[73410] trunk/dports/graphics
michaelld at macports.org
michaelld at macports.org
Fri Nov 12 12:12:00 PST 2010
Revision: 73410
Author: michaelld at macports.org
Date: 2010-11-12 12:11:56 -0800 (Fri, 12 Nov 2010)
Log Message:
argyll: initial checkin
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/Portfile 2010-11-12 20:11:56 UTC (rev 73410)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id: $
+PortSystem 1.0
+name argyll
+version 1.3.2
+categories graphics
+platforms darwin
+maintainers nomaintainer
+license gpl
+description Argyll Color Management System
+long_description ArgyllCMS is an ICC compatible color management \
+system. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, cameras \
+and film recorders, and calibration and profiling of displays and RGB \& \
+CMYK printers. Argyll includes a general purpose ICC V2 profile format \
+access library, icclib, and a general purpose CGATS file format I/O library.
+homepage http://www.argyllcms.com/
+use_zip yes
+master_sites http://www.argyllcms.com/
+distname Argyll_V${version}_src
+checksums md5 dd0b8e2da65e4bb7fc38aef377e73afd \
+ sha1 51af2f880fa209dbc658cedf19c11abadbdc43e6 \
+ rmd160 a447041d7fb05078c627aeeeca6837f908991c76
+worksrcdir Argyll_V${version}
+depends_build port:jam
+depends_lib port:tiff \
+ port:libusb-compat
+patchfiles patch-jamfiles.diff \
+ patch-spectro_usbio.c.diff
+post-patch {
+ # hard-wire libusb-compat info for now
+ reinplace "s, at LIBUSBLIBDIR@,${prefix}/lib,g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jamtop
+ reinplace "s, at LIBUSBINCDIR@,${prefix}/include,g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jamtop
+ reinplace "s, at LIBUSBNAME@,libusb,g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jamtop
+ # fix IOKit header include: G -> g
+ reinplace "/include/s,IOKit/Graphics/IOGraphicsLib,IOKit/graphics/IOGraphicsLib,g" ${worksrcpath}/spectro/dispwin.h
+ # set to install headers and libraries
+ foreach fixfile [exec find ${worksrcpath} -name Jamfile] {
+ reinplace "s,#InstallLib,InstallLib,g" ${fixfile}
+ }
+ foreach fixfile [exec find ${worksrcpath} -name Jamfile] {
+ reinplace "s,#InstallFile,InstallFile,g" ${fixfile}
+ }
+configure {
+ # fix CC / CXX / LD arch flag settings
+ reinplace "s, at CCFLAGS@,${configure.cc_archflags},g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jambase
+ reinplace "s, at CXXFLAGS@,${configure.cxx_archflags},g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jambase
+ reinplace "s, at LDFLAGS@,${configure.ld_archflags},g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/Jambase
+# uses Carbon 32-bit, so restrict
+supported_archs i386 ppc
+# 'destroot' actually just installed files locally to
+# the worksrcpath
+post-destroot {
+ # Install documentation.
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+ xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \
+ License.txt License2.txt License3.txt \
+ notes.txt Readme.txt ttbd.txt \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
+ # Install binaries
+ delete ${worksrcpath}/bin/License.txt
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+ eval xinstall -m 755 [glob ${worksrcpath}/bin/*] \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+ # Install headers
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/include/${name}
+ eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/h/*.h] \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/include/${name}
+ # Install libraries
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
+ eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/lib/lib*] \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/lib
+ # Install references
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/ref
+ eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/ref/*] \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/ref
+ # xinstall does not remove 'quarantine' attribute;
+ # do that manually.
+ fs-traverse fixfile ${destroot} {
+ if {[exec xattr -l ${fixfile}] != ""} {
+ system "xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ${fixfile}"
+ }
+ }
Added: trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-jamfiles.diff
--- trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-jamfiles.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-jamfiles.diff 2010-11-12 20:11:56 UTC (rev 73410)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+--- Jamfile.orig 2010-11-12 10:46:15.000000000 -0500
++++ Jamfile 2010-11-12 10:46:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -31,21 +31,6 @@
+ SubInclude tweak ;
+ SubInclude render ;
+-if ! $(HAVE_TIFF) {
+- SubInclude tiff ;
+-if $(USE_LIBUSB1) = true {
+- SubInclude libusb1 ;
+-} else {
+- if $(NT) {
+- SubInclude libusbw ;
+- }
+- if $(UNIX) {
+- SubInclude libusb ;
+- }
+ if $(UNIX) && $(OS) != MACOSX {
+ SubInclude jcnf ;
+ SubInclude ucmm ;
+--- Jambase.orig 2010-11-12 12:25:15.000000000 -0500
++++ Jambase 2010-11-12 12:26:44.000000000 -0500
+@@ -856,6 +856,9 @@
+ CCFLAGS += -Wno-sign-compare ; # supress new gcc4 warnings ?
