[67606] trunk/dports/gis/qgis

vince at macports.org vince at macports.org
Fri May 14 03:02:56 PDT 2010

Revision: 67606
Author:   vince at macports.org
Date:     2010-05-14 03:02:53 -0700 (Fri, 14 May 2010)
Log Message:
Correction of some bugs, it works fine now

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/gis/qgis/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/gis/qgis/Portfile	2010-05-14 08:47:53 UTC (rev 67605)
+++ trunk/dports/gis/qgis/Portfile	2010-05-14 10:02:53 UTC (rev 67606)
@@ -1,86 +1,85 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=2:ts=2:sts=2
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem							1.0
+PortSystem			1.0
+PortGroup			cmake	1.0
+name				qgis
+version				1.4.0
+categories			gis
+maintainers			vince
+description			QGIS is a user-friendly GIS based on Qt 4
+long_description	QGIS is a GIS. It can visualize, inject data into \
+					PostGres/PostGIS, or serve as a Qt front-end to Grass. \
+					Extended with Python plugins, it can become a quite \
+					powerful GIS on its own.
-name										qgis
-version									1.3.0
-categories							gis
-maintainers							vince
-description							QGIS is a user-friendly GIS based on Qt 4
-long_description				QGIS is a GIS. It can visualize, inject data into \
-												PostGres/PostGIS, or serve as a Qt front-end to Grass. \
-												Extended with Python plugins, it can become a quite \
-												powerful GIS on its own.
+platforms			darwin
+license				GPL
-platforms								darwin
-license									GPL
+use_parallel_build	no
+homepage			http://www.qgis.org/
-homepage								http://www.qgis.org/
+distname			${name}_${version}
+master_sites		http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/src/
-distname								${name}_${version}
-master_sites						http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/src/
+checksums			md5     47710e7aa14c2a672c7f28457b0c956f \
+					sha1    105f353f36e9625d1eb15f1a315882f214dbe026 \
+					rmd160  47486732c8fe37aa6864d09c7420be22de5ea802
-checksums								md5     c75d0912011fe41a4e4a316ea323f73a \
-												sha1    6c2f4cf5db8d5b513306465bfd160bdfa9a727af \
-												rmd160  c2ffd90468b7f9cd49d2ba878a6572e8f19e137a
+worksrcdir			${name}-${version}
-worksrcdir							${name}-${version}
-post-extract	{
-	system 								"cd ${worksrcpath} && mkdir build"
+post-extract {
+					system "cd ${worksrcpath} && mkdir build"
-patchfiles							patch-spatialite_c.diff
+patchfiles			patch-spatialite_c.diff \
+					patch-cmake_Python_cmake.diff \
+					patch-python_configure_py_in.diff
-depends_build						port:cmake
+depends_build		port:cmake
-depends_lib							port:libiconv \
-												port:expat \
-												port:openssl \
-												port:proj \
-												port:geos \
-												port:gdal \
-												port:sqlite3 \
-												port:gsl
+depends_lib			port:libiconv \
+					port:expat \
+					port:openssl \
+					port:proj \
+					port:geos \
+					port:gdal \
+					port:sqlite3 \
+					port:gsl
 # Python related stuff
 # Checks if Python framework is not buggy
-set Python_FRM					"${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework"
-	if {! [file exists ${Python_FRM}]} {
-		ui_error						"Qgis requires python" 
-	}
+set Python_FRM		"${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework"
+if {![file exists ${Python_FRM}]} {
+	ui_error		"Qgis requires python" 
-set Pyver 							[exec python -V |& awk "{print \$2}"]
+set Pyver 			[exec python -V |& awk "{print \$2}"]
 # Eliminates minor (could also be done with strsed)
-set Pyversion						[join [lrange [split ${Pyver} "."] 0 1] ""]
-set Pyverpath						[join [lrange [split ${Pyver}	"."] 0 1] "."]
+set Pyversion		[join [lrange [split ${Pyver} "."] 0 1] ""]
+set Pyverpath		[join [lrange [split ${Pyver}	"."] 0 1] "."]
-depends_lib-append			port:py${Pyversion}-pyqt4
+depends_lib-append	port:py${Pyversion}-pyqt4
+# Overrides default
+configure.dir		${worksrcpath}/build									
+configure.cmd		cmake ..
-configure.dir						${worksrcpath}/build									
-configure.cmd						cmake ..
-# Start with no configure arguments: override defaults
-variant postgis					description "Build postgis support" {
+variant postgis				description "Build postgis support" {
 	depends_lib-append		port:postgis
 	# Always choose latest installed postgresql version
-	set	PGSQL_DIR					\
-										[lindex [lsort -dec [glob -d ${prefix}/lib postgresql*]] 0]
-	configure.args-append "-DPOSTGRESQL_PREFIX=${PGSQL_DIR}"
+	set	PGSQL_DIR			\
+			[lindex [lsort -dec [glob -d ${prefix}/lib postgresql*]] 0]
+	configure.args-append	"-DPOSTGRESQL_PREFIX=${PGSQL_DIR}"
 	configure.args-append	"-DPOSTGRES_CONFIG=${PGSQL_DIR}/bin/pg_config"
-variant	grass63					description "Build the grass (6.3) plugin" {
