[73942] trunk/dports/lang/pypy

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Mon Nov 29 18:28:11 PST 2010

Revision: 73942
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2010-11-29 18:28:06 -0800 (Mon, 29 Nov 2010)
Log Message:
pypy: update to 1.4

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/pypy/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/pypy/Portfile	2010-11-30 02:10:56 UTC (rev 73941)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/pypy/Portfile	2010-11-30 02:28:06 UTC (rev 73942)
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                pypy
-version             1.3
-revision        1
-set branch          [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
+version             1.4
 categories          lang python devel
 license             MIT/PSF
 maintainers         jmr openmaintainer
@@ -23,45 +21,60 @@
 use_bzip2           yes
 distfiles           ${name}-${version}-src${extract.suffix}
-checksums           md5 9c87ff94885445d3aacfbd2617521222 \
-                    sha1 ea84cef573c410bf3e898f18ddafc0198bf42328 \
-                    rmd160 b4266fed91e0c7636ca589b3a9734cc57587ad70
+checksums           md5 6c7e5a3fab4b3f6357aab84927420b49 \
+                    sha1 22cb3d9d4ecf6a8d1094708df7cfe5633f848d22 \
+                    rmd160 06a3f2a5a8d9d817158420b5a8283758fe58b134
 depends_build       port:pkgconfig
 depends_lib         port:libffi \
-patchfiles          darwin.py.diff fix_cc.diff
+patchfiles          darwin.py.diff
 post-patch {
     reinplace "s|__MDT__|${macosx_deployment_target}|g" ${worksrcpath}/pypy/translator/platform/darwin.py
 use_configure       no
+platform darwin 10 {
+    # 4.2 is known not to work, sigh...
+    configure.compiler gcc-4.0
 build.dir           ${worksrcpath}/pypy/translator/goal
-build.cmd           arch -${build_arch} ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-build.args          --batch --cc=${configure.cc} --opt=3 \
+# next release (after 1.4) should use pypy to build if it's already installed
+build.cmd           ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
+build.args          --batch --cc=${configure.cc} --opt=jit \
                     --make-jobs=${build.jobs} \
                     --cflags=\"${configure.cc_archflags} ${configure.cppflags} ${configure.ldflags}\"
 build.target        translate.py
 build.post_args     targetpypystandalone.py
-# JIT is only available on i386 at present
-if {$build_arch == "i386"} {
-    build.args-delete --opt=3
-    build.args-append --opt=jit
+# JIT is not available on powerpc at present
+if {${os.arch} != "i386"} {
+    build.args-delete --opt=jit
+    build.args-append --opt=3
+platform darwin {
+    # use arch -foo if available
+    if {${os.major} >= 9} {
+        build.cmd arch -${build_arch} ${build.cmd}
+    }
 destroot {
-    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}-${branch}/pypy
-    copy ${worksrcpath}/pypy/lib ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}-${branch}/pypy
-    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}-${branch}/lib-python
+    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/lib-python
     copy ${worksrcpath}/lib-python/2.5.2 ${worksrcpath}/lib-python/modified-2.5.2 \
-         ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}-${branch}/lib-python
-    xinstall -m 755 ${build.dir}/pypy-c ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+         ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/lib-python
+    copy ${worksrcpath}/lib_pypy ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}
+    xinstall -m 755 ${build.dir}/pypy-c ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}
+    # library search paths changed quite inconveniently such that it's easiest just to use a wrapper script
+    xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/pypy-c ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
+    reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/pypy-c
-variant opt1 description {use optimization level 1 for faster build} {
+variant opt1 description {use optimization level 1 for faster build (but slower execution)} {
     depends_lib-append port:boehmgc
     build.args-delete  --opt=3 --opt=jit
     build.args-append  --opt=1