+ CCFLAGS += -fpascal-strings ; # for compatibility with the OSX API
+ LINKFLAGS += -framework Carbon ; # A good default
+ }
+ # Make things work on 64 bit Linux
+--- Jamtop.orig 2010-11-12 13:28:02.000000000 -0500
++++ Jamtop 2010-11-12 13:36:05.000000000 -0500
+@@ -7,18 +7,13 @@
+ # Tell standalone libraries that they are part of Argyll:
+-# Use libusb1 rather than libusb0 & libusb0-win32
+-USE_LIBUSB1 = true ;
+-# Make the USB V1 library static
+-LIBUSB_IS_DLL = false ;
+-# Always use DLL for MSWin, because driver install expects it (.inf)
+-if $(NT) {
+- LIBUSB_IS_DLL = true ;
+-# Set the libubs1 library name.
+-LIBUSB1NAME = libusb-1.0A ;
++echo "Using system LIBUSB1 library" ;
++HAVE_LIBUSB = true ;
++USE_LIBUSB1 = false ;
++LIBUSB_IS_DLL = true ;
+ # Information for compiling and linking GUI programs
+@@ -46,27 +41,11 @@
+ }
+ }
+-# See if we have a system TIFF library.
+-if ! $(BUILTIN_TIFF) && $(UNIX) {
+- if [ GLOB /usr/include : tiffio.h ] {
+- if [ GLOB /usr/lib : libtiff.so ]
+- || [ GLOB /usr/lib : libtiff.a ] {
+- echo "Using system TIFF library" ;
+- TIFFLIB = ;
+- TIFFINC = ;
+- HAVE_TIFF = true ;
+- }
+- }
+-# If nothing else, use Argyll supplied TIFF library
+-if ! $(HAVE_TIFF) || $(BUILTIN_TIFF) {
+- echo "Using built in TIFF library" ;
+- TIFFLIB = ../tiff/libtiff.lib ;
+-# TIFFINC = ../tiff ../tiff/libtiff ;
+- TIFFINC = ../tiff ;
++echo "Using system TIFF library" ;
++HAVE_TIFF = true ;
+ # testing
+ #DSTDIR = var ;
+--- spectro/Jamfile.orig 2010-11-12 13:28:18.000000000 -0500
++++ spectro/Jamfile 2010-11-12 13:32:21.000000000 -0500
+@@ -38,9 +38,19 @@
+ }
+ } else {
+- LIBUSBDIR = ../libusb ;
+- LIBUSBHDRS = ../libusb ;
+- LIBUSB = libusb ;
++ if $(HAVE_LIBUSB) = true {
++ } else {
++ LIBUSBDIR = ../libusb1 ;
++ LIBUSBHDRS = ../libusb1 ;
++ }
++ if $(LIBUSB_IS_DLL) = true {
++ } else {
++ }
+ }
+ IOFILE = unixio.c ;
+ CONVFILE = pollem.c ;
Added: trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-spectro_usbio.c.diff
--- trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-spectro_usbio.c.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/argyll/files/patch-spectro_usbio.c.diff 2010-11-12 20:11:56 UTC (rev 73410)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+--- spectro/usbio.c.orig 2010-11-12 13:51:54.000000000 -0500
++++ spectro/usbio.c 2010-11-12 13:54:08.000000000 -0500
+@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@
+ #undef DEBUG
++#if !defined(USE_LIBUSB1) && defined(ENABLE_USB)
++/* hack in function to make argyll happy */
++int usb_argyll_patched(void) {
++ return 2;
+ #ifdef ENABLE_USB
+ /* Check a USB Vendor and product ID, and add the device */
-------------- next part --------------
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