+variant	grass63				description "Build the grass (6.3) plugin" {
 	depends_lib-append		port:grass
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@
-variant	grass64					description "Build the grass (6.4) plugin" {
+variant	grass64				description "Build the grass (6.4) plugin" {
 	depends_lib-append		port:grass64
@@ -105,27 +104,15 @@
-variant	universal				description "Builds universal app" {
-		set archs 					"-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=\""
-		foreach arch ${configure.universal_archs} {
-			append archs ${arch} ";"
-		}
-		configure.args-append "${archs}\""
-		set sysroot						[lindex [exec ls /Developer/SDKs] end]
-		configure.args-append "-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Developer/SDKs/${sysroot}"
 # LLVM cannot be used (Seg. faults in spatialite.c)
-if {[string first llvm ${configure.cc}] != -1 || \
-		[string first llvm ${configure.cxx}] != -1} {
+#if {[string first llvm ${configure.cc}] != -1 || \
+#		[string first llvm ${configure.cxx}] != -1} {
-	ui_msg "Warning: Qgis cannot be compiled with LLVM, switching to GCC\n"
-	set configure.cc		gcc
-	set configure.cxx		g++
+#	ui_msg "Warning: Qgis cannot be compiled with LLVM, switching to GCC\n"
+#	set configure.cc		gcc
+#	set configure.cxx		g++
 configure.args-append		"-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${configure.cxx}"
 configure.args-append		"-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${configure.cc}"
@@ -150,7 +137,7 @@
 configure.args-append		"-DPYUIC4_PROGRAM=${prefix}/bin/pyuic4-${Pyverpath}"
 configure.args-append		"-DPYRCC4_PROGRAM=${prefix}/bin/pyrcc4-${Pyverpath}"
 configure.args-append		\
-							"-DSIP_BINARY_PATH=${Python_FRM}/Versions/${Pyverpath}/bin/sip"
+				"-DSIP_BINARY_PATH=${Python_FRM}/Versions/${Pyverpath}/bin/sip"
 configure.args-append		"-DSIP_INCLUDE_DIR=${Python_FRM}/Headers"
 configure.args-append		"-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/qmake-mac"
 configure.args-append		"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
@@ -160,53 +147,46 @@
 # Patch for proper linking of our own Python framework
 post-configure {
-	reinplace -E "s|g\\+\\+|g\\+\\+ -F${frameworks_dir}|" \
+	reinplace -E "s|(g\\+\\+\[^ ]+)|\\1 -F${frameworks_dir}|" \
-# Adapts for new Sip 4.6
-	reinplace -E \
-		"s|sipClass(_\[^,\]+)|(sipWrapperType *) sipTypeAsPyTypeObject\
-		(sipType\\1)|" \
-		${worksrcpath}/python/core/conversions.sip
 # Setup Python stuff in order to gracefully link against -framework Python
 pre-build {
 	if {! [file exists ${Python_FRM}/Headers]} {
-		ui_msg 							"Patching (temporarily) the Python framework\
-												 (See http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21614)"
+		ui_msg				"Patching (temporarily) the Python framework\
+							(See http://trac.macports.org/ticket/21614)"
 		if {[variant_isset universal] && ${Pyversion} < 26} {
-			ui_error					"Universal build requires Python > 2.5"
+			ui_error		"Universal build requires Python > 2.5"
-		system							"cd ${Python_FRM} ; \
-													ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/include/python${Pyverpath} Headers ; \
-													ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/Python . ; \
-													ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/Resources . ; \
-													touch /private/tmp/qgis_pypatch"
+		system	"cd ${Python_FRM} ; \
+			ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/include/python${Pyverpath} Headers ; \
+			ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/Python . ; \
+			ln -s Versions/${Pyverpath}/Resources . ; \
+			touch /private/tmp/qgis_pypatch"
 	} else {
 		# Checks for inconsistencies and set dependencies accordingly
-		if {${Pyver} !=			[exec cat ${Python_FRM}/Headers/patchlevel.h | \
-												 grep "PY_VERSION " | awk "{print \$3}" | \
-												 sed "s/\\\"//g"]} {	
-			ui_error 					"Inconsistent Python framework installation."
+		if {${Pyver} !=	[exec cat ${Python_FRM}/Headers/patchlevel.h | \
+						grep "PY_VERSION " | awk "{print \$3}" | \
+						sed "s/\\\"//g"]} {	
+			ui_error 	"Inconsistent Python framework installation."
 use_parallel_build			yes
-build.dir								${worksrcpath}/build
+build.dir					${worksrcpath}/build
 post-destroot {
 	if {[file exists /private/tmp/qgis_pypatch]} {
-		ui_msg							"Removing patched Framework"
-		system 							"cd ${Python_FRM} ; \
-													rm -f Headers Python Resources ; \
-													rm -f /private/tmp/qgis_pypatch"
+		ui_msg				"Removing patched Framework"
+		system 				"cd ${Python_FRM} ; \
+							rm -f Headers Python Resources ; \
+							rm -f /private/tmp/qgis_pypatch"
-destroot.target					install
+destroot.target				install

