[63802] trunk/dports/math

ram at macports.org ram at macports.org
Mon Feb 15 11:01:47 PST 2010

Revision: 63802
Author:   ram at macports.org
Date:     2010-02-15 11:01:45 -0800 (Mon, 15 Feb 2010)
Log Message:
math/fftw-3-long: long double version of fftw3

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/math/fftw-3-long/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/fftw-3-long/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/math/fftw-3-long/Portfile	2010-02-15 19:01:45 UTC (rev 63802)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# $Id$
+PortSystem      1.0
+PortGroup       muniversal 1.0
+name            fftw-3-long
+version         3.2.2
+categories      math
+platforms       darwin
+maintainers     ram openmaintainer
+homepage        http://www.fftw.org/
+distname        fftw-${version}
+dist_subdir     fftw-3
+master_sites \
+    ${homepage} \
+    ftp://ftp.fftw.org/pub/fftw/ \
+    ftp://ftp.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/pub/src/GNU/fftw/
+description \
+    Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
+long_description \
+    FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the \
+    Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more \
+    dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of \
+    arbitrary input size. We believe that FFTW, which is \
+    free software, should become the FFT library of choice \
+    for most applications. Our benchmarks, performed on a \
+    variety of platforms, show that FFTW's performance is \
+    typically superior to that of other publicly available \
+    FFT software. Moreover, FFTW's performance is portable: \
+    the program will perform well on most architectures \
+    without modification. \
+    This port is of fftw version 3.x, with long double support. \
+    It has many improvements relative to 2.x, but is not \
+    backwardly compatible.
+checksums \
+    md5 b616e5c91218cc778b5aa735fefb61ae \
+    sha1 d43b799eedfb9408f62f9f056f5e8a645618467b \
+    rmd160 27af9b97072fa3a41b91b9430d093f671a1cd359
+configure.args \
+    --enable-threads \
+    --enable-long-double \
+    --disable-fortran \
+    --enable-shared
+configure.cflags-append \
+    -fno-common \
+    -O3 \
+    -fomit-frame-pointer \
+    -fstrict-aliasing
+depends_lib \
+    port:fftw-3
+test.run     yes
+test.target  check
+use_parallel_build yes
+variant gcc42 description {create Fortran wrappers using gcc42} conflicts gcc43 gcc44 g95 {
+    depends_lib-append    port:gcc42
+    configure.f77         gfortran-mp-4.2
+    configure.args-delete --disable-fortran
+    if { ${os.arch} == "i386" } {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc)     "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc64)   "--disable-fortran"
+    } else {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(i386)    "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)  "--disable-fortran"
+    }
+variant gcc43 description {create Fortran wrappers using gcc43} conflicts gcc42 gcc44 g95 {
+    depends_lib-append    port:gcc43
+    configure.f77         gfortran-mp-4.3
+    configure.args-delete --disable-fortran
+    if { ${os.arch} == "i386" } {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc)     "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc64)   "--disable-fortran"
+    } else {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(i386)    "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)  "--disable-fortran"
+    }
+variant gcc44 description {create Fortran wrappers using gcc44} conflicts gcc42 gcc43 g95 {
+    depends_lib-append    port:gcc44
+    configure.f77         gfortran-mp-4.4
+    configure.args-delete --disable-fortran
+    if { ${os.arch} == "i386" } {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc)     "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc64)   "--disable-fortran"
+    } else {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(i386)    "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)  "--disable-fortran"
+    }
+variant g95 description {create Fortran wrappers using f95} conflicts gcc42 gcc43 {
+    depends_lib-append    port:g95
+    configure.f77         g95
+    configure.args-delete --disable-fortran
+    if { ${os.arch} == "i386" } {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc)     "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc64)   "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)  "--disable-fortran"
+    } else {
+        lappend merger_configure_args(i386)    "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(ppc64)   "--disable-fortran"
+        lappend merger_configure_args(x86_64)  "--disable-fortran"
+    }
+post-destroot {
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/include/fftw3.f
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/include/fftw3.h
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/fftw-wisdom-to-conf
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/fftw-wisdom-to-conf.1
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info-1
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info-2
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info-3
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info-4
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/fftw3.info-5
+livecheck.type  regex
+livecheck.url   ${homepage}
+livecheck.regex {FFTW (\d+(?:\.\d+)*) is the latest}

Property changes on: trunk/dports/math/fftw-3-long/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native
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