[65309] trunk/dports
portindex at macports.org
portindex at macports.org
Wed Mar 24 18:54:37 PDT 2010
Revision: 65309
Author: portindex at macports.org
Date: 2010-03-24 18:54:36 -0700 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010)
Log Message:
Total number of ports parsed: 6757
Ports successfully parsed: 6757
Ports failed: 0
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex
--- trunk/dports/PortIndex 2010-03-25 01:45:00 UTC (rev 65308)
+++ trunk/dports/PortIndex 2010-03-25 01:54:36 UTC (rev 65309)
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@
hs-derive 650
depends_build {port:ghc port:hs-haskell-src-exts-1.6 port:hs-uniplate} portdir devel/hs-derive description {A program and library to derive instances for data types} homepage http://hackage.haskell.org/package/derive epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-derive license BSD-3 maintainers {nox openmaintainer} long_description {Data.Derive is a library and a tool for deriving instances for Haskell programs. It is designed to work with custom derivations, SYB and Template Haskell mechanisms. The tool requires GHC, but the generated code is portable to all compilers. We see this tool as a competitor to DrIFT.} categories devel version 2.3.0 revision 2
hs-digest 528
-variants universal depends_build port:ghc portdir devel/hs-digest description {Cryptographic hash implementations} homepage http://hackage.haskell.org/package/digest epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-digest long_description {This package provides efficient cryptographic hash implementations for strict and lazy bytestrings. For now, CRC32 and Adler32 are supported, they are implemented as FFI bindings to efficient code from zlib.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel haskell} version revision 0
+variants universal depends_build port:ghc portdir devel/hs-digest description {Cryptographic hash implementations} homepage http://hackage.haskell.org/package/digest epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-digest long_description {This package provides efficient cryptographic hash implementations for strict and lazy bytestrings. For now, CRC32 and Adler32 are supported, they are implemented as FFI bindings to efficient code from zlib.} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories {devel haskell} version revision 0
hs-dlist 486
depends_build port:ghc portdir devel/hs-dlist description {Difference lists} homepage http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dlist epoch 0 platforms darwin name hs-dlist license unknown maintainers nomaintainer long_description {Differences lists: a list-like type supporting O(1) append. This is particularly useful for efficient logging and pretty printing, (e.g. with the Writer monad), where list append quickly becomes too expensive.} categories {devel haskell} version 0.5 revision 0
hs-fingertree 801
@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@
libconfig-hr 588
variants universal portdir devel/libconfig-hr description {A new libconfig implementation with both C and C++ bindings.} homepage http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libconfig-hr long_description {A new libconfig implementation with both C and C++ bindings, a completely new API, pkg-config support and superior documentation. This port is incompatible with the older port libconfig which should be deactivated or uninstalled prior to installation of this port.} license unknown maintainers {devans openmaintainer} categories devel version 1.3.2 revision 0
libconfuse 385
-variants universal depends_build path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig portdir devel/libconfuse description {libConfuse is a configuration file parser library} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/confuse/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libconfuse long_description {{libConfuse is a configuration file parser library}} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories devel version 2.6 revision 0
+variants universal depends_build path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig portdir devel/libconfuse description {libConfuse is a configuration file parser library} homepage http://www.nongnu.org/confuse/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libconfuse long_description {{libConfuse is a configuration file parser library}} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories devel version 2.7 revision 0
libcryptopp 406
variants universal portdir devel/libcryptopp description {C++ class library of cryptographic schemes} homepage http://www.cryptopp.com/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name libcryptopp long_description {Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.} license unknown maintainers {raphael openmaintainer} depends_extract bin:unzip:unzip categories {devel security} version 5.6.0 revision 0
libcudd 527
@@ -3673,7 +3673,7 @@
podofo 721
depends_build port:cmake portdir graphics/podofo description {PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format.} homepage http://podofo.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:fontconfig port:freetype port:jpeg port:tiff port:zlib port:cppunit port:openssl port:lua} name podofo license unknown maintainers {devans openmaintainer} long_description {PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format. The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file.} categories graphics version 0.7.0 revision 3
poppler 505
-variants {universal quartz qt4 docs} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir graphics/poppler description {Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.} homepage http://poppler.freedesktop.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:lcms port:openjpeg port:poppler-data} name poppler maintainers {devans openmaintainer} license unknown long_description {{Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.}} categories graphics version 0.12.1 revision 2
+variants {universal quartz qt4 docs} depends_build port:pkgconfig portdir graphics/poppler description {Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.} homepage http://poppler.freedesktop.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:gtk2 port:lcms port:openjpeg port:poppler-data} name poppler maintainers {devans openmaintainer} license unknown long_description {{Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.}} categories graphics version 0.12.4 revision 0
poppler-data 281