Added: trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-cmake_Python_cmake.diff
--- trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-cmake_Python_cmake.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-cmake_Python_cmake.diff	2010-05-14 10:02:53 UTC (rev 67606)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- cmake/Python.cmake.orig	2010-05-13 21:47:51.000000000 +0200
++++ cmake/Python.cmake	2010-05-13 21:48:13.000000000 +0200
+@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
+       # check for SIP version
+       # minimal version is 4.7 (to support universal builds)
+-      SET (SIP_MIN_VERSION 040700)
++      SET (SIP_MIN_VERSION 040A00)
+       TRY_RUN_PYTHON (RES "import sip\nprint '%x' % sip.SIP_VERSION" SIP_VERSION)
+         SET (SIP_IS_GOOD TRUE)

Added: trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-python_configure_py_in.diff
--- trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-python_configure_py_in.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/gis/qgis/files/patch-python_configure_py_in.diff	2010-05-14 10:02:53 UTC (rev 67606)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- python/configure.py.in.orig	2010-05-14 09:46:39.000000000 +0200
++++ python/configure.py.in	2010-05-14 09:47:13.000000000 +0200
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
+ # common settings for core, gui and analysis libs
+ for mk in [ makefile_core, makefile_gui, makefile_analysis ]:
+-  mk.extra_lflags.extend( "@CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS@".strip(' ').split(' ') )
++#  mk.extra_lflags.extend( "@CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS@".strip(' ').split(' ') )
+   mk.extra_libs = ["qgis_core"]
+   mk.extra_lib_dirs = [build_path+"/src/core"+intdir]
+   mk.extra_include_dirs = [src_path+"/src/core", src_path+"/src/core/composer", 
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