[73188] users/ryandesign/PCLauncher/PCLauncher.applescript
ryandesign at macports.org
ryandesign at macports.org
Sat Nov 6 12:13:00 PDT 2010
Revision: 73188
Author: ryandesign at macports.org
Date: 2010-11-06 12:12:56 -0700 (Sat, 06 Nov 2010)
Log Message:
Remove obsolete file
Removed Paths:
Deleted: users/ryandesign/PCLauncher/PCLauncher.applescript
--- users/ryandesign/PCLauncher/PCLauncher.applescript 2010-11-06 19:03:25 UTC (rev 73187)
+++ users/ryandesign/PCLauncher/PCLauncher.applescript 2010-11-06 19:12:56 UTC (rev 73188)
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
--- PCLauncher.applescript
--- PCLauncher
--- Created by Ryan Schmidt on 2010-10-01.
--- Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
--- Paths
-property gPrefix : "/opt/local"
-property gDrizzle : gPrefix & "/bin/drizzle"
-property gDrizzleForDownload : gDrizzle
-property gDrizzleForExtract : gDrizzle
-property gPlasmaClient : gPrefix & "/bin/PlasmaClient"
-property gPlasmaClientForAuth : gPlasmaClient
-property gPlasmaClientForGame : gPlasmaClient
-property gDataDirectory : gPrefix & "/share/mystonline/data"
-property gPythonDirectory : gDataDirectory & "/python"
-property gSdlDirectory : gDataDirectory & "/SDL"
-property gLogDirectory : gPrefix & "/var/log/PlasmaClient"
-property gLogFile : ""
-property gLogLink : gLogDirectory & "/PlasmaClient.log"
-property kKeepLogs : 10
--- Task enums
-property kTaskIdle : 0
-property kTaskWaitForAuthentication : 1
-property kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToDownload : 2
-property kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToExtract : 3
-property kTaskWaitForPlasmaClientToLaunch : 4
--- Current task
-property gTask : kTaskIdle
--- Other globals
-property gStatusFile : ""
-property gSecureFilesDirectory : ""
-property gProgressMax : 0
-property gStartTime : 0
-property gPid : 0
-on will finish launching theObject
- make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults with properties {name:"username", contents:""}
- make new default entry at end of default entries of user defaults with properties {name:"password", contents:""}
- set gLogFile to gLogDirectory & "/PlasmaClient." & timeSinceEpoch() & ".log"
-end will finish launching
-on should quit after last window closed theObject
- return true
-end should quit after last window closed
-on awake from nib theObject
- set theMessage to getContentsOfWebPage("http://support.cyanworlds.com/serverstatus/moullive.php")
- tell user defaults
- set theUsername to contents of default entry "username"
- set thePassword to contents of default entry "password"
- end tell
- tell content view of theObject
- if theMessage is not "" then
- set contents of text field "Welcome Message" to theMessage
- end if
- set contents of text field "Username Field" to theUsername
- set contents of text field "Password Field" to thePassword
- tell button "Remember Password Checkbox"
- if thePassword is "" and theUsername is not "" then
- set state to 0
- else
- set state to 1
- end if
- end tell
- end tell
- show theObject
-end awake from nib
-on idle theObject
- if gTask is kTaskWaitForAuthentication then
- waitForAuthentication()
- else if gTask is kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToDownload then
- waitForSecureFilesToDownload()
- else if gTask is kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToExtract then
- waitForSecureFilesToExtract()
- else if gTask is kTaskWaitForPlasmaClientToLaunch then
- waitForPlasmaClientToLaunch()
- end if
- return 1
-end idle
-on end editing theObject
- savePrefs()
-end end editing
-on will close theObject
- -- still need to clear the first responder
- savePrefs()
-end will close
-on savePrefs()
- tell window "Login Window"
- set theUsername to contents of text field "Username Field"
- set rememberPassword to (state of button "Remember Password Checkbox" is 1)
- if rememberPassword then
- set thePassword to contents of text field "Password Field"
- else
- set thePassword to ""
- end if
- end tell
- tell user defaults
- set contents of default entry "username" to theUsername
- set contents of default entry "password" to thePassword
