[72733] trunk/dports/databases/mdbtools/Portfile

and.damore at macports.org and.damore at macports.org
Mon Oct 25 06:41:20 PDT 2010

Revision: 72733
Author:   and.damore at macports.org
Date:     2010-10-25 06:41:17 -0700 (Mon, 25 Oct 2010)
Log Message:
detabbed mdbtools Portfile, fixed spaces

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/databases/mdbtools/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/databases/mdbtools/Portfile	2010-10-25 13:36:46 UTC (rev 72732)
+++ trunk/dports/databases/mdbtools/Portfile	2010-10-25 13:41:17 UTC (rev 72733)
@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-name		mdbtools
-version		0.6pre1
-description			DB Tools is a suite of libraries and programs to facilitate the use of Microsoft Access databases
-long_description	MDB Tools is a suite of libraries and programs to facilitate the use of Microsoft Access databases, also known as Jet databases after the Microsoft's Jet Database Engine or as MDB databases after the .mdb extension used by the file containing the database
+name                    mdbtools
+version                 0.6pre1
+description             libraries and programs to help using MSAccess databases
+long_description        \
+MDB Tools is a suite of libraries and programs to facilitate the use of \
+Microsoft Access databases, also known as Jet databases after the Microsoft's \
+Jet Database Engine or as MDB databases after the .mdb extension used by the \
+file containing the database
-maintainers	openmaintainer and.damore
-categories	databases devel
-platforms	darwin 
-homepage	http://mdbtools.sourceforge.net
-master_sites    sourceforge:mdbtools
-checksums           md5     246e8f38b2a1af1bcff60ee0da59300b \
-                    sha1    37a50d623a444ec690d2677b12b59c2f11e497c0 \
-                    rmd160  e6a89d6984ba84aa9895ab0b6e6b68ac86881be3
-patchfiles	patch-mdbtools.diff
-configure.args-append	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
\ No newline at end of file
+maintainers             and.damore openmaintainer
+categories              databases devel
+platforms               darwin 
+homepage                http://mdbtools.sourceforge.net
+master_sites            sourceforge:mdbtools
+checksums               md5     246e8f38b2a1af1bcff60ee0da59300b \
+                        sha1    37a50d623a444ec690d2677b12b59c2f11e497c0 \
+                        rmd160  e6a89d6984ba84aa9895ab0b6e6b68ac86881be3
+patchfiles              patch-mdbtools.diff
+configure.args-append   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
\ No newline at end of file
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