[72376] trunk/dports/java/maven/Portfile

jberry at macports.org jberry at macports.org
Tue Oct 12 08:56:37 PDT 2010

Revision: 72376
Author:   jberry at macports.org
Date:     2010-10-12 08:56:33 -0700 (Tue, 12 Oct 2010)
Log Message:
Set David Hudson as maintainer; adds modeline and fixes tabs. No version change.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/java/maven/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/java/maven/Portfile	2010-10-12 11:54:46 UTC (rev 72375)
+++ trunk/dports/java/maven/Portfile	2010-10-12 15:56:33 UTC (rev 72376)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
@@ -2,73 +3,74 @@
-name            	maven
-version         	1.0.2
+name                maven
+version             1.0.2
-categories      	java devel
-maintainers     	nomaintainer
-platforms       	darwin
+categories          java devel
+maintainers         yahoo.com:jendave
+platforms           darwin
-description    		A java-based build and project management environment.
-long_description	Maven is a Java project management and project comprehension \
-					tool. Maven is based on the concept of a project object model (POM) \
-					in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting \
-					a well defined model for your project. Builds, documentation, source \
-					metrics, and source  cross-references are all controlled by your POM.
-homepage			http://maven.apache.org/
+description         A java-based build and project management environment.
+long_description    Maven is a Java project management and project comprehension \
+                    tool. Maven is based on the concept of a project object model (POM) \
+                    in that all the artifacts produced by Maven are a result of consulting \
+                    a well defined model for your project. Builds, documentation, source \
+                    metrics, and source  cross-references are all controlled by your POM.
-master_sites		apache:maven/binaries
-checksums       	md5 81a6b4393e550635efe19e95cea38718
+homepage            http://maven.apache.org/
-depends_build		bin:java:kaffe \
-					bin:ant:apache-ant
-patchfiles			patch-maven
+master_sites        apache:maven/binaries
+checksums           md5 81a6b4393e550635efe19e95cea38718
-use_configure		no
-use_bzip2			yes
+depends_build       bin:java:kaffe \
+                    bin:ant:apache-ant
+patchfiles          patch-maven
+use_configure       no
+use_bzip2           yes
 # Source builds of maven are not possible, except using the cvs head as in the
 # devel variant below, because there is no available source archive or correctly
 # tagged source for the project. So the default build is a binary install of the
 # jars.
-build.cmd			true
+build.cmd           true
 destroot {
-	# Create the target java directory exists
-	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}
-	# Copy over the needed elements of our directory tree
-	file copy \
-		${worksrcpath}/bin \
-		${worksrcpath}/lib \
-		${worksrcpath}/plugins \
-		${worksrcpath}/maven-navigation-1.0.xsd \
-		${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}
-	# Remove extraneous bat files
-	foreach f [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin *.bat] {
-		file delete $f
-	}
-	# Fix permissions on shell scripts
-	foreach f { maven install_repo.sh } {
-		if [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin/$f] {
-			file attributes ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin/$f -permissions +x
-		}
-	}
-	# Symlink maven into the bin directory
-	system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && ln -s ../share/java/${name}/bin/${name}"
+    # Create the target java directory exists
+    xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}
+    # Copy over the needed elements of our directory tree
+    file copy \
+        ${worksrcpath}/bin \
+        ${worksrcpath}/lib \
+        ${worksrcpath}/plugins \
+        ${worksrcpath}/maven-navigation-1.0.xsd \
+        ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}
+    # Remove extraneous bat files
+    foreach f [glob -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin *.bat] {
+        file delete $f
+    }
+    # Fix permissions on shell scripts
+    foreach f { maven install_repo.sh } {
+        if [file exists ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin/$f] {
+            file attributes ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java/${name}/bin/$f -permissions +x
+        }
+    }
+    # Symlink maven into the bin directory
+    system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && ln -s ../share/java/${name}/bin/${name}"
 # The devel variant builds from source using cvs head
 variant devel {
-	worksrcdir		${name}
-	fetch.type		cvs
-	cvs.root		:pserver:anoncvs at cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic
-	cvs.module		maven maven-plugins
+    worksrcdir      ${name}
+    fetch.type      cvs
+    cvs.root        :pserver:anoncvs at cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic
+    cvs.module      maven maven-plugins
-	build.env		MAVEN_HOME=${worksrcpath}
-	build.cmd		ant
-	build.pre_args	-f build-bootstrap.xml	
+    build.env       MAVEN_HOME=${worksrcpath}
+    build.cmd       ant
+    build.pre_args  -f build-bootstrap.xml  
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