- end tell
-end savePrefs
-on getContentsOfWebPage(theUrl)
- try
- return (do shell script "curl " & quoted form of theUrl)
- on error errMsg number errNum
- return ""
- end try
-end getContentsOfWebPage
-on clicked theObject
- if name of theObject is "Play Button" then
- checkForGameFiles()
- end if
-end clicked
-on checkForGameFiles()
- set haveGameFiles to itemExists(gDataDirectory & "/dat")
- if haveGameFiles then
- startAuthentication()
- else
- display dialog "PlasmaClient needs the Myst Online: URU Live again game data files. Please install the “mystonline-cider” port and run the application to let it download all the game data." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" attached to window "Login Window"
- end if
-end checkForGameFiles
-on startAuthentication()
- showProgressPanel("Authenticating…")
- tell window "Login Window"
- set theUsername to contents of text field "Username Field"
- set thePassword to contents of text field "Password Field"
- end tell
- if itemExists(gLogLink) then
- deleteFile(gLogLink)
- end if
- makeLink(gLogFile, gLogLink)
- set gStatusFile to makeTempFile()
- set gPid to (do shell script "(cd " & quoted form of gDataDirectory & " && " & quoted form of gPlasmaClientForAuth & " " & quoted form of theUsername & " " & quoted form of thePassword & " -t >& " & quoted form of gLogFile & "; echo $?) >& " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " & echo $!")
- set gTask to kTaskWaitForAuthentication
-end startAuthentication
-on waitForAuthentication()
- set theStatus to (do shell script "tail -n 1 " & quoted form of gStatusFile)
- if theStatus is "" then
- return
- end if
- deleteFile(gStatusFile)
- hideProgressPanel()
- if theStatus is "0" then
- checkForSecureFiles()
- else
- set gTask to kTaskIdle
- display dialog "Authentication failed. Check that you’ve entered the correct email address and password for your Myst Online: URU Live again account." buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" attached to window "Login Window"
- end if
-end waitForAuthentication
-on checkForSecureFiles()
- set haveSecureFiles to itemExists(gPythonDirectory) and itemExists(gSdlDirectory)
- if haveSecureFiles then
- startGame()
- else
- startDownloadingSecureFiles()
- end if
-end checkForSecureFiles
-on startDownloadingSecureFiles()
- showProgressPanel("Downloading secure game files…")
- tell window "Login Window"
- set theUsername to contents of text field "Username Field"
- set thePassword to contents of text field "Password Field"
- end tell
- set gStatusFile to makeTempFile()
- set gSecureFilesDirectory to makeTempDirectory()
- set gPid to (do shell script quoted form of gDrizzleForDownload & " -downloadsecuremoulagainfiles " & quoted form of theUsername & " " & quoted form of thePassword & " " & quoted form of gSecureFilesDirectory & " >& " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " & echo $!")
- set gTask to kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToDownload
-end startDownloadingSecureFiles
-on waitForSecureFilesToDownload()
- try
- set filesDownloaded to (do shell script "sed -n 's/^Transid=//p' " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " | tail -n 1") as number
- on error errMsg number errNum
- set filesDownloaded to 0
- end try
- if filesDownloaded is greater than 0 then
- if gProgressMax is 0 then
- makeProgressDeterminate(62)
- end if
- updateProgress(filesDownloaded)
- end if
- try
- do shell script "grep '^All done!$' " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " > /dev/null"
- on error errMsg number errNum
- return
- end try
- kill(gPid)
- deleteFile(gStatusFile)
- hideProgressPanel()
- startExtractingSecureFiles()
-end waitForSecureFilesToDownload
-on startExtractingSecureFiles()
- showProgressPanel("Extracting secure game files…")
- set gStatusFile to makeTempFile()
- set gPid to (do shell script quoted form of gDrizzleForExtract & " -decompilepak " & quoted form of (gSecureFilesDirectory & "/Python/python.pak") & " " & quoted form of (gSecureFilesDirectory & "/Python/python") & " moul >& " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " & echo $!")