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/darwin.py.diff
--- trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/darwin.py.diff	2010-11-30 02:10:56 UTC (rev 73941)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/darwin.py.diff	2010-11-30 02:28:06 UTC (rev 73942)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
---- pypy/translator/platform/darwin.py.orig	2010-06-13 07:55:19.000000000 +1000
-+++ pypy/translator/platform/darwin.py	2010-06-29 12:41:59.000000000 +1000
+--- pypy/translator/platform/darwin.py.orig	2010-11-27 01:38:08.000000000 +1100
++++ pypy/translator/platform/darwin.py	2010-11-30 07:25:07.000000000 +1100
 @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
  class Darwin(posix.BasePosix):
      name = "darwin"
--    link_flags = ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
--    cflags = ['-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
-+    link_flags = ['-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
-+    cflags = ['-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
-     standalone_only = ['-mdynamic-no-pic']
-     shared_only = []
+-    link_flags = ('-mmacosx-version-min=10.4',)
+-    cflags = ('-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
++    link_flags = ('-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__',)
++    cflags = ('-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__')
+     standalone_only = ('-mdynamic-no-pic',)
+     shared_only = ()
-@@ -23,21 +23,19 @@
+@@ -29,21 +29,19 @@
      def _preprocess_include_dirs(self, include_dirs):
          res_incl_dirs = list(include_dirs)
@@ -37,19 +37,21 @@
      def check___thread(self):
          # currently __thread is not supported by Darwin gccs
-@@ -69,11 +67,11 @@
+@@ -78,13 +76,13 @@
  class Darwin_i386(Darwin):
      name = "darwin_i386"
--    link_flags = ['-arch', 'i386', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
--    cflags = ['-arch', 'i386', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
-+    link_flags = ['-arch', 'i386', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
-+    cflags = ['-arch', 'i386', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
+-    link_flags = ('-arch', 'i386', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
++    link_flags = ('-arch', 'i386', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__')
+     cflags = ('-arch', 'i386', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer',
+-              '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
++              '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__')
  class Darwin_x86_64(Darwin):
      name = "darwin_x86_64"
--    link_flags = ['-arch', 'x86_64', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
--    cflags = ['-arch', 'x86_64', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4']
-+    link_flags = ['-arch', 'x86_64', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
-+    cflags = ['-arch', 'x86_64', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__']
+-    link_flags = ('-arch', 'x86_64', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
++    link_flags = ('-arch', 'x86_64', '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__')
+     cflags = ('-arch', 'x86_64', '-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer',
+-              '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
++              '-mmacosx-version-min=__MDT__')
+     default_cc = 'gcc-4.0'

Deleted: trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/fix_cc.diff
--- trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/fix_cc.diff	2010-11-30 02:10:56 UTC (rev 73941)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/fix_cc.diff	2010-11-30 02:28:06 UTC (rev 73942)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Author: afa
-Date: Wed Jun 16 11:00:27 2010
-New Revision: 75419
-   pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/translator.py
-Don't import the FlowObjSpace too early:
-among its dependencies is the rffi module, which needs the compiler to define its types.
-This causes problems when using the --cc option.
-(the change that broke --cc is r73857, in pyframe.py;
-but it feels more robust to defer the import in translator.py)
-Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/translator.py
---- pypy/translator/translator.py	(original)
-+++ pypy/translator/translator.py	Wed Jun 16 11:00:27 2010
-@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
- import autopath, os, sys, types, copy
- from pypy.translator import simplify
--from pypy.objspace.flow.objspace import FlowObjSpace
- from pypy.objspace.flow.model import FunctionGraph, checkgraph, Block
- from pypy.tool.ansi_print import ansi_log
- from pypy.tool.sourcetools import nice_repr_for_func
-@@ -67,6 +66,7 @@
-         else:
-             if self.config.translation.verbose:
-                 log.start(nice_repr_for_func(func))
-+            from pypy.objspace.flow.objspace import FlowObjSpace
-             space = FlowObjSpace(self.flowconfig)
-             if self.annotator:
-                 # ZZZ
-Author: afa
-Date: Wed Jun 16 11:31:00 2010
-New Revision: 75420
-   pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/goal/targetpreimportedpypy.py
-   pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
-Remove unneeded import, and really fix --cc=<othercompiler>
-Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/goal/targetpreimportedpypy.py
---- pypy/translator/goal/targetpreimportedpypy.py	(original)
-+++ pypy/translator/goal/targetpreimportedpypy.py	Wed Jun 16 11:31:00 2010
-@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
- import os, sys
- sys.setrecursionlimit(17000)
--from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace
- from pypy.interpreter import gateway
- from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
- from pypy.translator.goal.ann_override import PyPyAnnotatorPolicy
-Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
---- pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py	(original)
-+++ pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py	Wed Jun 16 11:31:00 2010
-@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
- import os, sys
--from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace
- from pypy.interpreter import gateway
- from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
- from pypy.translator.goal.ann_override import PyPyAnnotatorPolicy

Added: trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/pypy-c
--- trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/pypy-c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/pypy/files/pypy-c	2010-11-30 02:28:06 UTC (rev 73942)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+__PREFIX__/lib/pypy/pypy-c $@
-------------- next part --------------
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