[57670] trunk/dports/devel/mcpp

blair at macports.org blair at macports.org
Mon Sep 14 12:32:06 PDT 2009

Revision: 57670
Author:   blair at macports.org
Date:     2009-09-14 12:32:03 -0700 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
Apply a patch from ZeroC to fix a core dump issue with slice2html
getting a core dump.  Allows #21299 to be fully closed and partially
resolve #21275.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/Portfile	2009-09-14 18:53:44 UTC (rev 57669)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/Portfile	2009-09-14 19:32:03 UTC (rev 57670)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 name                mcpp
 version             2.7.2
-revision            1
+revision            2
 categories          devel
 platforms           darwin
 maintainers         blair openmaintainer
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
 master_sites        sourceforge
 checksums           md5 512de48c87ab023a69250edc7a0c7b05 \
                     sha1 703356b7c2cd30d7fb6000625bf3ccc2eb977ecb
-patchfiles          patch-src__internal.H
+patchfiles          patch-src__internal.H \
+                    fix-core-dumps.patch
 configure.args-append --enable-mcpplib --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
 # +universal: Install universal binary of mcpp for i386 and ppc.
 # Do not append these options to configure, but append to make.

Added: trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/files/fix-core-dumps.patch
--- trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/files/fix-core-dumps.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/mcpp/files/fix-core-dumps.patch	2009-09-14 19:32:03 UTC (rev 57670)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This patch was downloaded from
+# http://www.zeroc.com/forums/patches/4445-patch-1-mcpp-2-7-2-a.html .
+diff -c -r -N ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/internal.H ./src/internal.H
+*** ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/internal.H	2008-08-27 10:31:16.000000000 -0230
+--- ./src/internal.H	2009-05-21 09:49:31.000000000 -0230
+*** 390,395 ****
+--- 390,397 ----
+  extern char     identifier[];       /* Lastly scanned name          */
+  extern IFINFO   ifstack[];          /* Information of #if nesting   */
+  extern char     work_buf[];
++ extern FILEINFO * sh_file;
++ extern int      sh_line;
+          /* Temporary buffer for directive line and macro expansion  */
+  /* main.c   */
+diff -c -r -N ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/main.c ./src/main.c
+*** ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/main.c	2008-11-05 05:04:46.000000000 -0330
+--- ./src/main.c	2009-05-21 09:47:50.000000000 -0230
+*** 326,331 ****
+--- 326,333 ----
+              = FALSE;
+      option_flags.trig = TRIGRAPHS_INIT;
+      option_flags.dig = DIGRAPHS_INIT;
++     sh_file = NULL;
++     sh_line = 0;
+  }
+  int     mcpp_lib_main
+diff -c -r -N ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/system.c ./src/system.c
+*** ../mcpp-2.7.2-old/src/system.c	2008-11-26 06:23:51.000000000 -0330
+--- ./src/system.c	2009-05-21 09:48:50.000000000 -0230
+*** 3858,3863 ****
+--- 3858,3866 ----
+  }
+  #endif
++ FILEINFO*       sh_file;
++ int             sh_line;
+  void    sharp(
+      FILEINFO *  sharp_file,
+      int         flag        /* Flag to append to the line for GCC   */
+*** 3868,3875 ****
+   * else (i.e. 'sharp_file' is NULL) 'infile'.
+   */
+  {
+-     static FILEINFO *   sh_file;
+-     static int  sh_line;
+      FILEINFO *  file;
+      int         line;
+--- 3871,3876 ----
-------------- next part --------------
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