[64381] trunk/dports/java/derby/Portfile

blair at macports.org blair at macports.org
Thu Mar 4 09:55:28 PST 2010

Revision: 64381
Author:   blair at macports.org
Date:     2010-03-04 09:55:28 -0800 (Thu, 04 Mar 2010)
Log Message:
Convert from tab to space indentation.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/java/derby/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/java/derby/Portfile	2010-03-04 17:54:13 UTC (rev 64380)
+++ trunk/dports/java/derby/Portfile	2010-03-04 17:55:28 UTC (rev 64381)
@@ -2,67 +2,67 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
-name			derby
+name                    derby
-categories		java
-maintainers		blair
-platforms		darwin
+categories              java
+maintainers             blair
+platforms               darwin
-description		Relational database implemented entirely in Java
-long_description	Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open \
-			source relational database implemented entirely in \
-			Java and available under the Apache License, Version \
-			2.0.  Some key advantages include:  1) Derby has a \
-			small footprint -- about 2 megabytes for the base \
-			engine and embedded JDBC driver.  2) Derby is based \
-			on the Java, JDBC, and SQL standards.  3) Derby \
-			provides an embedded JDBC driver that lets you \
-			embed Derby in any Java-based solution.  4) Derby \
-			also supports the more familiar client/server mode \
-			with the Derby Network Client JDBC driver and Derby \
-			Network Server.  5) Derby is easy to install, deploy, \
-			and use.
-homepage		http://db.apache.org/derby/
+description             Relational database implemented entirely in Java
+long_description        Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open \
+                        source relational database implemented entirely in \
+                        Java and available under the Apache License, Version \
+                        2.0.  Some key advantages include:  1) Derby has a \
+                        small footprint -- about 2 megabytes for the base \
+                        engine and embedded JDBC driver.  2) Derby is based \
+                        on the Java, JDBC, and SQL standards.  3) Derby \
+                        provides an embedded JDBC driver that lets you \
+                        embed Derby in any Java-based solution.  4) Derby \
+                        also supports the more familiar client/server mode \
+                        with the Derby Network Client JDBC driver and Derby \
+                        Network Server.  5) Derby is easy to install, deploy, \
+                        and use.
+homepage                http://db.apache.org/derby/
-master_sites		apache:db/derby/db-${name}-${version}
-distname		db-${name}-${version}-bin
-checksums		md5 35367c636ce035102a039a19ca707986 \
-			sha1 5293ce194f4c99b6d981ccac248799c766f0270c \
-			rmd160 886eb0de5f3e1cb45bee8b13acb62d600ac21ae2
+master_sites            apache:db/derby/db-${name}-${version}
+distname                db-${name}-${version}-bin
+checksums               md5 35367c636ce035102a039a19ca707986 \
+                        sha1 5293ce194f4c99b6d981ccac248799c766f0270c \
+                        rmd160 886eb0de5f3e1cb45bee8b13acb62d600ac21ae2
-depends_lib		bin:java:kaffe
+depends_lib             bin:java:kaffe
-use_configure		no
+use_configure           no
-build.cmd		true
+build.cmd               true
 destroot {
-	# Ensure needed directories
-	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share \
-		${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+        # Ensure needed directories
+        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share \
+                ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-	foreach f { dblook derby_common.sh ij sysinfo } {
-		file copy ${worksrcpath}/bin/$f ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
-	}
+        foreach f { dblook derby_common.sh ij sysinfo } {
+                file copy ${worksrcpath}/bin/$f ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+        }
-		file copy ${worksrcpath}/$f \
-			${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-	}
+        foreach f { KEYS LICENSE NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES.html } {
+                file copy ${worksrcpath}/$f \
+                        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+        }
-	file copy ${worksrcpath}/lib ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java
+        file copy ${worksrcpath}/lib ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java
 variant doc description {Install HTML and PDF documentation and javadocs} {
-	post-destroot {
-		foreach f { docs javadoc } {
-			file copy ${worksrcpath}/$f \
-				${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
-		}
-	}
+        post-destroot {
+                foreach f { docs javadoc } {
+                        file copy ${worksrcpath}/$f \
+                                ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+                }
+        }
-livecheck.type		regex
-livecheck.url		"http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/?C=N;O=D"
-livecheck.regex		release-(\[0-9.\]+)\.html
+livecheck.type          regex
+livecheck.url           "http://db.apache.org/derby/releases/?C=N;O=D"
+livecheck.regex         release-(\[0-9.\]+)\.html
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