+         ttp->post_duration = 5000;
+         ttp->enable = False;
+-        ttp->timer = (int) NULL;
+-        ttp->duration_timer = (int) NULL;
++        ttp->timer = (int)(uintptr_t) NULL;
++        ttp->duration_timer = (int)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+         ttp->leave_time = 0;
+         ttp->slider = ttp->label = NULL;
+--- lib/Xm/Synthetic.c.org	2009-08-29 10:52:02.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/Synthetic.c	2009-08-29 10:54:51.000000000 -0400
+@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
+   for (i = 0; i < num_resources; i++)
+     resources[i].resource_name = 
+-      (String) XrmPermStringToQuark (resources[i].resource_name);
++      (String)(uintptr_t) XrmPermStringToQuark (resources[i].resource_name);
+ }
+ /**********************************************************************
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+       for (j = 0; j < num_resources; j++) 
+ 	{
+ 	  if ((resources[j].export_proc) &&
+-	      (XrmQuark)(resources[j].resource_name) == quark) 
++	      (XrmQuark)(uintptr_t)(resources[j].resource_name) == quark) 
+ 	    {
+ 	      value_size = resources[j].resource_size;
+@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
+       for (j = 0; j < num_resources; j++) 
+ 	{
+ 	  if ((resources[j].import_proc) &&
+-	      (XrmQuark)(resources[j].resource_name) == quark) 
++	      (XrmQuark)(uintptr_t)(resources[j].resource_name) == quark) 
+ 	    {
+ 	      value = args[i].value;
+--- lib/Xm/Obso2_0.c.org	2009-08-29 10:56:29.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/Obso2_0.c	2009-08-29 10:57:39.000000000 -0400
+@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@
+   Stuff from Desktop.c
+ **********************/
+-static XContext	actualClassContext = (XContext) NULL;
++static XContext	actualClassContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+@@ -1611,7 +1611,7 @@
+ {
+ 	  WidgetClass		actualClass;
+-	  if (actualClassContext == (XContext) NULL)
++	  if (actualClassContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+ 	    actualClassContext = XUniqueContext();
+ 	  /*
+@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@
+     WidgetClass previous;
+     WidgetClass oldActualClass;
+-    if (actualClassContext == (XContext) NULL)
++    if (actualClassContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+       actualClassContext = XUniqueContext();
+     /*
+@@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@
+         Cardinal *num_args )
+ {
+     XmDesktopObject	worldObject;
+-    static XContext	worldObjectContext = (XContext) NULL;
++    static XContext	worldObjectContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+     XmWidgetExtData     ext;
+     Display		*display;
+@@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@
+     ** the display is closed, so that we don't get bad data if a second 
+     ** display with the same id is opened.
+     */
+-    if (worldObjectContext == (XContext) NULL)
++    if (worldObjectContext == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+       worldObjectContext = XUniqueContext();
+     display = XtDisplayOfObject(shell);
+--- lib/Xm/Xpmparse.c.org	2009-08-29 10:58:47.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/Xpmparse.c	2009-08-29 11:28:56.000000000 -0400
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
+ 	     */
+ 	    if (USE_HASHTABLE) {
+ 		ErrorStatus =
+-		    xpmHashIntern(hashtable, color->string, HashAtomData(a));
++		    xpmHashIntern(hashtable, color->string, HashAtomData((uintptr_t)a));
+ 		if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess) {
+ 		    xpmFreeColorTable(colorTable, ncolors);
+ 		    return (ErrorStatus);
+@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
+ 	     */
+ 	    if (USE_HASHTABLE) {
+ 		ErrorStatus =
+-		    xpmHashIntern(hashtable, color->string, HashAtomData(a));
++		    xpmHashIntern(hashtable, color->string, HashAtomData((uintptr_t)a));
+ 		if (ErrorStatus != XpmSuccess) {
+ 		    xpmFreeColorTable(colorTable, ncolors);
+ 		    return (ErrorStatus);
+--- lib/Xm/SlideC.c.org	2009-08-29 11:52:10.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/SlideC.c	2009-08-29 11:52:48.000000000 -0400
