[68575] trunk/dports
portindex at macports.org
portindex at macports.org
Sun Jun 6 16:48:03 PDT 2010
Revision: 68575
Author: portindex at macports.org
Date: 2010-06-06 16:48:00 -0700 (Sun, 06 Jun 2010)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 3
Ports successfully parsed: 3
Ports failed: 0
Up-to-date ports skipped: 7011
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2010-06-06 23:40:04 UTC (rev 68574)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2010-06-06 23:48:00 UTC (rev 68575)
@@ -1305,11 +1305,11 @@
ecore 620
variants universal portdir devel/ecore description {Ecore is a core event abstraction layer.} homepage http://www.enlightenment.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name ecore depends_lib {port:evas port:curl} maintainers nomaintainer long_description {It is the core event abstraction layer and X abstraction layer that makes doing selections, Xdnd, general X stuff, and event loops, timeouts and idle handlers fast, optimized, and convenient. It's a separate library so anyone can make use of the work put into Ecore to make this job easy for applications.} license unknown categories {devel x11} version revision 0
eet 661
-variants universal portdir devel/eet description {EET is a library for writing sets of data.} homepage http://www.enlightenment.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name eet depends_lib {port:jpeg port:zlib port:eina port:openssl} long_description {EET is a tiny library designed to write an arbitary set of chunks of data to a file and optionally compress each chunk (very much like a zip file) and allow fast random-access reading of the file later on. It does not do zip as a zip itself has more complexity than is needed, and it was much simpler to impliment this once here.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel x11} version 1.2.3 revision 1
+variants universal portdir devel/eet description {EET is a library for writing sets of data.} homepage http://www.enlightenment.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name eet depends_lib {port:jpeg port:zlib port:eina port:openssl} long_description {EET is a tiny library designed to write an arbitary set of chunks of data to a file and optionally compress each chunk (very much like a zip file) and allow fast random-access reading of the file later on. It does not do zip as a zip itself has more complexity than is needed, and it was much simpler to impliment this once here.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel x11} version 1.3.0 revision 0
eggdbus 396
variants universal depends_build {port:pkgconfig port:gtk-doc} portdir devel/eggdbus description {GObject bindings for D-Bus} homepage http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/dbus epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:dbus-glib port:libxslt} name eggdbus maintainers {devans openmaintainer} license unknown long_description {{GObject bindings for D-Bus}} categories devel version 0.5 revision 0
-eina 371
-variants universal portdir devel/eina description {multi-platform data type library} homepage http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Eina epoch 0 platforms darwin name eina long_description {eina is a multi-platform library that provides optimized data types and tools} license LGPLv2.1 maintainers {ryandesign openmaintainer} categories devel version revision 0
+eina 373
+variants universal portdir devel/eina description {multi-platform data type library} homepage http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Eina epoch 0 platforms darwin name eina long_description {eina is a multi-platform library that provides optimized data types and tools} license LGPLv2.1 maintainers {ryandesign openmaintainer} categories devel version revision 0
electric-fence 713
portdir devel/electric-fence description {a library to detect memory buffers over- and underruns} homepage http://perens.com/FreeSoftware/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name electric-fence license unknown maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Electric Fence (efence) stops your program on the exact instruction that overruns (or underruns) a malloc() memory buffer. GDB will then display the source-code line that causes the bug. It works by using the virtual-memory hardware to create a red-zone at the border of each buffer - touch that, and your program stops. Catch all of those formerly impossible-to-catch overrun bugs that have been bothering you for years.} version 2.1.13-0.1 categories devel revision 0
embryo 643
@@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@
variants universal portdir devel/epm description {A free UNIX software/file packaging program} homepage http://www.easysw.com/epm/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name epm long_description {EPM is a free UNIX software/file packaging program that generates distribution archives from a list of files. EPM can: (a) Generate portable script-based distribution packages complete with installation and removal scripts and standard install/uninstall GUIs. (b) Generate native distributions in AIX, BSD, Debian, HP-UX, IRIX, Mac OS X, Red Hat, Slackware, Solaris, and Tru64 UNIX formats. (c) Provide a complete, cross-platform software distribution solution for your applications.} license unknown maintainers nomaintainer categories devel version 4.1 revision 0
eric4 864
portdir devel/eric4 description {Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python} homepage http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/index.html epoch 0 platforms darwin name eric4 depends_lib {port:python26 port:qt4-mac port:py26-pyqt4 port:py26-qscintilla port:py26-svn port:py26-rope port:py26-lint port:py26-cx_Freeze port:py26-enchant} license unknown maintainers {adfernandes openmaintainer} long_description {Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python. It is based on the cross platform Qt gui toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder.} categories devel version 4.4.3 revision 0
-evas 652
-variants {with_svg svg universal} portdir devel/evas description {Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X11.} homepage http://www.enlightenment.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name evas depends_lib {port:eet port:tiff path:include/gif_lib.h:giflib} long_description {Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows that can draw anti-aliased text, smooth super and sub-sampled images, alpha-blend, as well as drop down to using normal X11 primitives such as pixmaps, lines and rectangles for speed if your CPU or graphics hardware are too slow.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel x11} version revision 0
+evas 645
+variants {svg universal} portdir devel/evas description {Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X11.} homepage http://www.enlightenment.org epoch 0 platforms darwin name evas depends_lib {port:eet port:tiff path:include/gif_lib.h:giflib} long_description {Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X-Windows that can draw anti-aliased text, smooth super and sub-sampled images, alpha-blend, as well as drop down to using normal X11 primitives such as pixmaps, lines and rectangles for speed if your CPU or graphics hardware are too slow.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel x11} version revision 0
eventlog 543
variants universal depends_build path:bin/pkgconfig:pkgconfig portdir devel/eventlog description {Replacement for syslog API providing structure to messages} homepage http://www.balabit.com/products/syslog_ng/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name eventlog long_description {The EventLog library aims to be a replacement of the simple syslog API provided on UNIX systems. The major difference between EventLog and syslog is that EventLog tries to add structure to messages.} maintainers markd license unknown categories devel version 0.2.9 revision 0
expect 517
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex.quick
(Binary files differ)
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