portdir graphics/poppler-data description {Poppler encoding data.} homepage http://poppler.freedesktop.org/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name poppler-data license unknown maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Poppler encoding data.}} version 0.4.0 categories graphics revision 0
potrace 771
@@ -4590,8 +4590,8 @@
variants {test no_opengl universal} depends_build {port:ghc port:hs-platform-alex port:hs-platform-happy port:git-core} portdir lang/ghc-devel description {The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System (development version)} homepage http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ epoch 0 platforms darwin depends_lib {port:libedit port:gmp} name ghc-devel long_description {The Glasgow Haskell Compiler is a robust, fully-featured, optimising compiler and interactive environment for Haskell 98, GHC compiles Haskell to either native code or C. It implements numerous experimental language extensions to Haskell 98, for example: concurrency, a foreign language interface, multi-parameter type classes, scoped type variables, existential and universal quantification, unboxed types, exceptions, weak pointers, and so on. GHC comes with a generational garbage collector, and a space and time profiler.} maintainers gwright license unknown categories lang version 6.11 revision 0
gnat-gcc 482
variants {powerpc odcctools macada gnatgpl gnuada ada} portdir lang/gnat-gcc description {The GNU compiler collection with GNAT} homepage http://gcc.gnu.org/ depends_run port:gcc_select epoch 1 platforms darwin name gnat-gcc depends_lib {port:gmp port:mpfr port:libiconv} long_description {The GNU compiler collection, including front ends for C, C++, Ada, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java and Fortran95.} maintainers krischik license GPLv3 categories lang version 4.4.2 revision 0
-go-devel 862
-variants {darwin freebsd linux nacl bash_completion emacs vim} depends_build {bin:bison:bison bin:make:gmake bin:awk:gawk bin:ed:ed} portdir lang/go-devel description {Systems programming language developed by Google (development version)} depends_fetch bin:hg:mercurial homepage http://golang.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} name go-devel long_description {A systems programming language developed by Google Inc. Go is similar to C, but with fast builds, clean syntax, garbage collection, methods for any type, and run-time reflection. Go promotes writing systems and servers as sets of lightweight communicating processes, called goroutines, with strong support from the language. It feels like a dynamic language but has the speed and safety of a static language.} maintainers singingwolfboy license BSD categories lang version 0.0.1 revision 1
+go-devel 836
+variants {darwin freebsd linux nacl} depends_build {bin:bison:bison bin:make:gmake bin:awk:gawk bin:ed:ed} portdir lang/go-devel description {Systems programming language developed by Google (development version)} depends_fetch bin:hg:mercurial homepage http://golang.org/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin freebsd linux} name go-devel long_description {A systems programming language developed by Google Inc. Go is similar to C, but with fast builds, clean syntax, garbage collection, methods for any type, and run-time reflection. Go promotes writing systems and servers as sets of lightweight communicating processes, called goroutines, with strong support from the language. It feels like a dynamic language but has the speed and safety of a static language.} maintainers singingwolfboy license BSD categories lang version 0.0.1 revision 2
gpc34 318
variants {darwin_8_powerpc universal} portdir lang/gpc34 description {The GNU Pascal compiler} homepage http://gnu-pascal.de/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name gpc34 depends_lib port:libiconv long_description {{The GNU Pascal compiler}} maintainers nomaintainer license unknown categories lang version 20050331 revision 0
gpp 693
@@ -8128,8 +8128,8 @@
variants mediaA4 portdir print/mpage description {Print several pages on a single sheet of paper} homepage http://www.mesa.nl/pub/mpage/ epoch 0 platforms {darwin sunos} name mpage license unknown maintainers nomaintainer long_description {{Print several pages on a single sheet of paper}} categories print version 2.5.5 revision 0
pcal 530
variants {a4 universal} portdir print/pcal description {PostScript calendar program} homepage http://pcal.sourceforge.net/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name pcal long_description {Pcal is a program to print PostScript calendars for any month and year. By default, it looks for a file in the home directory named calendar for entries with leading dates matching dates on the calendar, and prints any following text under the appropriate day.} license unknown maintainers gmail.com:sam.falkner categories print version 4.9.1 revision 0
-pdflib 519
-variants {java perl python24 python25 python26 tcl ruby universal} portdir print/pdflib description {PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib} homepage http://www.pdflib.com/products/pdflib-family/pdflib-lite/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name pdflib long_description {{PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib,} a library of C routines that allow to programmatically generate PDF, the Adobe's Portable Document File format.} license unknown maintainers nomaintainer categories print version 7.0.4 revision 0
+pdflib 523
+variants {java perl python24 python25 python26 tcl ruby universal} portdir print/pdflib description {PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib} homepage http://www.pdflib.com/download/free-software/pdflib-lite-7/ epoch 0 platforms darwin name pdflib long_description {{PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib,} a library of C routines that allow to programmatically generate PDF, the Adobe's Portable Document File format.} license unknown maintainers nomaintainer categories print version 7.0.4p4 revision 0
poster 504
variants universal depends_build {port:autoconf port:automake} portdir print/poster description {Small PostScript utility to allow large poster printing} homepage http://printing.kde.org/downloads epoch 0 platforms darwin name poster long_description {This is a small PostScript utility to allow large poster printing (e.g. A1) by splitting it into pieces that can be printed on small paper sheets (e.g. A4).} maintainers {snc openmaintainer} license unknown categories print version 20060221 revision 0
ppmtomd 702
Modified: trunk/dports/PortIndex.quick
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