+@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@
+ /* notify that initialize called    XtArgsProc        */ NULL,
+ /* NULL                             XtProc            */ NULL,
+ /* NULL                             XtPointer         */ NULL,
+-/* NULL                             Cardinal          */ (Cardinal)NULL,
++/* NULL                             Cardinal          */ (Cardinal)(uintptr_t)NULL,
+ /* resources for subclass fields    XtResourceList    */ resources,
+ /* number of entries in resources   Cardinal          */ XtNumber(resources),
+ /* resource class quarkified        XrmClass          */ NULLQUARK,
+-/* NULL                             Boolean           */ (Boolean)NULL,
+-/* NULL                             XtEnum            */ (XtEnum)NULL,
+-/* NULL				    Boolean           */ (Boolean)NULL,
+-/* NULL                             Boolean           */ (Boolean)NULL,
++/* NULL                             Boolean           */ (Boolean)(uintptr_t)NULL,
++/* NULL                             XtEnum            */ (XtEnum)(uintptr_t)NULL,
++/* NULL				    Boolean           */ (Boolean)(uintptr_t)NULL,
++/* NULL                             Boolean           */ (Boolean)(uintptr_t)NULL,
+ /* free data for subclass pointers  XtWidgetProc      */ destroy,
+ /* NULL                             XtProc            */ NULL,
+ /* NULL			            XtProc            */ NULL,
+--- lib/Xm/DataF.c.org	2009-08-29 11:54:23.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/DataF.c	2009-08-29 11:57:32.000000000 -0400
+@@ -9121,7 +9121,7 @@
+       /* CR03685 */
+       SGI_hack_XmImRegister((Widget)tf);
+ #else
+-      XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int) NULL);
++      XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t) NULL);
+ #endif
+       df_GetXYFromPos(tf, XmTextF_cursor_position(tf), &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
+       n = 0;
+@@ -10631,7 +10631,7 @@
+            diff_values = True;
+            if (XmTextF_wc_value(new_tf) == NULL) {
+               XmTextF_wc_value(new_tf) = (wchar_t*) XtMalloc(sizeof(wchar_t));
+-              *XmTextF_wc_value(new_tf) = (wchar_t)NULL;
++              *XmTextF_wc_value(new_tf) = (wchar_t)(uintptr_t)NULL;
+            }
+            df_ValidateString(new_tf, (char*)XmTextF_wc_value(new_tf), True);
+         } else if (XmTextF_value(new_tf) != XmTextF_value(old_tf)) {
+@@ -11777,7 +11777,7 @@
+        /* CR03685 */
+        SGI_hack_XmImRegister((Widget)tf);
+ #else
+-       XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int) NULL);
++       XmImRegister((Widget)tf, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t) NULL);
+ #endif
+        df_GetXYFromPos(tf, XmTextF_cursor_position(tf), &xmim_point.x, 
+ 		       &xmim_point.y);
+--- lib/Xm/FontS.c.org	2009-08-29 11:59:14.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/FontS.c	2009-08-29 12:04:10.000000000 -0400
+@@ -2748,7 +2748,7 @@
+ 	XmStringFree(label);
+ 	XtAddCallback(button,
+-		      XmNactivateCallback, ChangeEncoding, (XtPointer) i);
++		      XmNactivateCallback, ChangeEncoding, (XtPointer)(uintptr_t) i);
+ 	if (streq(*encodings, ENCODING_STRING(fsw)))
+ 	{
+@@ -2910,7 +2910,7 @@
+     fsw = (XmFontSelectorWidget) w;
+     cf = XmFontS_font_info(fsw)->current_font;
+-    if ((int) data == 0)
++    if ((int)(uintptr_t) data == 0)
+ 	{
+ 	XtFree(ENCODING_STRING(fsw));
+@@ -2918,7 +2918,7 @@
+     else
+ 	{
+ 	XtFree(ENCODING_STRING(fsw));
+-	ENCODING_STRING(fsw) = XtNewString(ENCODING_LIST(fsw)[(int) data - 1]);
++	ENCODING_STRING(fsw) = XtNewString(ENCODING_LIST(fsw)[(int)(uintptr_t) data - 1]);
+ 	}
+     UpdateFamilies(fsw);
+@@ -3676,7 +3676,7 @@
+ 	    num_largs = 0;
+ 	    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNmenuHistory, button); num_largs++;
+ 	    XtSetValues(XmFontS_option_menu(set_fsw), largs, num_largs);
+-	    ChangeEncoding((Widget) set_fsw, (XtPointer) current, NULL);
++	    ChangeEncoding((Widget) set_fsw, (XtPointer)(uintptr_t) current, NULL);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+--- clients/mwm/WmResParse.c.org	2009-08-29 12:07:12.000000000 -0400
++++ clients/mwm/WmResParse.c	2009-08-29 12:10:22.000000000 -0400
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+     {"mod3",	Mod3Mask},
