[63475] trunk/dports/perl/p5-html-mason/Portfile

narf_tm at macports.org narf_tm at macports.org
Fri Feb 5 12:51:43 PST 2010

Revision: 63475
Author:   narf_tm at macports.org
Date:     2010-02-05 12:51:41 -0800 (Fri, 05 Feb 2010)
Log Message:
Updated to 1.44 and added variants for mod_perl and mod_perl2.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-html-mason/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/perl/p5-html-mason/Portfile	2010-02-05 20:39:50 UTC (rev 63474)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-html-mason/Portfile	2010-02-05 20:51:41 UTC (rev 63475)
@@ -1,25 +1,44 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem            1.0
-PortGroup             perl5 1.0
+PortSystem                1.0
+PortGroup                 perl5 1.0
-perl5.setup           HTML-Mason 1.42
-maintainers           narf_tm openmaintainer
-description           High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
-long_description      Mason is a tool for building, serving and managing \
-                      large web sites. Its features make it an ideal backend \
-                      for high load sites serving dynamic content, such as \
-                      online newspapers or database driven e-commerce sites.
+perl5.setup               HTML-Mason 1.44
+maintainers               narf_tm openmaintainer
+description               High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
+long_description          Mason is a tool for building, serving and managing \
+                          large web sites. Its features make it an ideal \
+                          backend for high load sites serving dynamic \
+                          content, such as online newspapers or database \
+                          driven e-commerce sites.
-platforms             darwin
+platforms                 darwin
-checksums             md5 5fe5555ebb4bd6929eb6438e0f709355 \
-                      sha1 9cb559b30652d2e87cffe73b89a5d13d4207d81f \
-                      rmd160 f6130bf11cdaa8b6f995c38cef0a6956924fa00f
+checksums                 md5 efc1efd53caaaf7432cf0fab774614c3 \
+                          sha1 c3f646274cd1fa4b1aa932a32984cff31535658b \
+                          rmd160 e724d85413d56a4b1a5b936f499ea645163d1ac8
-depends_lib-append    port:p5-cache-cache \
-                      port:p5-class-container \
-                      port:p5-exception-class \
-                      port:p5-params-validate \
-                      port:p5-html-parser \
-                      port:p5-module-build
+depends_lib-append        port:p5-cache-cache \
+                          port:p5-class-container \
+                          port:p5-exception-class \
+                          port:p5-params-validate \
+                          port:p5-html-parser \
+                          port:p5-test-deep \
+                          port:p5-log-any
+variant mod_perl conflicts mod_perl2 description {build with mod_perl port} {
+    depends_lib-append    port:mod_perl \
+                          port:p5-libapreq
+variant mod_perl2 conflicts mod_perl description {build with mod_perl2 port} {
+    depends_lib-append    port:mod_perl2 \
+                          port:p5-libapreq2 \
+                          port:p5-cgi
+if {![variant_isset mod_perl]} {
+    default_variants      +mod_perl2
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