[69173] trunk/dports/science

takeshi at macports.org takeshi at macports.org
Sat Jun 26 12:37:06 PDT 2010

Revision: 69173
Author:   takeshi at macports.org
Date:     2010-06-26 12:37:01 -0700 (Sat, 26 Jun 2010)
Log Message:
netcdf-devel: adding again with replaced_by netcdf

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/science/netcdf-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/netcdf-devel/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/science/netcdf-devel/Portfile	2010-06-26 19:37:01 UTC (rev 69173)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id: Portfile 68906 2010-06-17 18:17:40Z jmr at macports.org $
+PortSystem                  1.0
+name                        netcdf-devel
+epoch                       1
+version                     4.1.1
+revision                    1
+maintainers                 takeshi openmaintainer
+replaced_by                 netcdf
+platforms                   darwin
+categories                  science
+description                 libraries for array-oriented scientific data with netcdf-4 features
+long_description \
+    NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries \
+    and machine-independent data formats that support the creation,  \
+    access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.
+homepage                    http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/
+distname                    netcdf-${version}
+dist_subdir                 netcdf
+master_sites                ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/ \
+                            http://www.gfd-dennou.org/arch/netcdf/unidata-mirror/ \
+                            ftp://www.gfd-dennou.org/arch/netcdf/unidata-mirror/
+checksums                   md5     79c5ff14c80d5e18dd8f1fceeae1c8e1 \
+                            sha1    6fece208825b978fc2240732f6f57927d71a0552 \
+                            rmd160  89b6e1a2115ef348ac83166aa7a50e045fbd98e2
+patch {
+    reinplace {s|enable_shared\" !|enable_shared\" |} ${worksrcpath}/configure
+    reinplace {/^AM_CPPFLAGS/s/\(\$(am__append_5)\) \(\$(am__append_7)\)/\2 \1/} ${worksrcpath}/ncdump/Makefile.in
+configure.cppflags-append   -DNDEBUG
+configure.cxxflags-append   -fno-common
+configure.cflags-append     -fno-common
+configure.args              --prefix=${prefix}/lib/${name} \
+                            --enable-shared \
+                            --disable-fortran-compiler-check \
+                            --disable-f77 --disable-f90 \
+                            --enable-netcdf-4 \
+                            --with-hdf5=${prefix} \
+                            --with-szlib=${prefix} \
+                            --enable-hdf4 \
+                            --with-hdf4=${prefix} \
+                            --disable-hdf4-file-tests \
+                            --with-libcf \
+                            --enable-dap \
+                            --without-udunits
+test.run                    yes
+test.target                 check
+destroot.destdir            prefix=${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}
+post-destroot {
+    file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/whatis.db
+depends_lib                 port:hdf5-18 \
+                            port:hdf4 \
+                            port:curl
+depends_build               bin:tex:texlive
+variant gcc43 conflicts g95 gcc44 description {Enable Fortran support with gfortran 4.3} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:gcc43
+    configure.args-delete   --disable-fortran-compiler-check --disable-f77 --disable-f90
+    configure.cppflags-append -DpgiFortran
+    configure.compiler      macports-gcc-4.3
+variant gcc44 conflicts g95 gcc43 description {Enable Fortran support with gfortran 4.4} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:gcc44
+    configure.args-delete   --disable-fortran-compiler-check --disable-f77 --disable-f90
+    configure.cppflags-append -DpgiFortran
+    configure.compiler      macports-gcc-4.4
+variant g95 conflicts gcc43 gcc44 description {Enable Fortran support with g95} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:g95
+    configure.args-delete   --disable-fortran-compiler-check --disable-f77 --disable-f90
+    #-lfg95 required or the tests fail
+    configure.ldflags-append    -lf95
+    configure.fc            ${prefix}/bin/g95
+    configure.f77           ${configure.fc}
+variant openmpi conflicts mpich2 description {compile with openmpi} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:openmpi
+    configure.fc            openmpif77
+    configure.cc            openmpicc
+    configure.cxx           openmpicxx
+variant mpich2 conflicts openmpi description {compile with mpich2} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:mpich2
+    configure.fc            mpif90
+    configure.cc            mpicc
+    configure.cxx           mpicxx
+variant static description {build static libraries} {
+    configure.args-delete  --enable-shared
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