- set gTask to kTaskWaitForSecureFilesToExtract
-end startExtractingSecureFiles
-on waitForSecureFilesToExtract()
- try
- set filesExtracted to (do shell script "grep '^Decompiling: ' " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " | wc -l") as number
- on error errMsg number errNum
- set filesExtracted to 0
- end try
- if filesExtracted is greater than 0 then
- if gProgressMax is 0 then
- makeProgressDeterminate(503)
- end if
- updateProgress(filesExtracted)
- end if
- try
- do shell script "grep '^Done decompiling!$' " & quoted form of gStatusFile & " > /dev/null"
- on error errMsg number errNum
- return
- end try
- deleteFile(gStatusFile)
- hideProgressPanel()
- moveSecureFilesIntoDataDir()
-end waitForSecureFilesToExtract
-on moveSecureFilesIntoDataDir()
- deleteDirectory(gPythonDirectory)
- deleteDirectory(gSdlDirectory)
- moveItem(gSecureFilesDirectory & "/Python/python", gPythonDirectory)
- moveItem(gSecureFilesDirectory & "/SDL", gSdlDirectory)
- deleteDirectory(gSecureFilesDirectory)
- startGame()
-end moveSecureFilesIntoDataDir
-on startGame()
- showProgressPanel("Launching PlasmaClient…")
- tell window "Login Window"
- set theUsername to contents of text field "Username Field"
- set thePassword to contents of text field "Password Field"
- end tell
- set gPid to (do shell script "(cd " & quoted form of gDataDirectory & " && " & quoted form of gPlasmaClientForGame & " " & quoted form of theUsername & " " & quoted form of thePassword & ") >& " & quoted form of gLogFile & " & echo $!")
- set theLogFiles to listDirectory(gLogDirectory, "PlasmaClient.*.log")
- repeat with i from 1 to (count theLogFiles) - kKeepLogs
- deleteFile(item i of theLogFiles)
- end repeat
- set gStartTime to (current date)
- set gTask to kTaskWaitForPlasmaClientToLaunch
-end startGame
-on waitForPlasmaClientToLaunch()
- set currentTime to (current date)
- set elapsedSeconds to (currentTime - gStartTime)
- if elapsedSeconds < 5 then return
- hideProgressPanel()
- quit
-end waitForPlasmaClientToLaunch
-on makeTempFile()
- return (do shell script "mktemp /tmp/PCLauncher.XXXXXXXX")
-end makeTempFile
-on makeTempDirectory()
- return (do shell script "mktemp -d /tmp/PCLauncher.XXXXXXXX")
-end makeTempDirectory
-on deleteFile(theFile)
- do shell script "rm -f " & quoted form of theFile
-end deleteFile
-on deleteDirectory(theDirectory)
- do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of theDirectory
-end deleteDirectory
-on listDirectory(theDirectory, theGlob)
- return paragraphs of (do shell script "ls " & quoted form of theDirectory & "/" & theGlob)
-end listDirectory
-on itemExists(theItem)
- try
- do shell script "test -e " & quoted form of theItem
- return true
- end try
- return false
-end itemExists
-on kill(pid)
- do shell script "kill " & pid
-end kill
-on moveItem(fromItem, toItem)
- do shell script "mv " & quoted form of fromItem & " " & quoted form of toItem
-end moveItem
-on makeLink(fromItem, toItem)
- do shell script "ln -s " & quoted form of fromItem & " " & quoted form of toItem
-end makeLink
-on timeSinceEpoch()
- return (do shell script "date '+%s'")
-end timeSinceEpoch
-on showProgressPanel(theMessage)
- set gProgressMax to 0
- tell window "Progress Panel"
- tell progress indicator "Progress Bar"
- set uses threaded animation to true
- set indeterminate to true
- start
- end tell
- tell text field "Progress Text"
- set contents to theMessage
- end tell
- end tell
- display window "Progress Panel" attached to window "Login Window"
-end showProgressPanel
-on makeProgressDeterminate(max)
- set gProgressMax to max
- tell window "Progress Panel"
- tell progress indicator "Progress Bar"
- set maximum value to max
- set content to 0
- set indeterminate to false
- end tell
- end tell
-end makeProgressDeterminate
-on updateProgress(step)
- tell window "Progress Panel"
- tell progress indicator "Progress Bar"
- set content to step
- end tell
- end tell
-end updateProgress
-on hideProgressPanel()
- close panel window "Progress Panel"
-end hideProgressPanel
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