[67699] trunk/dports/math/metis/Portfile

vince at macports.org vince at macports.org
Sun May 16 02:36:31 PDT 2010

Revision: 67699
Author:   vince at macports.org
Date:     2010-05-16 02:36:26 -0700 (Sun, 16 May 2010)
Log Message:
Adds universal variant

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/math/metis/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/math/metis/Portfile	2010-05-16 08:47:56 UTC (rev 67698)
+++ trunk/dports/math/metis/Portfile	2010-05-16 09:36:26 UTC (rev 67699)
@@ -35,10 +35,18 @@
 configure {
 	# ensure that the correct compiler and compiler options are used.
+	set optflags ${configure.cflags}
+	set ldflags ${configure.ldflags}
+	if {[variant_isset universal]} {
+		append optflags " " ${configure.universal_cflags}
+		append ldflags " " ${configure.universal_ldflags}
+	}
 	reinplace "s|CC = .*|CC = ${configure.cc}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
-	reinplace "s|OPTFLAGS = .*|OPTFLAGS = ${configure.cflags}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
-	if { [info exists configure.ldflags] } {
-		reinplace "s|LDOPTIONS = .*|LDOPTIONS = ${configure.ldflags}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
+	reinplace "s|OPTFLAGS = .*|OPTFLAGS = ${optflags}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
+	if { [info exists ldflags] } {
+		reinplace "s|LDOPTIONS = .*|LDOPTIONS = ${ldflags}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
 	reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Lib/Makefile
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