+     {"mod4",	Mod4Mask},
+     {"mod5",	Mod5Mask},
+-    {NULL,      (unsigned int)NULL},
++    {NULL,      (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)NULL},
+ };
+ #define ALT_INDEX 3
+@@ -351,14 +351,14 @@
+     {"btn5up",      ButtonRelease,  ParseImmed,    Button5,  FALSE},
+     {"btn5click",   ButtonRelease,  ParseImmed,    Button5,  TRUE},
+     {"btn5click2",  ButtonPress,    ParseImmed,    Button5,  TRUE},
+-    { NULL, (unsigned int)NULL, (Boolean(*)())NULL, (unsigned int)NULL, (Boolean)NULL}
++    { NULL, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)NULL, (Boolean(*)())NULL, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)NULL, (Boolean)(uintptr_t)NULL}
+ };
+ static EventTableEntry keyEvents[] = {
+     {"key",         KeyPress,    ParseKeySym,    0,  FALSE},
+-    { NULL, (unsigned int)NULL, (Boolean(*)())NULL, (unsigned int)NULL, (Boolean)NULL}
++    { NULL, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)NULL, (Boolean(*)())NULL, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)NULL, (Boolean)(uintptr_t)NULL}
+ };
+ #ifdef PANELIST
+--- lib/Xm/IconG.c.org	2009-08-29 12:26:45.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/IconG.c	2009-08-29 12:27:15.000000000 -0400
+@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
+ /* those are created in ClassInitialize and filled by the
+    IconConverter. */
+-static XContext 	largeIconContext = (XContext) NULL;
+-static XContext		smallIconContext = (XContext) NULL;
++static XContext 	largeIconContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
++static XContext		smallIconContext = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+ static XPointer dummy;
+ #define OwnLargeMask(widget) \
+--- clients/mwm/WmMenu.c.org	2009-08-29 12:45:19.000000000 -0400
++++ clients/mwm/WmMenu.c	2009-08-29 12:47:09.000000000 -0400
+@@ -861,8 +861,8 @@
+ static MenuItem *MakeClientCommandMenuItem (String label, String funcArgs)
+ {
+     return(MakeMenuItem(label, F_InvokeCommand, funcArgs,
+-			(KeySym) NULL, (unsigned int)0,
+-			(KeyCode) NULL, (String)NULL));
++			(KeySym)(uintptr_t) NULL, (unsigned int)0,
++			(KeyCode)(uintptr_t) NULL, (String)(uintptr_t)NULL));
+ }
+@@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@
+ 	    if (newMenuSpec == (MenuSpec *) NULL)
+ 	    {
+ 		newMenuSpec = MakeMenuSpec(funcarg_buf,
+-					   tree == NULL ? (CARD32)NULL
++					   tree == NULL ? (CARD32)(uintptr_t)NULL
+ 					                : tree->commandID);
+ 		if (duplicate_globals) newMenuSpec->clientLocal = TRUE;
+ 		else 		       newMenuSpec->clientLocal = FALSE;
+--- lib/Xm/XpmI.h.org	2009-08-29 13:19:19.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/XpmI.h	2009-08-29 13:20:13.000000000 -0400
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
+ FUNC(xpmHashIntern, int, (xpmHashTable *table, char *tag, void *data));
+ #define HashAtomData(i) ((void *)i)
+-#define HashColorIndex(slot) ((unsigned int)((*slot)->data))
++#define HashColorIndex(slot) ((unsigned int)(uintptr_t)((*slot)->data))
+ #define USE_HASHTABLE (cpp > 2 && ncolors > 4)
+ /* I/O utility */
+--- lib/Xm/BaseClass.c.org	2009-08-29 13:31:43.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/BaseClass.c	2009-08-29 13:32:05.000000000 -0400
+@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@
+   static ExtToContextRec extToContextMap[16];
+   Cardinal		 i;
+   ExtToContext		 curr;
+-  XContext		 context = (XContext) NULL;
++  XContext		 context = (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL;
+   _XmProcessLock();
+   for (i = 0, curr = &extToContextMap[0];
+--- lib/Xm/XmIm.c.org	2009-08-29 13:33:41.000000000 -0400
++++ lib/Xm/XmIm.c	2009-08-29 13:33:59.000000000 -0400
+@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@
+   (void) add_ref(&xic_info->widget_refs, widget);
+   /* Set the current XIC for this widget. */
+-  if (xim_info->current_xics == (XContext) NULL)
++  if (xim_info->current_xics == (XContext)(uintptr_t) NULL)
+     xim_info->current_xics = XUniqueContext();
+   (void) XSaveContext(XtDisplay(widget), (XID) widget, 
+ 		      xim_info->current_xics, (XPointer) xic_info);
-------------- next part --------------
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